Akashic Records


Active Member
I'm doing this so that I can get a life do over the past 10 years where I went into medical school and became successful.


Senior Member
I'm doing this so that I can get a life do over the past 10 years where I went into medical school and became successful.
You might find Morphic Resonance interesting, and you can email Rupert Sheldrake, he will reply to you even though it takes a while..
Or you might be able to find him on you tube, plus you could probably download his book..Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation :)


Active Member
Huh... that does sound pretty interesting...

Maybe I should take a look at it and give him a ring.

Who knows? Maybe this might be the thing I'm looking for.

Thanks for the heads up mate. I'll do some research and get a hold of him soon. That's some good information right there. =D


Active Member
You know, the synopsis behind his theory sounds a lot like how animals aside from humans have instinct, where they inherently and naturally do things they were designed to do. Like raccoons using water for their fur and pigs sniffing on the ground and stuff like that.

It basically sounds the same as instinct as scientists call it.



Not a physical library.

"The akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire." - Wikipedia

Does anyone know how Edgar Cayce accessed it?


Active Member

Not a physical library.

"The akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire." - Wikipedia

Does anyone know how Edgar Cayce accessed it?
No idea how he does it, there are loads of different techniques that work for different people. Unless you're in the "flow" of creation most of those methods start with meditation. shouldn't be hard to google his methods tho.
But people access it all the time and don't even know it, all those times where something was invented in more than one place at the same time...that information is from the akosh, every invention on the planet was accessed this way, most music inspiration too, the door way to it in those cases is governed by the law of responsibility and based on you having the necessary information already in order to understand it and a bit of the desire to make it a reality.
How it looks is going to be different for everyone too, some people see it as a library, some as a computer screen, but really you can make up how you would like to view it and thats how it will show.


No idea how he does it, there are loads of different techniques that work for different people. Unless you're in the "flow" of creation most of those methods start with meditation. shouldn't be hard to google his methods tho.
But people access it all the time and don't even know it, all those times where something was invented in more than one place at the same time...that information is from the akosh, every invention on the planet was accessed this way, most music inspiration too, the door way to it in those cases is governed by the law of responsibility and based on you having the necessary information already in order to understand it and a bit of the desire to make it a reality.
How it looks is going to be different for everyone too, some people see it as a library, some as a computer screen, but really you can make up how you would like to view it and thats how it will show.

I know I can google. I just like conversation. If we all just googled, we wouldn’t need the forum.

I agree that the creative process might cause one to access these records, hence my theory of accidental predictions in art, music, and film.


Ok, feel free to laugh at me. Since I'm not good at meditation, I decided to ask for access to the Akashic while I was falling asleep.

I dreamed that I lived in Wisconsin in the house I grew up in, in the winter, and someone dropped off about 30 domestic rabbits off at my house, and I was scrambling to save them all, one by one. o_O Please don't do this to me! LOL.....

It was influenced by the fact that I did see 2 wild rabbits on my property with a flashlight last night before bed. LOL


Active Member
Ok, feel free to laugh at me. Since I'm not good at meditation, I decided to ask for access to the Akashic while I was falling asleep.

I dreamed that I lived in Wisconsin in the house I grew up in, in the winter, and someone dropped off about 30 domestic rabbits off at my house, and I was scrambling to save them all, one by one. o_O Please don't do this to me! LOL.....

It was influenced by the fact that I did see 2 wild rabbits on my property with a flashlight last night before bed. LOL
Perfect time to ask
But no, almost definitely has nothing to do with you seeing wild rabbits.
However, do ask yourself what rabbits mean to you in lifes big picture.
Thing metaphor, and think bigger...
More like, you're asking for access to the universe and you can't even take care of yourself yet...or the universes sense of humour version..."you can't handle the truth"
Try to be more specific in your questions, much more specific.


Perfect time to ask
But no, almost definitely has nothing to do with you seeing wild rabbits.
However, do ask yourself what rabbits mean to you in lifes big picture.
Thing metaphor, and think bigger...
More like, you're asking for access to the universe and you can't even take care of yourself yet...or the universes sense of humour version..."you can't handle the truth"
Try to be more specific in your questions, much more specific.

I did ask a question but I’m not comfortable posting it. I will explore the meaning. It was great being in my childhood home again, so that is significant.
