working time portal


I found a window and I was able to keep it open steadily but I need to triangulate it and find its exact location. Anybody know woodworking? I need to build a triangulating square out of inert wood 4x4 ft also the magnets I bought weren't strong enough so I am going to have to buy some 1x2 inch diameter neodymium magnets instead. So in the photos I have the diagram of the wooden structure and the levitating LEDs did good, when I applied 150 constant watts they were able to turn on in the direction close to the portal, I have video, let me upload to YouTube to link it as this site won't let me upload the type of video file I have. When I applied the power the LEDs would also gravitate towards the portal, but them lighting up shows more precise location within the magnetic fields I was causing. Here is the link to the video. It's not much but I will post more soon.


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