3 or 4 channel sine wave generator needed with visuals


Active Member
Thats what I think I need to make progress in my research, thing is I have never seen one with more than two separate channels. Which means I may have to butcher something together, I have a feeling someone in here has the info I need in order to make progress tho.


Senior Member
Maybe different than what your describing but i have used this Online Tone Generator and this Online Tone Generator - generate pure tones of any frequency

But i multiple tab them like x 15 or up to that. Its something else, i dont have visuals but i understand what you mean by butchering together which is sorted what im describing. Another instance i dropped in I Doser to the party:)

Without the electrical equipment i guess this is a substitute


Active Member
Maybe different than what your describing but i have used this Online Tone Generator and this Online Tone Generator - generate pure tones of any frequency

But i multiple tab them like x 15 or up to that. Its something else, i dont have visuals but i understand what you mean by butchering together which is sorted what im describing. Another instance i dropped in I Doser to the party:)

Without the electrical equipment i guess this is a substitute
Thats the problem, I need something more sophisticated in order to reproduce fairly exact ratios of harmonic geometry using a base 12 math scale, in possibly, up to 8 channels. I haven't quite worked out if its actually 6 I need or 8 yet. I'm still piecing together what I need.
Thanks anyway though


@8thsinner , if I'm interpreting this correctly, I think you can calculate the frequencies externally (with a spreadsheet or calculator) then use multiple signal generators to produce them. My thought is (and please, someone, correct me if I'm wrong) that you'd only need the channels to be produced by the same generator if all of them are intended to be precise phases of one another (for timing/precision). If producing harmonies, each channel can be configured independently. I need to ask - and I'm asking in all seriousness - "using a base 12 math scale" - are you working on UMMO-inspired technology?


Active Member
I am not familiar with the term ummo, looking it up it appears ummo is either referring to titanium crystal storage systems or the general et contacts of channeled symbols...In either case, no, I am not working in those capacities at all. I am working I guess on the four secondary technologies of harmonic geometrically based frequency em fields, teleportation, free energy, anti gravity and ether to matter molecular printing. Most of my work is following clues given to me over years now, some in dreams where I have been given sort of blueprints for a hard to describe, linear antigravity mining pod...Its basically a singular storage type pod with antigravity drive but it is limited to forward backward and side to side movements based on manipulating the emf geometry of an established counter magnetic rotational antigravity drive system. Not that I can make much heads or tails of it from an electrical standpoint yet...
@8thsinner , if I'm interpreting this correctly, I think you can calculate the frequencies externally (with a spreadsheet or calculator) then use multiple signal generators to produce them. My thought is (and please, someone, correct me if I'm wrong) that you'd only need the channels to be produced by the same generator if all of them are intended to be precise phases of one another (for timing/precision). If producing harmonies, each channel can be configured independently. I need to ask - and I'm asking in all seriousness - "using a base 12 math scale" - are you working on UMMO-inspired technology?


Active Member
@8thsinner , if I'm interpreting this correctly, I think you can calculate the frequencies externally (with a spreadsheet or calculator) then use multiple signal generators to produce them. My thought is (and please, someone, correct me if I'm wrong) that you'd only need the channels to be produced by the same generator if all of them are intended to be precise phases of one another (for timing/precision). If producing harmonies, each channel can be configured independently. I need to ask - and I'm asking in all seriousness - "using a base 12 math scale" - are you working on UMMO-inspired technology?
And also yes, that is exactly why I need either the one generator, or some sort of computer system that can sync up multiple channels at once. The geometry of various signals must be perfect in order to create perfect fractal geometries required to either break down the interference fields of gravity and or create a flow of molecular printing etc...
I don't even know if I can get there in this lifetime but meh...I trudge...


Senior Member
Maybe different than what your describing but i have used this Online Tone Generator and this Online Tone Generator - generate pure tones of any frequency

But i multiple tab them like x 15 or up to that. Its something else, i dont have visuals but i understand what you mean by butchering together which is sorted what im describing. Another instance i dropped in I Doser to the party:)

Without the electrical equipment i guess this is a substitute

Oh man, Mayhem, we have this in common I do this all the time when I'm multitasking combined
with music. I don't know how I don't go deaf. rofl


I am not familiar with the term ummo, looking it up it appears ummo is either referring to titanium crystal storage systems or the general et contacts of channeled symbols...

Yes, I'm referring to the alleged flying saucer contacts beginning in Spain in the mid-60s. Highly controversial, assumed to be a hoax (and an alleged perpetrator confessed), there were thousands of pages of correspondence received by contactees. My tendency is to think that there was more going on here than just a hoax or, as some (including Jacques Vallee) theorized, some intelligence operation. I asked because the Ummites reported having a base-12 system and I've occasionally done some experiment with what they reported to be a significant frequency (or what I've interpreted from that).

You mention that your work "is following clues given to me over years now, some in dreams". Do you have any theories as to the source of this information you are accessing?

I saw your post on the other thread re Michael Smith's base-12 theories. I'll check that out. Related, I think, is work done by Joey Gerther 1001 Leaders: Exploring the spiral multiplication table - Natural Math

I'd be interested to hear of any developments in your explorations.


Active Member
Yes, I'm referring to the alleged flying saucer contacts beginning in Spain in the mid-60s. Highly controversial, assumed to be a hoax (and an alleged perpetrator confessed), there were thousands of pages of correspondence received by contactees. My tendency is to think that there was more going on here than just a hoax or, as some (including Jacques Vallee) theorized, some intelligence operation. I asked because the Ummites reported having a base-12 system and I've occasionally done some experiment with what they reported to be a significant frequency (or what I've interpreted from that).

You mention that your work "is following clues given to me over years now, some in dreams". Do you have any theories as to the source of this information you are accessing?

I saw your post on the other thread re Michael Smith's base-12 theories. I'll check that out. Related, I think, is work done by Joey Gerther 1001 Leaders: Exploring the spiral multiplication table - Natural Math

I'd be interested to hear of any developments in your explorations.
Well, the clues speak to the base memories of my origins as a starseed with a tech background, dreams, aka astral visitations are mostly cause I am holding questions those lucky nights when I go to be in a higher vibrational state enough to see them or those places. But it feels like your scratching to know more about the akosh itself and how you may access that yourself. My way of accessing the akosh is much like teslas, in the flow of creativity energy is when you can and most people do access this space. At least one spiritual law must be followed here and that is the law of responsibility, that basically states you cannot access what you cannot be responsible for, or willing to take on the responsibility for. This is the law being exploited by military mights by employing scientists who are basically good people and could take on the responsibility on paper granting them akoshic access to powerful technologies, but the have in most cases sold that responsibility off to the funding party. The scientist accesses the information, but he or she has no clue as to reincarnation, free will or the importance of contracts nor the role of karma.
If you are looking access, it works like this, the more you learn the more you will have access to, if you learn everything there is about electricity from multiple models of teaching then that kind of information would be given easily, but if you were trying to access higher akoshic info on water you'd be at it a very long time and be shown clues to lead you to the learning required in order to download the higher stuff.
For me, most of my downloads the past 6 years have all been orgonite based because that is what I was throwing myself into the most. All the rest, free energy and such, it's close second because both aspects cover the quantum mechanics of how the universe actually functions. This is where the base 12 clues were given me, and most especially michaels work, do check him out, he is the first that I am at least aware off who can connect a mathematical system to the building blocks of dna and the connection to prime numbers being not just a random numerical accident but an essential part of life itself.
A lot of people have figured out in the past that the cycles of things tend to be circular, including even the periodic table, another one to check out, though the math is a little above me still is the field of tetryonics. There is a connection there I haven't quite figured out yet but I know it's there too.

From what I have observed most "hoaxes" are actually cover ups where the black ops assholes have done the perfect amount of misinformation to leave people totally confused, there is a simple way to look at most of it, a, it doesn't actually matter and it's a distraction from self growth anyway, b, if there is talk of something or someone trying to help humanity with advanced tech or some shit, it's usually true when it is kept in small circles, but starts getting wobbly when large numbers of people are involved. Like the whole titor thing, is he real? who gives a shit, does the information spark the inclination in SOME select few people to build and play, and learn and explore? if yes, then it's always going to lead to possible growth in terms of humanities growth, if no, then it was probably disinformation bs that no genuine person resonated with because their soul knows its bs anyway.
If it doesn't spark intelligence to explore then its' just background...
People get caught up in right and wrong and real or not real completely ignorant that in a world where there is no non localised reality and multiple timelines then all things can be true for someone, what really matters is what YOU the individual can do about it. No matter what it is, someone somewhere will say it's impossible until someone else comes along and makes it a reality.

sry, I can get kinda ranty...

The ummites thing, I may look into it to see more about the base 12 stuff, try and figure out if that was real or not, but I suspect given even the mention of it then there was definitely some truth to it, the important thing is always being able to feel the difference between truth and falsehood with discernment.

I'm always on the hunt for more leaders in the base 12 field, haven't come across this page of yours before so thanks for that. Tho I have seen the "tesla primes" image before, michaels work goes into more detail on the equations of the primes. Nice fun little page with good idea on how to teach kids base 12 thinking tho.

What experimentation did you do with base 12's?


Active Member
Yes, I'm referring to the alleged flying saucer contacts beginning in Spain in the mid-60s. Highly controversial, assumed to be a hoax (and an alleged perpetrator confessed), there were thousands of pages of correspondence received by contactees. My tendency is to think that there was more going on here than just a hoax or, as some (including Jacques Vallee) theorized, some intelligence operation. I asked because the Ummites reported having a base-12 system and I've occasionally done some experiment with what they reported to be a significant frequency (or what I've interpreted from that).

You mention that your work "is following clues given to me over years now, some in dreams". Do you have any theories as to the source of this information you are accessing?

I saw your post on the other thread re Michael Smith's base-12 theories. I'll check that out. Related, I think, is work done by Joey Gerther 1001 Leaders: Exploring the spiral multiplication table - Natural Math

I'd be interested to hear of any developments in your explorations.
Btw, if you have any god sources for the ummite stuff do share please
