Am i dead?


hi everyone it has been a while...

Anyhow lets get into this.

Firstly let me say i am deeply spiritual but open to questions like the one i am asking here.

For the past few days it feels like i am in the matrix. My life is just hitting a wall and it is the same wall and I am tired that i sleep in my dreams. Needless to say i have depression and with that some other "thoughts" does inter into my mind from time to time.

But i can't bring myself to feel anymore. Seriously it is as if i can't feel anymore.

Everything inside of me is broken and fundamentally burned out to the point that i can't get out of this hole.

Then it hit me... i am dead...

The life i am living now isn't a life it is just memories and i pass on from one set of memories to the next and as much as i try to remember all of them i can't because it is impossible. Don't get me wrong i have a good memory and i use it to torture myself on a day to day base BUT the parts that are good is missing from my mind.

i have no good memories anymore... My life became a collection of sadness and pain and i feel that this must be a prerequisite for my final destination and i fear it might be hell and all the horror that lives in hell has my number... So i try to push back get out of this mindset but i can't.

So again i think i am just memories... i don't believe this life is real anymore i don't believe i can change a single thing and i don't think i can move on anymore. It is as if my soul is trapped and my body is not real anymore.

Is this hell?

I think it might be or soon will be as my life is just not working out.

So i think i died i think this world is a lie and i believe this because nothing good happens anymore. It is just pain, more pain and sadness.

Perhaps i lost my mind, maybe it is my way of coping but i think i am in hell.

thank you for reading.


No you are not at all Dead....Nor are you Alone.

What you have said here has been said by a great many people, both young and old.

Nobody is dead in this way.

Want proof?

Remember why you feel this way....Is because like so many others out there,
You Care!

You Love
You Live
You Hurt
You Hate
You get Confused
You Lash Out
You Cry
You Smile
You Feel................................But don't forget...

We are all here in the same boat, floating on this turbulent sea of wonder.

It's not so pleasant at the moment for anyone here...or there....or even there.

Just remember one thing.......

We Are Not Alone

Not You nor I


We Are Not Dead....By any means.

Think of this the next time you see someone else.


No one is Alone. are not Dead.

Doc 05

Active Member
You are not dead, you're a loving soul going through a human experience.

You are not alone, I was feeling the same way recently; acupuncture and talking with friends helped.

But these feelings have made me re-evaluate my life and prompted me to action.

A lot of us are feeling the same way and I believe this is a sign for us to get back to basics and love one another.

I'm going to "Make a Happy New Year"

And Thank You @Wind7 , I needed that too.


Do things you enjoy. Music can raise dopamine levels.
Change your thoughts (takes practice)
Don't turn to food or alcohol. Both make you feel worse.

Make a list -- what things in life are a blessing? What good things do you have? Be thankful. Being thankful never creates sadness.

I'm a depression veteran but have overcome it.

Goals and hobbies help. What do you want in life? Take the first step towards that goal. I know you may not have energy, but you have to fight for your life in the world. You aren't a victim. You can take control. The energy comes back when you have something to work towards every morning.

Memories - if they are not good then don't go there. Push the bad memories out. I do this a lot. Literally try to forget about them.

Depression happens when you think about the past. Anxiety happens when you worry about the future. Choose NOW.

And every little thing that makes you happy counts -- a hot shower, music, a walk in the woods, etc. Get out. It's imperative.

Tell me right now - what is your life's dream?
