Debate will corona virus overwhelm the planet?

will corona virus overwhelm the planet? poll

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Senior Member
Im not sure if thats correct sitting on their hands for six months, in August 2019 there was a outbreak of so called pneumonia now whether that was coronavirus who really knows.

The Chinese announced in December and the Pandemic was brought at March.

Most would say they would have hoped to have it contained in the August-December period but that didnt happen.

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Remember, this is during an election year in which socialism wishes to take control. Therefore we are experiencing global media false news.

This is a golden opportunity to establish a social credit system in the states. Especially if they mandate taking the vaccine.


Active Member
Something i was thinking about the last few days.

Coronavirus came from METEORITE which hit China last year - bombshell scientist claim

"Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, said: “The sudden outbreak of a new coronavirus is very likely to have a space connection, the strong localisation of the virus within China is the most remarkable aspect of the disease. "

“In October last year a fragment of a comet exploded in a brief flash in North East China.

“We think it probable that this contained embedded within it a monoculture of infective 2019-nCoV virus particles that survived in the interior of the incandescent meteor.

“We consider the seemingly outrageous possibility that hundreds of trillions of infective viral particles were then released embedded in the form of fine carbonaceous dust.

“We believe infectious agents are prevalent in space, carried on comets, and can fall towards Earth through the troposphere."

I find it hilarious the Chinese are trying so desperately to cover up that the virus had pretty obvious HIV sequences in its RNA, and that it came from the Wuhan Lab.

In all seriousness I've heard them say it came from a wet market, that the USA did it, that it came from Canada and now an Asteroid.

What are they gunna say next? That it came from Aussie meat or something lol?


Senior Member
The numbers just keep going................ so the Eyes of Darkness timeline was somewhat off.


Junior Member
the mask vs. the ssneeze A long-standing estimate pins the velocity of a sneeze at roughly 100 meters per second, or 224 miles per hour, but that appears to be a gross exaggeration. source google .


Junior Member
The whole thing is a setup, testing the limits with how much officials can limit the people.
Apparently its related to the great reset scheme, in which the economies get collapsed to bring in some new globalist deal;

I've also read multiple studies relating 5G phone system to the virus;
Wuhan, the Chinese city were the virus first spread was the original chinese testbed for 5G,
the frequencies can vary depending on the setup, so not all areas will have the effect.

The masks not only don't work fully against the virus but the more they limit it with cloth the harder it is for the mask wearer to breathe. The hand sanitizers also weaken the immune system. The virus also will get weaker and weaker as it spreads out. Copper based metals kill most if not all bacteria and viruses so filters from that are effective, but copper is toxic so it can't be consumed. Sunlight/d-vitamin/cold treatments might also be effective. The virus itself isn't the issue, its how its handled by people that's the issue.
