Anyone ever been to an alternate reality via your dreams?


New Member
I've had two where this feels like it has been the case, maybe three but I really cannot remember any details about the third so let's say two.

One in particular though was absolutely insane. Bit of background, I've had a few lucid dreams yet not with any consistency although I've had quite a few recently, which I think is due to myself becoming more aware of my own mind & what my mind is truly capable of. Although it still is early doors for me. One of my recent lucid dreams involved me skydiving from space which was absolutely awesome. I loved it! I was part of some space mission and as to why I had to skydive from a spacecraft, I can't really remember. Just great though.

Anyway, back to reality jumping. I woke up in my own flat (apartment) and noticed things were diferent. The entire layout of my flat was indentical, as in all the rooms & furniture were where they should be. What initially startled me was that there were two bottles on my bedside cabinet with what looked like green liquid inside which I obviously thought was strange and they definitely were not there when I went to sleep. I got up & started walking around & noticed certain things were not as they were, it was at this point I was 100% CERTAIN that I had jumped into another universe. What made me so certain was the touch & feel of everything. Like how I am typing on my keyboard at this very moment, I could feel everything. As previously mentioned, I've had lucid dreams before where I was obviously aware I was dreaming, but it still feels like a dream & the touching & feel of everything is not the same regardless of the lucidity of the dream. Not in my experience anyway.

I walked around some more, looked outside, saw more differences and I my mind was absolutely blown! I just could not believe it. I had actually jumped! I was slightly nervous, yet way more excited, it was amazing. I remember looking out of my living room window where I was looking at all the differences where I said to myself: "I wonder if I'm still working at (insert company name.") It was then that I instantly woke up in my bed which obviously startled me as I already thought I was awake. To be honest, I was mega disappointed! Ha ha haa. However, it did throw me (in a good way) as I thought this can be achieved. If what I'm saying did happen.

One point to make before completing my post. I do have one rational theory to note which always needs to be considered prior to proposing any other 'outer worldly theories.' The touching & feel of everything could be my own memory linking this to my brain whilst dreaming. Let's face it, I do know my own property and I have been there for a long time, so that could be a reason why everything felt 'real' to touch.

As before though, it didn't feel like a lucid dream, it felt like I was in another reality. Plus, it makes sense, as things were the same yet they also were not. Just like what has already been proposed about alternate realities.


Active Member
Yeah, happens to me fairly regularly and quite a few this year so far, i've seen the shooting of a season 2 of firefly, I had previously being trying to remote view that one, only saw the stage though not a finished episode. I've met at least five or six alternates of certain soul mates, met other soulmates I haven't even met here yet, Seen about 3 variants of my own life. One of my clients has even seen an alternate version of me before.
You always know where you are though eventually, it's all by feel, whether you're in the astrals, on some other planets, on different past or future lives...okay past and future lives are a bit harder to discern actually, theres a few of those i'm still not sure what time period they were in, perhaps because there was no earth reference at all.
Other planets you can usually tell by the plant life and flowers, man i've seen some trippy friggin flowers. Some beautiful ones too.


New Member
Hey man, thank you for your response. Sounds like you've had a good time!

Did you start 'jumping' of your own accord? For example; by purpose through meditation & practice or did it happen spontaneously?


Active Member
Hey man, thank you for your response. Sounds like you've had a good time!

Did you start 'jumping' of your own accord? For example; by purpose through meditation & practice or did it happen spontaneously?
When I was younger I used to have precog dreams all the time, tried forever to astral project but only managed that many years later, when I started meditating more and studying the nature of these things plus making orgonites though is when I made the most progress. I can't say any one thing worked better than the others but I don't sleep without an orgonite coaster by my head anymore where as I often forget to meditate...


New Member
Love it. I also know what an orgonite is as well, I'm going to purchase one! I initially read that and thought what the hell?? Ha haa.

I'm still unable to lucid dream at will, like you I don't meditate as much as a I should do. I have astral projected before, where I managed to 'hover' above the top of my building but I couldn't go any further for some reason. I spoke to somebody about this, and she said maybe I wasn't 'ready' to go further yet.

You mentioned the flowers in your previous reply. A spiritual friend of mine was talking about a lucid dream she had recently, where she was transported to (presumably) the next plane of existence. She said that the flowers were absolutely huge! Also beautiful. Just thought I would mention that.


Active Member
Love it. I also know what an orgonite is as well, I'm going to purchase one! I initially read that and thought what the hell?? Ha haa.

I'm still unable to lucid dream at will, like you I don't meditate as much as a I should do. I have astral projected before, where I managed to 'hover' above the top of my building but I couldn't go any further for some reason. I spoke to somebody about this, and she said maybe I wasn't 'ready' to go further yet.

You mentioned the flowers in your previous reply. A spiritual friend of mine was talking about a lucid dream she had recently, where she was transported to (presumably) the next plane of existence. She said that the flowers were absolutely huge! Also beautiful. Just thought I would mention that.
The next realm doesn't sound right, but theres plenty of planets with unusual flora and fauna.
I've had that floating above the building thing, one of my first when I used my kyanite flooded with light from a full moon like 5-6 years ago. The one after that wasn't a whole lot better, still floating but floating in a place around a person I wanted to be at least.
I guess it's kinda like walking, first you start with growing

Practice the remote viewing thing, it's much easier to do at least for me and gets you in the direction of being outside your body, and it's probably better if you want to work up to projections, takes less energy to do.


Junior Member
I have. I was told tin my dream state that there war "Dreammentianals" the exist only in dreams and in the space in-between dreams as well. That was in a dream. Then I inteved God and he confirmed the notion. That was NOT in a dream. I have posted only a few of my dreams online. Search for me Anthony Giarrusso if you have any interest in lucid dreaming.

Simply Reggie

New Member
I've had two where this feels like it has been the case, maybe three but I really cannot remember any details about the third so let's say two.

One in particular though was absolutely insane. Bit of background, I've had a few lucid dreams yet not with any consistency although I've had quite a few recently, which I think is due to myself becoming more aware of my own mind & what my mind is truly capable of. Although it still is early doors for me. One of my recent lucid dreams involved me skydiving from space which was absolutely awesome. I loved it! I was part of some space mission and as to why I had to skydive from a spacecraft, I can't really remember. Just great though.

Anyway, back to reality jumping. I woke up in my own flat (apartment) and noticed things were diferent. The entire layout of my flat was indentical, as in all the rooms & furniture were where they should be. What initially startled me was that there were two bottles on my bedside cabinet with what looked like green liquid inside which I obviously thought was strange and they definitely were not there when I went to sleep. I got up & started walking around & noticed certain things were not as they were, it was at this point I was 100% CERTAIN that I had jumped into another universe. What made me so certain was the touch & feel of everything. Like how I am typing on my keyboard at this very moment, I could feel everything. As previously mentioned, I've had lucid dreams before where I was obviously aware I was dreaming, but it still feels like a dream & the touching & feel of everything is not the same regardless of the lucidity of the dream. Not in my experience anyway.

I walked around some more, looked outside, saw more differences and I my mind was absolutely blown! I just could not believe it. I had actually jumped! I was slightly nervous, yet way more excited, it was amazing. I remember looking out of my living room window where I was looking at all the differences where I said to myself: "I wonder if I'm still working at (insert company name.") It was then that I instantly woke up in my bed which obviously startled me as I already thought I was awake. To be honest, I was mega disappointed! Ha ha haa. However, it did throw me (in a good way) as I thought this can be achieved. If what I'm saying did happen.

One point to make before completing my post. I do have one rational theory to note which always needs to be considered prior to proposing any other 'outer worldly theories.' The touching & feel of everything could be my own memory linking this to my brain whilst dreaming. Let's face it, I do know my own property and I have been there for a long time, so that could be a reason why everything felt 'real' to touch.

As before though, it didn't feel like a lucid dream, it felt like I was in another reality. Plus, it makes sense, as things were the same yet they also were not. Just like what has already been proposed about alternate realities.
My pleasure to meet and speak to you

I am 60+ years old, and have been looking for answers, possible explainations or some kind of understanding of what I have experienced in my life. From an early age I began to have lucid dreams and found it both facinating and frustrating at times. I have always, as long as I can remember, had very vivid dreams. The introduction to television in my very early childhood prompted a variety of extremely chilling nightmares. Then, while watching a saturday morning program, I seen a short presentation about nightmares and how to stop them. Which was basically a simple technique of prompting yourself as you go to sleep that when you see the monster or what ever to realize it's a dream and turn around and attack it. And so it worked, and I now had been introduced to lucid dreaming and a whole new aspect of the dreamworld. Lucid dreaming was frequent and very often self induced and often repetitive. Having dreamed of a place of interest I could concentrate on that place as I began to fall asleep and revisit it again to investigate other areas I had not looked at.
One such point of interest was an old house with many stories. It had a spiral stair that went to the attic behind a hidden door in the main dining hall. There were several doors to different rooms as the stair acended. At first I prompted several dreams of it so I could search the other rooms. Once I realized I had visited everywhere I lost interest and moved on. This process in the begining took a long time, weeks as it seems now, to exhaust the pique of my interest. However from time to time for years I would find myself revisiting the old place and suddenly recalling where I was and take a nostalgic little walk to find there were some changes like new fixtures and cob webs cleaned out. The candle holders on the walls had been replaced with what appeared to be oil fueled , glass enclosed lamps. The steps of the spiral stairs were varnished and not bare wood. The hidden doors from the different rooms to the stairway were framed and with handles ( not knobs, which I found peculiar ) and no longer hidden. In essence through the years the house was being renovated. But the attic remained with the same clutter and familiar items strewen about on tables covered in cobwebs and completely unchanged. The last time I recall having any event there the whole place looked new. It has been a couple decades since then.
All the while I progressed from my adolescence into young adulthood I experienced uncountable events like I described. As I aged into midlife the activity slowed and became infrequent mostly but I still had periods of very active lucid dreams and they became somewhat more complex. I had also noticed more dejavus. Although I had a lot of moments early on of suprise where I would think I had seen or done things before I would just entertain the idea and be amused a bit and then pass it off and forget it. As I gained wisdom through the years I began to pay more attention and realized I had been visiting the future in my dreams. I have described in detail what I had dreamt to others and had them be there to witness the event. Around the age of 35 I gained access to the internet and the ability to research some of the places I had seen dreaming. While some weren't discoverable a given few were actual places.
One has to keep in mind that all the while this process was evolving I was gaining more skill in manipulating how my dreams progressed. In my earliest lucid dreams of discovery and exploration I always found myself looking down, as I did when I was exploring in real life, always keeping an eye on close proximity where ever I was going. However, in my dreams I wanted to look up to see peoples faces, to see the outer perimiter of my surroundings and get a clearer bigger picture of where I was. I was also always silent in the lucid dreams so I managed to learn to look someone in the eyes in my dream, ask them questions like 'what is your name?' 'Who am I ?' , 'where are we, what is the name of the town?' ect. ect. So I became quite the dreamworld investigator and with internet resources I was able to fact-check what I could vividly remember against reality. I found a couple of the people on facebook but for fear of all that is called insane and the possible legal reprecussions I never acted on it. I began to realize and more and more I was experiencing something very paranormal, not only seeing pieces of the future at times but also visiting the past. The most clear and proven of the latter was an event involving someone who was an invalid and bed ridden and I was in their conscience.
Like many , or even most really, the acts of investigation and discovery excite me or frustrate me so that my physical state of exhiliration tries to bring me to consciousness. The struggle to remain in dreamstate always breaks my concentration and effects what I can remember. I often vividly remember and share that with my Partner ( we have been friends, enemies and lovers for 4 decades, currently devoriced but co-habitate. She is the mother of my 3 children and witness to several of my premonitions).
My Partner was who discovered that the event with the invalid was indeed reality passed. She wrote down what I recalled from my dream and checked the internet. When I asked what town I was in the answer was "we're not in a town" . The answer to "who am I, what is my name?" was a round of giggles and ribbing from the two adults and several children at the bedside. The answer to "where do I work?" was a specific name of a company in a certain city and that I had retired from being a quality check there. When I woke I shared this and she wrote it down. She came to me later with a stunned look and said "it was real, that place and business was real about 50 years ago" She gave me the info and I looked at it my self. The company was indeed at one time in that town and did produce the exact brand name and product I dreamed of. It had gone out of business about 47 years earlier. I was astonished. This was the first real proof that I had actually visited the past. With all this and it known to me to be undisputably true I became dumb founded. Like the old adage 'My whole life passed before me' , it was like that. I suddenly began thinking about all the dreams that fit this scenerio, the future ones, the past ones , all of them I could remember , hundreds of them.

I still practice this behavior to this date. It has been lately that I am going through a very active period and I am trying to find some peace of mind. It makes me crazy thinking that perhaps some of the things I see that aren't so good may be just around the corner waiting to happen. Sometimes I just know there is no way my mind can manufacture what I am looking at. I am very careful about the content I take to heart. I am sure that if I counted them I have a hundred dreams each month. Most I can identify as influenced by recent activity, experiance, interactions or behavior. Others are completely different and notable. As much as I can I try to examine what I can recall and compare it to what I understand and know. It's harder now to hold on to the dreamstate. My thought processes have evolved through the years. My physical condition is deteriorating and I can feel my mental prowess fading little by little along with it.

I am here in this forum because of a recent thought I have had that explains what I have experienced. I would like to know if science or theory can support it or dispute it entirely.

I am sure this has gone beyond a reasonable length and I apologize for it, but you must understand I am at my wits end for resolve or peace of mind in this matter. If perhaps you have read this far and indeed are interested, I will discuss with you what I feel may be a plausable cause for the events I've had.


Simply Reggie
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