A New War Front on the Horizon?


Senior Member
At present 2023 Earth has two Wars occurring taking all the headlines Ukraine, Israel Gaza.

If we go further a field and from the link below there are 32 conflicts happening for various reasons. Some being, ranging from drug wars, terrorist insurgencies, ethnic conflicts, and civil wars.

Could there be a possibility of a another major conflict starting either connected to the main ones listed above ? or some unconnected nations in the near future?

Whats your thoughts or prediction's on this subject?



Active Member
Don't forget the upcoming China/Taiwan war. Most people don't care what the 3rd world nations do to each other since it remains isolated to them (kinda sad), but the muslim extremist problems spreading could start a larger war (again).

steven chiverton

Senior Member
the amount of countries at war including drug wars and others they are all concentrated on the large land masses and australia is isolated makes australia the best county as we have no wars here and our borders isolate the states which are not war countries so if you look at the statistics its ashame as they all share borders with each other's and isnt isolated enough


Senior Member
Only a matter of time before a country sinking into the ocean with millions of refugees stuck at closed border declare war on fossile fuels. Pipelines and refineries blowing up with guerilla warfare, mass executions of starving people, public beheadings of oil CEOs... It will be like the end of the Mayan civilization, only this time they claimed not to control the weather when drought struck.


Don't forget the upcoming China/Taiwan war. Most people don't care what the 3rd world nations do to each other since it remains isolated to them (kinda sad), but the muslim extremist problems spreading could start a larger war (again).

yes I agree the next real conflict for the US will be with China. this will come for several reasons.
Taiwan dispute, the Philippines is another and then the trade issues don't seem to be getting much better.
from some of the latest border reports a good number of the migrants just happen to be young men from China
just might be forward positioning of assets. but just might be they want the hell out of China too.
but they have been chumming up to Russia of late, and as a rule taking the opposite side of every conflict involving the US or it's interests pretty much anywhere on the planet.


What happens if the parties change at the next USA election?

not too much, Chine operates on at least a twenty to thirty yr. plan to take over, and or control the resources of the area in question. all of their trade deals and treaties are written to advance the end game it matters not who is in office of any given country the plan and all their moves will stay the same. While it may appear, they are or have changed be not deceived...
