Age of Mankind.


Active Member
How do we interpret the biblical suggested age of the earth versus the scientific suggested age of the earth. Or I guess the timeline of Adam to present day. According to using genealogy of Adam it’s suggested humankind is around 6000 years old. But I was thinking that science has mankind here longer ago.

If Adam was created near the beginning of development of the earth maybe Adam lived for millennia. He is recorded to have lived over 900 years.

Biblically nature was perceived to be perfect before the fall of man described in Genesis. In a perfect world what was possible?

Regarding Adam and Eden, the term “Adam Ondi Ahman “ is an interesting topic. According to LDS church the topic suggests the Garden of Eden being in Missouri.

Did time quakes or other anomalies occur to cause the major difference of time records between science and religion? Did meteors hitting earth disrupt time?


I could be wrong. I'm going by my terrible memory, but doesn't the bible say that our lives were shortened due to the Adam & Even incident?


Active Member
That’s correct. But even after Adam his lineage lived hundreds of years according to Genesis. The shortening of life was gradual to some extent. A few years ago I was introduced to the topic of the Adamic Language. How did Adam and Eve communicate.
