Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog
The debate is on and it is raging all across the Internet and all forms of social media. We’re talking Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, message boards, Facebook, you name it. Everyone wants to talk about what everyone thought was obvious. Is the audio clip saying Yannie or Laurel? We at Common Sense Conspiracy have a more pressing question. Who the hell cares?
Much like dresses and shoes in the past, this current fad is like the audio version of those Internet sensations. Basically, everyone has a different mind with different perception built into it, and this causes your mind to either construct Yannie or Laurel out of what you hear in this weird audio clip. In case you were wondering, the clip is from an online vocabulary site that pronounces words to help with learning. That’s how all of this got started because a youngster was studying and people in the same room heard different things at the same time, prompting him to investigate further and start a full-on viral Internet assault.
Audiophiles are now coming out in force to shed light on the mystery. We have people talking about decibels and frequency readings and all sorts of manipulations usually left to music studios in an attempt to explain the mystery. The thing is, there is no mystery, no conspiracy. People hear different things. Everyone has completely destroyed some song lyrics while the person next to him heard it crystal clear as intended. It’s not that crazy and it’s not that unusual. It does, however, make a lot of money in ad revenue for someone out there.

The following videos outline some stabs at conspiracy theories here that we have been pointed toward. Obviously, we don’t give them a lot of cred, but it’s fun nonetheless.

The real question here is not what you hear, but how do you spell it? Yannie? Yanni? Yanny? Now there’s something we can sink our teeth into.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
