Would You Tell Your Friends About It?


New Member
I would definitely tell my wife and best friend. They could handle it once they got past the mindblowing para realities. Otherwise it would be one of the best kept secrets in the western world. If I went 'public' I'm sure the dark forces would be after it and have no qualms about sending me to the next life.:eek:


Junior Member
If that was the case, you were the only, I would talk with about it, despite why, how, when, if, prov., in case, anyone here would like to be in on it, your own decission, best wishes, J.A., by the way, also my wife & a legislator or mine would of course have to hear about it.

Anyway, classicalfan626, 'Mozartist,' how much can you by detail tell me about the functionality of such a dev., what would be done to avoid the feared radiation poisoning? J.A.
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