Age Reversal Research


Active Member
I currently work in what’s called the Continuous Improvement department at my employer, a large Furniture manufacturing company. I’ve been there since 2021. I’m at a crossroads because the continuous improvement mindset is taking over my daily thoughts. Let’s improve this let’s improve that, nonstop. It leads me down grandiose paths of perfect world thinking. But it also helps me think about improving my own life thus looking for ways to accomplish longevity. After being in Desert Storm in 1991 I too was hit with a bipolar diagnosis. I was having constant nightmares which ultimately ended my military career. But as a civilian the military benefits paid for my college so I guess it was a fair trade.
War has a tendency to do that to people, I haven't followed specifically healing for it but I have seen a lot of reports for peyote and ayahuasca and similarly powerful medicinals that have been doing wonders for war traumas. Have you tried any of them?


Active Member
Currently I’m on low doses of pharmaceuticals Abilify. A college professor introduced me to Shamanic Journeying in college during a relapse and that experience seemed to help me get thru it without being hospitalized and losing my college attendance. While researching shamanism I learned that natives often use ayahuasca. The mania can be rather addictive with the extra energy and euphoria. It also comes with rapid thoughts, grandiose thinking, hyperreligiosity, save the world complex. If a manic episode goes too long it can be exhausting and lose sleep. But imagine using manic symptoms to come up with grandiose ideas that can actually work, which otherwise may not be considered.


I got it from my dad, who smoked and had brain cancer from the undiagnosed cancer in the lungs. Having to be on medication seems to help but what helped me the most was moxibustion from mugwort placed on the acupressure point. It helped my meds but you know mothers. Thinking that herbs don’t help with mental illness.


I got it from my dad, who smoked and had brain cancer from the undiagnosed cancer in the lungs. Having to be on medication seems to help but what helped me the most was moxibustion from mugwort placed on the acupressure point. It helped my meds but you know mothers. Thinking that herbs don’t help with mental illness.
Dang phone
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Active Member
I got it from my dad, who smoked and had brain cancer from the undiagnosed cancer in the lungs. Having to be on medication seems to help but what helped me the most was moxibustion from mugwort placed on the acupressure point. It helped my meds but you know mothers. Thinking that herbs don’t help with mental illness.
Are you aware you can direct chi to any point on the body? including acupressure points. Any well taught form on qi gong or falungong can teach you this, as can more of the better reiki models.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
ive read about what scientists did linking the blood circulatory system from younger mice to older mice rejuvenates them like they're young again so all that i thought about missing children used for sacrifices cause the the adrenochromes may actually be just the young blood itself the elite use to turn back there ageing.


Active Member
ive read about what scientists did linking the blood circulatory system from younger mice to older mice rejuvenates them like they're young again so all that i thought about missing children used for sacrifices cause the the adrenochromes may actually be just the young blood itself the elite use to turn back there ageing.
From what I have heard adrenachrome is more like a drug high. They might use it during blood drinking sacrifices as well which is said to be much like the vampire myths talk about, like making them younger and stuff, but I don't think they would only be happy with just one despicable act at a time.
