Working Model of Time Travel


New Member
For simplicity, to all who read this thread. I have invented the so called time machine and am the “first” time traveler in thie world line.

For those interested in the physics behind it, I shall explain the underlying concept in terms of physics.

Theoretically, time travel is quite simplistic. I myself am a physicist, and as I dwell over the equations of mechanics and electromagnetics, I realized that in order to time travel, one must not look at the complex equations, but one has to find the truth in the simple ones. Thus I invented the first functional theoretical time travel machine.

The 3 basic principles of time travel

There are three basic underlying concepts that need to be understood and absorbed by the reader in order for him / her to understand this document.

1. As a quantity approaches infinity, the magnitude of the quantity begins to oscillate around infinity.

2. Two singularities with its poles in series and its event horizon parallel to each other shall allow the force of gravity to approach infinity.

3. A fraction with its numerator and denominator respectively valued at infinity and infinity shall allow the fraction to be simplified down to the constant of 1, or at least a constant so close to 1 that the uncertainty can be omitted.

Explanation behind the three underlying concepts:

1. The famous Zeno’s paradox proposes, that, if a person launches an arrow at a target, then the arrow will fly half of the remaining distance each time the person measures its distance towards a target and therefore never reaching the supposed target after an infinite number of measurements. However, as the first underlying concept proposes, the distance the arrow travels begins to oscillate at infinity, and therefore the extra distance caused by the oscillation allows the arrow to concretely arrive at the target. This also debunks the theory that when a person jumps off a building, he / she will not die because the person will fall half the distance each second, and reach a displacement with respect to the ground that is infinitely small. Using the oscillation property of infinity, the person will hit the ground during (2^infinity).

2. The square of any number is larger than the number by a multiple of itself. Therefore the square of a number that is infinitely large will infinitely approach infinity; using the first underlying principle of time travel, the oscillation at infinity induces the quantity to oscillate. The result of this oscillation is that the square of a number that approaches infinity will equal infinity at numerous instances during the oscillation. Since the force of gravity approaches infinite, and Newton’s law of gravitation states that the force of gravity is [(GMm)/(R^2)], an infinite large force would imply an infinite large mass. The mass of the universe is infinite and growing, and no amount of oscillation can surpass this boundary; therefore the time must be infinitely small.

3. Since the magnitude of the numerator and the magnitude of the denominator both equal to infinity, then at some instances, the oscillation will allow the fraction to equal to 1 numerous instances in a time interval taken arbitrarily during the oscillation. Therefore when time is infinitely small, the fraction resembles the format of 1/0, and thus, incorporates an infinitely long delay.

** Explanation of oscillation: The oscillation proposed here can be thought of as a spring with its uncompressed value equal to infinity, and thus the spring will oscillate around infinity; proposing that values may be beyond infinity.

Explanation of Time Travel

Firstly, some properties of the subway ( an allusion to the time “continuum”

1. The subway obeys the three underlying concepts as listed in the top explanation

2. The subway can experience instantaneous acceleration

3. The subway can experience instantaneous change in velocity

4. The subway is suspended on a gyro, so any object inside the subway will not feel force.

In order for one to be able to travel in time, one must first slow time down. This could be obtained easily. Imagine oneself inside a infinitely long subway moving at the velocity of V (V is approaching C (light speed)) in the positive direction in an infinitely long subway station. The subway relative to the human inside can be considered unmoving as the human inside the subway may not see anything outside. There exists another human outside of the subway car on the subway station who can directly observe everything inside the subway instantly, without being affected by the dilation of time as V approaches C. Relative to the human inside the subway, the subway car is not moving as the acceleration is 0. Relative to the human outside, the subway is moving at velocity V as V approaches C. The subway is an analogy to the time continuum, and the person inside the subway is, of course, ourselves in the present progressing towards the future. The subway, is not moving at a constant velocity*. It skips around a huge variety of ranges. This corresponds to the allusion of time as time does not move in a smooth motion and tends to go at varying “velocities”.

*For simplicity, we will assume, for now, a constant velocity for subway.

Imagine a motorcycle inside the subway. Relative to the person in the station, the motorcycle is moving at the same velocity as the subway. Therefore in order for the motorcycle to remain in the same place for the person on the station, the motorcycle must first move “backwards” in the subway at velocity V as V approaches C relative to the person inside the subway. After the motorcycle achieves this speed, the motorcycle can experience acceleration which propels the motorcycle to go above the speed that it has reached. This makes the speed of the motorcycle begins to oscillate around the speed C (light speed) which according to theory, is the “infinite” speed. As the motorcycle oscillates beyond this speed, it is actually moving backwards relatively to the person on the subway station. This is an allusion to time, where when the person moves with an infinitely large amount of force propelling it (in order to stop in time) with an infinitely large amount of force pulling it ( in order to go backwards in time in “intervals”).

As before mentioned, time flows at drastically different rates. Though some may think this complicate matters, this is actually the most important factor in time travel. Combining the apogees and the perigees of the flow with the oscillation of traveling at V as V approaches C gives birth to time travel.

Equation explanation:

1. F = ma = gmm/r^2

2. m/s^2 (units for above equation) = g(constant)kg^2/m^2

3. s^2/m = m^2

4. s^2 = m^3

At this point, we bring into the situation a micro singularity. Simply stated, a singularity is a black hole. It has infinite mass, and therefore, infinite force. In order for the universe to be logical, the singularity must have something to “balance the mass”. Therefore, we use a micro singularity. From the above equation, time squared is not equal, but proportional to the distance cubed. Thus we use two singularities in series. The singularity provides the means for us to travel at V as V approaches C.

Because it is a micro singularity or a mini black hole, we can only send a limited amount of information through.

As information enters one end of the singularity, the receiving end must have already opened up a singularity and recorded the exact time counting for time delusion. The information shall pass through one end and arrive at the other end.

Information on computers must become a file. This is the same in our universe. Memories sent through to the other side will be contained by some kind of “vessel” which is a “human” in theory.

The above information is all I can cram.


Senior Member
2013. ren@TimeTravel0 ~

Everything is both a particle and a wave according to greater and lesser degrees of vibration.

Take a rubber band and twist it up into a ball. This twisting has the appearance of a swirling galaxy and a DNA helix. The ball does something called a Z-Pinch. This is a particle. Draw a dot. This is a graphical representation of this particle slow vibratory state.

Now shake out the rubber band and keep shaking it. This is a wave. Draw a wavy circle. This is a graphical representation of this wave fast vibratory state.

Now all things vibrate between a particle dot and a wave circle in an ebb and flow.

Time is in more of a wave state. The past and future are variations in that very high vibratory state.

In order to create a machine, you're going to need a device that allows you to adjust these variations.

These vibratory states do not exist in compact form in nature.

You'll need two massively condensed particles called micro-singularities that create a field of energy in the shape of an hourglass.

This will create 3 horizons called the W+Horizon, the Z0Horizon and the W-Horizon.

The rest is up to you.


Senior Member
Encrypted Vector Math in regards to time travel.

Draw a dot. That is called a 'point'
Draw down from that point. That is called a 'line segment'.
Now because that line segment is pointing in a direction down, that is also called a vector.
Let's call this vector Ay.
Draw a vector to the right.Let's call it Ax.
Now connect those two vectors to form a Pythagorean triangle. Call that 3rd Vector Ay+Ax.
Imagine this triangle is a mirror. We'll call this mirror Horizon W+.
Now get another triangle of the same magnitude (length of all 3 lines) A line is 2 connected points.
We'll call mirror 2, W- Horizon.
This triangle is called a Trism.
When the two mirrors reflect each other, there is a 3rd triangle called a Izon Z0 Hor
It is here that we can go into the past or the future.
It is here in the Trism where Time and Space is fractured into a billion fractals.

A time travel machine is really
part photography
part mirrors


New Member

+23; Successful; need someone to petition CERN - setup;

TCLA.7L3.B2 - TCLA.6L3.B2 - TCSG.B5L3.B2 ----------------------- H
TCP.B6R7.B2 - TCP.C6R7.B2 - TCP.D6R7.B2 - TCP.6R3.B2 ----- V1
TCDIH.87904 - TCDIH.88121 ----------------------------------------- V2

Arm1 Beam - BH; Arm2 - Null; Bamboo Board - FH;
Record - TERMINATE T; Precision - ns;


Junior Member
Wait, what the hell is this. Is this real or fake? Can someone debunk this? Why would a time traveler post something like this on this website?

Everything that he (or she) is saying makes sense, but I'm not convinced. It's probably fake, but can anyone refute his arguements?


Senior Member
The mechanics of Time Travel and TT devices is my weakest subject. I'm just not mechanically inclined, otherwise I would participate in this discussion. :(

T.A. Walters

Junior Member
54 one has bothered to reply to this?

Hmm ... well, the only snag in Mr. Singularity's theory was the term he used; ie, expressed in the square n representation of infinity. So too, and in a real sense (of understanding) is the reverse reciprocal of the term with the example of walking up to a computer with no CRC (error correction) and order it crunch out a simple request such as finding the square root of a negative number. Walk away, for this will take a while

perhaps infinity.

After each resulting operation, the computer will see the number grow larger instead of smaller .... and knowing it can still be reduced further, it will. Come back to your busy little machine and find the screen alit with pretty little stars called numbers.

Please excuse the silliness here, just a bit sedated and not my normal self.

Keep the conversation on this going. I think it is interesting.

T.A. Walters

Junior Member
2013. ren@TimeTravel0 ~

Everything is both a particle and a wave according to greater and lesser degrees of vibration.

Take a rubber band and twist it up into a ball. This twisting has the appearance of a swirling galaxy and a DNA helix. The ball does something called a Z-Pinch. This is a particle. Draw a dot. This is a graphical representation of this particle slow vibratory state.

Now shake out the rubber band and keep shaking it. This is a wave. Draw a wavy circle. This is a graphical representation of this wave fast vibratory state.

Now all things vibrate between a particle dot and a wave circle in an ebb and flow.

Time is in more of a wave state. The past and future are variations in that very high vibratory state.

In order to create a machine, you're going to need a device that allows you to adjust these variations.

These vibratory states do not exist in compact form in nature.

You'll need two massively condensed particles called micro-singularities that create a field of energy in the shape of an hourglass.

This will create 3 horizons called the W+Horizon, the Z0Horizon and the W-Horizon.

The rest is up to you.

+ I believe you are on to something Ren.

I just need to read through this to get the correlation in thought and theory. I know there is micr-singularities or worm holes that travel predicable areas of the Earth's crust. They shift very slowly over the years and many inexplicable events have occurred in history that correlate with the location being favorable for these faults. Coral Castle in Florida as being just one example. While the disappearance of an entire Indian tribe may be another.
