Debate will corona virus overwhelm the planet?

will corona virus overwhelm the planet? poll

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Junior Member
It suddenly occurred to me that if the virus in the movie “Godzilla“” is a disaster brought to the earth by aliens, it will certainly learn by itself and attack the medical technology of people on earth, and the medical technology of any country is ineffective to them.
Now our mission is to invent a machine to find aliens on other planets and find the owner of the virus, which can improve our civilization, get the secrets of time travel and prolong human life. I stopped researching. Because of going back in time, people on Earth can't do it at the moment.
I was telling my wife the same thing just the other day. It seems to be an advanced and intelligent super virus. It's crazy. Without the tools to directly combat the Corona virus at the source, Corona virus will not be going anywhere. . You're right. We have to get directly to the source of this malicious and malevolent sickness.


Junior Member
This is what WILL happen with 100% accuracy. Refer to this thread and my comment at a later date. From alien contactees …benevolent ones…who’ve channeled information to us via the internet…the coronavirus wasn’t meant to wipe out all humanity, just some of us…along with the vaccination which will also wipe out “some” of us in the next 1-3 years or more. It’s just one of many waves to depopulate as part of the New World Order. Don’t trust your govemernt and always think for yourselves, stay away from anything the government “requires” for your health or anything that seems suspicious and you’ll all be fine. Keep your vibration/frequency high and don’t let the governments scare tactics take hold over you.


Good advice snowfall.

Seems like coronavirus is done but looks like they’re starting to hype Monkeypox now.Anybody think this will go anywhere?


Good advice snowfall.

Seems like coronavirus is done but looks like they’re starting to hype Monkeypox now.Anybody think this will go anywhere?

The rest of my family allegedly just got over it. I don't trust the tests, though. I still think it is the flu renamed. But they've let go of the narrative, that's for sure.


Temporal Engineer
The rest of my family allegedly just got over it. I don't trust the tests, though. I still think it is the flu renamed. But they've let go of the narrative, that's for sure.

If you paid attention to the symptoms you would have noticed that those were just symptoms of a common cold.


Senior Member
I was telling my wife the same thing just the other day. It seems to be an advanced and intelligent super virus. It's crazy. Without the tools to directly combat the Corona virus at the source, Corona virus will not be going anywhere. . You're right. We have to get directly to the source of this malicious and malevolent sickness.
I have that key lecture and why I'm not killed outright is because covid still has the ability to combine with other viruses making it especially dangerous. They might want to keep me around? This virus is not naturally occurring and is more than likely a byproduct of a qualified laboratory.

This is why in the replication phases of the virus from 12/15/2019 to now the virus no matter how the try to inoculate against it with a vaccine, still retains its assemble patten within the internal viral media, or inside of the virus.

If one uses say some form of nanotechnology, which I'm not a 100% sure this was the case, then what this past action will do, is reinforce the replication pattern, so even if the virus mutates, it will cause pretty much the same problems. That can only come from industry tampering's.

The adjustment part of getting along with covid, is that a person infected has to look at covid as a second introduction added to their primary viral & bacterial exposure, when a child starts to play outside. A child just being in the new viral and bacterial surroundings that builds the autoimmunity system, is a learned by the memory of the body and autoimmunity memory combined.

Since exactly what covid does, is attempt or does add a new autoimmune stimulating template to the body, the body within it's recovery phase to covid, must learn all over again to tolerate this disturbance that covid causes the body to have in it's readjustment phase.

I suggest one get their primary anti covid vaccination and probably a booster, only if it's warrened by one's HMO. However, it takes about two to three years in the it seems recycling mutation dial, for one's primary anti covid vax to become obsolete. But this is a tossup to whether people's bodies after vax are tolerating reinfection to covid, well, or is the effect of those vaccinations weakening and more severe reinfection from a re-mutated covid is starting to occur?

As part of my original lecture planned, I stipulate that in the early forming renditions of covid that there was once an in-air mutating variety of covid. And' that this airborne form of covid exchanged recombination transcription values with the breath in & out variety of covid.

What I have said here, greatly complicates covid, in genral.

The lecture I'm asking 40k for which is the insurance payout, as I had contracted covid twice. So that's my hospital grief & suffering bill if anyone still wants this key lecture?

In closing monkeypox and the new outbreaks of children's hepatitis could be covid virus hinged, because what covid has done, is upset the entire viral biome. Not only that but because there's bat herpes, also upsets the relationships between viruses and bacterial displays, such as para-herpes or shingles outbreaks.

I'm not real amused at this frankenvirus like creation escaped from a lab. And if it didn't come from a lab, then I'm a cross between Brittaney Spears and Johnny Depp.

Reference two course taken since 2021 Feb Viruses Philip Harris, Harvard Med & Vincent Racaniello Columbia U Virology
