

Senior Member
Here's my story I will share with you guys.

When I was a child, my father used to drive me out to the Appalachians each year to vacation in his second home. We often would stop at my step-mother's great aunt's house on the return trip in Asheville. This was the mid-1980s.

Her property was atop one of the mountains that surround the city. I used to love playing in her basement where her late husband had all his old tools and various workrooms. I really loved this lady. Next to the home was the foundation of an older house that had since been demolished. All that remained was the old stone wall surrounding the foundation and a raised area. Her husband had many years before planted cherry trees in the middle of it as a kind of orchard.

One day I was playing on this foundation while the adults where in the house talking about things. I was just walking around one of the bigger cherry trees, and this orb of light drifted up to me. There definitely were lightning bugs all over the place at that time (dusk), but this thing was about the size of a golf ball and hummed. I was pretty young, but I do remember thinking it sounded like a humming bird but looked like a large orb of light.

I was curious about it, but then I got a really bad feeling about it and it occurred to me I should head straight for the house. I cannot be sure if I remember this part right, but I think the light followed me for a bit flying in a circle pattern around me.

When I got inside I told them what I saw, and they just laughed, saying I must have saw a fairy. I knew it wasn't a fairy, but didn't really know what it was.

In hindsight as an adult with a fair amount of college under my belt, my very best guess is that I saw a very rare example of ball lightning. But that seems odd to me too since this was atop a mountain, in fair weather, in Asheville of all places.

I recently opened up to a friend about this event, and she told me flat out that she saw one as a teenager as well (also Asheville). I guess this is the place to see them if that is what you are into? I dunno.

But my advice to everybody is take what your kids say seriously. I wasn't making that shit up and there is no telling what danger it could have been.


Senior Member
Ever been back there in later years?


Senior Member
@Kairos I totally agree with what you said about, taking notice of what your kids say to you, regarding your own experience of being told that the orb was probably a fairy (they no doubt ridiculed you and laughed at you, which is completely wrong!)...I dont know if you have any children yourself, but if you do iam convinced that you would NEVER laugh and ridicule them, for seeing anything out of the ordinary..

The ball lightning you mentioned, has also been seen on aeroplanes, it appears coming through the body of the plane, moves down the walk way, then disappears as it goes back through the planes body, leaving the plane unharmed and the passengers shaken up but unhurt..


Senior Member
@Kairos I totally agree with what you said about, taking notice of what your kids say to you, regarding your own experience of being told that the orb was probably a fairy (they no doubt ridiculed you and laughed at you, which is completely wrong!)...I dont know if you have any children yourself, but if you do iam convinced that you would NEVER laugh and ridicule them, for seeing anything out of the ordinary..

The ball lightning you mentioned, has also been seen on aeroplanes, it appears coming through the body of the plane, moves down the walk way, then disappears as it goes back through the planes body, leaving the plane unharmed and the passengers shaken up but unhurt..

I am not entirely sure that's what it was. I just think that is the most likely explanation. I did not see sparks and tendrils coming off it. It was just a ball of light.


Senior Member
I am not entirely sure that's what it was. I just think that is the most likely explanation. I did not see sparks and tendrils coming off it. It was just a ball of light.

Thats right, ball lightning does not have sparks or tendrills coming off it :cool: :)..
