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  • Decibel scale descriptions should stop discriminating people with oversensitive hearing. They always stop at zero decibels as if we and the whole world we experience don't even exist, so let's start from 0 decibels being the loudest and go down from there.

    0 db: dying insects crying for help.
    -10 db (10X): your blood rushing like a river and bones creaking like an old wooden ship.
    -20 db (100X): bat vision and you can hear people whispering about you hundreds of meters away. (adult with oversensitive hearing)
    -30 db (1000X): spiderman hearing, but voices through walls are still muffled from diffusion so you can only hear the base. (Stan Lee got it wrong)
    -40 db (10000X): you identify people based on their heartbeats and can detect inanimate objects from the 1% absence of ambient sound they are blocking, so you are impossible to hide from. (4 year old with oversensitive hearing)
    -50 db (100000X): deep meditation slowing down your heart rate needed to hear past your own blood.
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    Reactions: MODAT7
    That bat vision thing, even normies have a similar thing, hyper vigilance, survival awareness, paranoia, etc from war time conditions can enable people to develop this awareness level, also, old old timey farmers, they have this miraculous ability (at least in my country, but I presume elsewhere too) they are known to talk under their own breaths but still be heard by a farmer a couple of fields away. Not sure if there many left with this ability though. I guess if you're coming from multiple generations of farming, growing up as a child in those condition its probably more likely as it had a day to day benefit and you would have to learn how to hear parents etc from fields away.
    If you hold an empty PET water bottle with your fingers along its neck, you can sense infra sounds from far away with your fingers. A morse code of infra tones can then be used to communicate like whales over large distances. After some time, the brain's plasticity will reinterpret the signals into other representations that are easier to process.
    Thats a nifty little trick
    My prayers to Mephala gave me a spider keeping flies away. All hail the spider princess.
    Asked ChatGPT what it thought about Meta's new investment. "Mark Zuckerberg's investment of $9 billion in graphics cards could yield exceptional gaming graphics. With that budget, he could purchase a significant number of high-end GPUs, which could deliver excellent performance in high-definition gaming. The exact number of graphics cards and their performance would depend on factors such as the specific models chosen and any bulk discounts negotiated. However, with such a substantial investment, Zuckerberg could likely build a powerful gaming setup capable of running the latest games at high settings and resolutions."
    • Haha
    Reactions: MODAT7 and Num7
    A $100b plus and over a decade of intense research into modern AI, and well, this is what we get...

    (Somehow the lyrics seem oddly appropriate for AI...)

    We have faucets for water, but why are there no faucets for tasteless gray goo with all nutrients? Would save so many trips to the food store.
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    • Haha
    Reactions: Wind7 and MODAT7
    Who needs faucets when McDonald's, Burger King and the like, make it into burgers
    with additional bugs and pink sludge on-the-side. (y)
    I don't understand the new activism against aid organizations. When did it become a crime to feed people using donated money?
    • Wow
    Reactions: Wind7
    Not sure what story this is coming from but most of the big aid organizations are actually as corrupt as politicians, they don't feed anyone, they destroy donations, and funnel money in to other crimes and criminal organizations.
    Schools really need to teach students proper typewriting. Too many new programmers can't tell the difference between indentation and alignment. Then they contradict themselves when choosing a convention based on missunderstandings.
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    Reactions: MODAT7 and Num7
    I had a client back then who referred to source code as "the program's text." Ah, good memories.
    Agreed. My daughter types fast, but with 2 fingers. I want to know why teachers let grammar slide. How can an adult not know how to speak and write proper English?
    Scientists just found out that low pressure showers last much longer and consume many times more water in total, which has been a running joke since the 1990s. Now they wonder why someone would have to take a longer shower with a low pressure that is not strong enough to remove the greasy dirt (which does not mix with water).
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    Reactions: MODAT7 and Einstein
    The first thing I did after buying a new shower hose was to remove the low-flow part that reduced pressure.
    Kramer had the same problem!.
    I don't like how low flow shower heads have uncomfortable needle like water jets coming out of them. What's worse is that they take on a cone pattern and shoot everywhere I'm not. My ancient shower head has some minor cracks in it, but I intend to keep on fixing and using it as long as I can. That one actually works as its supposed to. Someday the LWO will mandate that we all can shower in no more than a thimbleful of water. At that point, everyone will just give up.
    Asked ChatGPT if I should become a vampire after it failed to look up any useful information.
    "Becoming a vampire is a major decision with serious implications. It's crucial to consider the consequences, both positive and negative, before making such a choice. Have you thoroughly thought about what being a vampire entails and why you're considering it?"
    Asked where one could find a living vampire to get converted. First it refused to answer, but then I phrased the question hypothetically. "I might start by searching in remote, mysterious locations with a history of supernatural occurrences, like old castles, secluded forests, or ancient crypts."
    That sounds true
    When I pointed out a direct contradiction in what it told me, it crashed just like in cartoons from the 1990s. "An error occurred. Either the engine you requested does not exist or there was another issue processing your request. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at"
    • Haha
    Reactions: MODAT7
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