‘Time Traveler’ Says Aliens Will Invade Earth In March


Active Member
Why do we assume they are invading? What if they enter our space, then introduce themselves and ask to land?
The original media broadcast here is just another part of the agenda for a fake invasion, it wasn't a real psychic prediction, merely an attempt to put the idea in the masses brains in order that the parasites had permission to activate that plan.

But to answer your other question, ets have been here for a long damn time but they don't have permission to land here anymore than the parasite controllers do. It requires a mass subconscious contractual agreement to do so.
They have been asking to land for many years, many species have, and some have been given permission to do so in the past but under technical red tape bs concerning the planet, permission slips and what not, there was a lot of false pretenses and violations of universal laws by doing so.

So basically, they have already asked the minds and higher selves of all of the people here, in the heads of the people here they need permission from a certain percentage of people before they can. It all comes down to the non interference thing, they can get away with certain things like showing their ships to get caught on camera but they are by the book idiots in my opinion, when the trials come they want to be able to say they acted in good conscience.


Active Member
There are two other prophecies that suggest benevolent ets making an unmistakable contact by the end of april, and or definite contact by the end of this year.
But they've been saying this for years too


New Member
I say reports of alien activity are a smoke screen for the government to distract us from a larger story. Interestingly, has anyone else here done research into NIDS and Skinwalker Ranch? And interesting look into how a ragtag group of saucer hunters got involved in the political sphere... and whatever UFOs actually are (I'm open...)


Junior Member
The ‘tiktoker’ Eno Alaric claims to be a time traveler and that only a few people would survive the alien invasion thanks to another alien known as “The Champion”

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The UFOs that have been sighted in North America in recent weeks have generated multiple theories and discussions about their origin.

General Glen Van Herck of the Pentagon has not ruled out the possibility that these objects are of extraterrestrial origin.

This has been a key point for tiktoker Eno Alaric, who claims to be a “time traveler” from the year 2671 who regularly predicts future events.

On his @radianttimetraveler account, Eno has announced his latest prediction: an alien invasion that will supposedly occur on March 23, 2023, with only a few people surviving thanks to another alien known as “The Champion.”

In a video, Eno explains that a very hostile alien species is coming to take back Earth, and that only a few people will be saved by the “Champion”.

Eno assures that some 8,000 people will be taken to another habitable planet to survive, and that soon those who can help the rest to stay alive will be selected.

These implausible statements have gone viral, with almost a million views and all kinds of comments about it. While some have teased the theory, others have suggested who the “chosen ones” might be.

It's past March now I don't see any invasion


Senior Member
It's past March now I don't see any invasion
The possibility looks strong if you combine Nostradamus, Babba Vanga, Mother Shipton and one more noted seer.

The thing is this era's different from an era like Star Wars in the past because of the economic trad elements involved. However, in this time, our DNA and what hard up aliens can achieve with that stollen materials, makes Earth humans an economic factor.

