Alien Time Machine


Junior Member
Where did you get these parts from and how hard is it to find these parts?

Is it possible I can build it and it will work for me?
I don’t think anyone can ever find the same exact identical parts. First of all like I said before in my previous posts, I was lucky enough to witness the fireball that landed right beside me that sent me on a decade long quest traveling to so many different places extensively searching and researching to find these parts and to finally put the pieces of the puzzle together, realizing that all along the extraterrestrials were communicating with me telepathically giving me instructions to build this Time Machine.


New Member
Okay very interesting, I'm just really wondering with the entities that are talking to you, you can trust them?

Have they been right with everything they told you and did they exactly say it was for controlling time and traveling to other dimensions?

And I wonder what it looks like put together? Do you have to tie them up or weld them together?


Junior Member
Okay very interesting, I'm just really wondering with the entities that are talking to you, you can trust them?

Have they been right with everything they told you and did they exactly say it was for controlling time and traveling to other dimensions?

And I wonder what it looks like put together? Do you have to tie them up or weld them together?
In my previous posts I have explained how to put the components together, even though I have not done that yet, but it should be something very simple to do. I guess you are referring to how to put the nail in the center of the dish. I guess I could try whatever method I think is best like welding as you suggested, or some other way.

Yes, I do trust the messages that I am receiving from the extraterrestrials, but I will never know for sure until I try it to see if it actually works.


New Member
These look pretty interesting, I'm guessing these are more old natural versions of the famous John Bajak flux capacitor and I'm guessing it works exactly like the real device.

I'm pretty sure when worse starts getting worse like if the United States start SHTF with full blown nuclear war or whatever, than you might consider using it to get out of here maybe.


Junior Member
These look pretty interesting, I'm guessing these are more old natural versions of the famous John Bajak flux capacitor and I'm guessing it works exactly like the real device.

I'm pretty sure when worse starts getting worse like if the United States start SHTF with full blown nuclear war or whatever, than you might consider using it to get out of here maybe.
Yes, you are absolutely right. With all the problems in the world today, there ain’t no better time to use it. I will try to put it together as soon as possible. Maybe I can use it to save the world from catastrophe, or maybe just save myself. I will test it out to see if it actually works and I will record it, just in case if it works, at least I will have proof of the world’s first working Time Machine to share with the rest of the world.


Junior Member
But have you even figured out how to get it put together or still looking into it?
Like I said before, finding these parts and putting the pieces of the puzzle together that took many years was the difficult part. Putting it together is the easy part. All I have to do is run some electricity through the components to activate it. It’s as simple as that. However, I do not want to get my hopes up high too much because it might not work, and it will be very disappointing, but it might work, and I guess that is why I’m reluctant to use it, because just like Schrödinger’s cat I like to be in this paradoxical state of quantum superposition simultaneously both possible and impossible at the same time until I actually try it out to see if it works or not.
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