Agit-prop and Magick


New Member
Are you guys referring to specifically to sex magic or something? Just wondering why are using the ‘K’…whether it was some sort of pretentious thing or if people are using it to refer to sex (as per what aleister originally coined the phrase for).

No true collective (or coven to use an old fashioned word) of legitimate ‘witches’ would be ‘feminists’. You’re getting caught up in the new-age Mathers movement perspective of things. Or the sorts of amateur witchcraft practiced in Glastonbury by bored house wives clutching onto their nonsensical crystal collections.

In truth, legitimate magic circles comprise of both sexes. There’s a reason for that.


Junior Member
Hi Silent_Starling!

Thank you for your questions! I appreciate your post, it gives life to this thread and feeds the debate.

About Magick, I use this term not only about the s** aspect.
It is clearly a regularly used technic in this milieu but I understand Magick with a K according to Crowley definition.
If I read him well, both the differences he made with Magic without K are:
1) Magic is only ritualic stuff that is at worst only prestidigitation, illusion shapping or mind manipulation, at best a way to communiate with higher realms and eventually influence the human plan through them - Crowley included into Magick other Occult arts that were traditionnally distinguished from Magic e.g. Alchemy or Astrology;
2) Crowley also insisted on the fact that Magick was interwined with artistic practices - as Moore said, Magick were the Art and so included all the arts: music, painting, acting and so on are indeed priviligied ways to Magick.

About the "feminist" witchcraft, it is a problematic point in my mind and this is a question for which I have no clear answer.
I thought just like you that serious magical circles always included both males and females as equals. As a result, "feminist" witches were only wiccans and so not effective practicians from my point of view.
Nonetheless, I had to deal with witches who had obviously true powers but seemed dedicated to somekind of sorority i.e. female solidarity that excluded men.
Moreover, there was clearly an initiatory chain among them exclusively from "mothers" to "daughters" (no matter if they were actually related or only by adoption into a witch group). In addition, I discovered further that it was a real pattern that had occured into Antic times notably in Greece and Rome.
I precise that those modern witches do not refuse working and even magical working with men or marying them. Nonetheless, they keep their secrets between them apart from men and try to guarantee ascendance above males, on Occult stuff as at their jobs or at their households.


Junior Member
In addition, I share with you the below Master's Thesis:

I do not think that its author would be an activist, in terms of politics at least.
Nonetheless, I laughed since my argue that arts notably audiovisual products were efficient tools to trigger magical effects were so obvious that a dude developped the same reasonment for his uni work :LOL:
