Why do you love America?


Active Member
Why do you love America?

I love America because we are all equal. There are no kings. Anyone can be president. Everyone has an equal say about how we are to be governed. No one's opinion counts as any less or more than anyone elses.

It is not just me that loves America. What is the number one immigration destination? You guess it! America! People throughout the world are voting with their feet!

I think the key to America is hard work. The harder you work, the more you get. The less you work, the less you get.

Individual liberty is at it's highest in America. Whatever you want to do with your life, you will be less inhibited getting there in America. I am not saying other countries are less free, but name one thing you can do in another country that is more easy than doing it here, in America!

America has enough energy, money, and brains pooled to acomplish anything. What ONE country has put a man on the moon? America! What ONE country has robots piloting spaceships out far beyond Jupiter? America!

America?s military is the strongest; its economy the richest, its political ideas the most imitated; its language near-universal; its music the most listened to; its movies and television the most watched; its publications the most read; its fast food the most eaten; its soft drinks the most guzzled.

To those who would want to change this: Take a look at where America is at and how it got there. Why would you want to chane it?

God Bless the USA!!

Time Travel Forum
Why do you love America?

I'd have to agree with everything you sxaid there unintentional. :) :cool:

Why do you love America?

I love America for an inifinite number of reasons.

I love the people, the countryside, the wide open spaces and all the diversity. The food is the best in the world. Americans have so many opportunities to make the world a better place. She is a young country with such a rich history.

I love the northeast for the beautiful scenery and the amazing cities. The statue of libery, historic philadelphia, times square, the poconos........

Baseball, fourth of July, apple pie, big cars.

Homesick and crying, can't finish this....

Just a word to the wise here...this thread is not under any circumstances to be used as a slinging match by anyone. Let's keep this one sacred. Anyone feel free to start a thread as to why you love your own country if not American.

Why do you love America?

I love the fact that it was formed by people that were trying to get away from oppression and built a constitution to provide a forum free from ridicule, and wrongful oversight by their goverment.

I love the idea of democracy and that majority rules.

I love the fact that dissent, even against our own government is exactly what America was formed for, and by. To me being an ameircan patriot means above ALL ELSE fighting for the freedom to live, and be happy. If the government is hindering those freedoms, it's our patriotic duty to uphold these truths, duty to our forefathers, and mothers, and duty to our children to make sure America remains a place where anyone and everyone can come to be free of oppression, tyrranical rule and religious imposition. Free even from the bounds of the American Federal Government if they wish.

The land America exists on was not obtained as the moon or mars will be. A civilization was destroyed in order for it to become what it has today. It is sad, yes, but that is the state of affairs we have all been brought into, and none of us caused it. That doesn't make it right, but it still makes it America, and I love America because of that, all that, and the statements made in above posts I agree with all of.
(gawd, I ended a sentence with a preposition)

There is still an American Dream. That dream will not die as long as one person yearns for happiness and freedom in the land of the free, and the home of the brave.
Why do you love America?

OK, this is dedicated to USA and my friend smuda. But don't get used to this! ;)

***A letter from Europe***

Dear America,
Once upon a time, there was a little girl living in Roma, 1944. She was only 7, but she already suffered the hard times of war. She was hungry sometimes, she was afraid of bombings, she saw her country going into pieces and blood on the streets.
It was a sunny June day. She went out with her mom: the war was ending that day. Everybody was on the road to welcome some big and nice soldiers entering the city. But the girl he was afraid of soldiers: she never forgot those big black ones killing and deporting innocent people. But this time... it seemed different.
Suddenly, there was a big soldier walking right in front of her. He was keeping his hands behind his back, waving a big piece of chocolate. He must be aware of the little girl walking behind him... The girl hold her breath: she never saw a piece of chocolat as big. She looked at her mom anxiously, and her mom nodded. She'll never forget that taste.

The girl was my mom. And that's why I love America.
Why do you love America?

Space Ship One!!



Time Travel Forum
Why do you love America?

Why does our space program now consist of privately-funded, goofy jets flying over TellyTubby land?

Did I spell that right?
Why do you love America?

Originally posted by Hackimer, Rob@Jun 17 2004, 09:53 PM
OH PAUL! ?Not being one to deny an invitation to extrapolate, I invite you to please, err...extrapolate.

We are obligated to be free; it is our duty. We weren't free to refuse the task. Nobody asked me. We were born to it. You didn't sign up for it. You can try to evade it, but it catches up to you.

It's the same kind of thing that anybody who loves his country loves about it; the intimate fact about your character you've inherited or acquired from your homeland. It's usually a matter of ironic bonds; family, city, friends, colleagues.
