Asking about Lucid dream


Junior Member
It means you turned your normal dream into a lucid one, while you're still having only one dream at a time, no?

That's not what I meant.

I meant to have a dream in a dream; a layered or double/triple dreams at a time if you will, either it's having a lucid dream inside of a lucid dream or a lucid dream inside of a normal dream.

I've had a few episodes of this kind of layered dreams before, where I was waking up from a dream only to find myself still dreaming, and I'm kind of curious if it's possible to plan ahead to achieve it, so to say, and if it turns out to be possible, how far can one possibly go with it.
Yes it also happened to me sometimes.But I don't understand that thing fully.
Beside that,There is one thing that i experienced in many dreams,that we are at many different places at the same time in a dream or I can say that there are many dreams running simultaneously.I am trying to understand that stuff!!


Junior Member
Yes it also happened to me sometimes.But I don't understand that thing fully.
Beside that,There is one thing that i experienced in many dreams,that we are at many different places at the same time in a dream or I can say that there are many dreams running simultaneously.I am trying to understand that stuff!!
Yes it also happened to me sometimes.But I don't understand that thing fully.
Beside that,There is one thing that i experienced in many dreams,that we are at many different places at the same time in a dream or I can say that there are many dreams running simultaneously.I am trying to understand that stuff!!
Have anyone has theory on this stuff


Senior Member
Kept having a recurring dream of being late for a college class on a campus that I never even went to.
Last night I finally made it to class on time (some kind of theatre class I was told?) and finally
woke up. I don't even go to college anymore. But I finally made it. A nice girl guided me to where
the theatre class was. Usually in the dreams
I have to just end up skipping class cuz I can never find the room I'm supposed to be in,
I ask around and no one has a clue what I'm looking for most of the time lol.

Why the dream finally changed for the better I have no idea.
It could be deep psychological things and unresolved traumas
that influence lucid dreams and our ability to control them.
The more we master the real world, the more the other dream dimension
will get more under our control perhaps?


Junior Member
I can often induce lucid dreams. If I'm in a good state of mind and I will it hard enough before bed, I will lucid dream. My only problem is that the more I break the laws of physics (e.g. flying or manifesting things that can't really exist), the quicker I come out of the lucid dream.


Active Member
I can often induce lucid dreams. If I'm in a good state of mind and I will it hard enough before bed, I will lucid dream. My only problem is that the more I break the laws of physics (e.g. flying or manifesting things that can't really exist), the quicker I come out of the lucid dream.
Thats because you don't understand the laws of physics, and your belief systems oh what the laws of physics are are based on a set of principles pushed forth as laws from around the 1930's to move people out of the research direction of aether and frequency principles. Everything since is basically pushing particle theories of various types.
What you need to know is, your belief systems are programmed, and they are deep inside you but they are not real.
The only real laws you need to understand is you create your own reality. Even if you didn't understand physics, if you create rules that makes sense to you and can put in those beliefs in place off and deeper than the programmed beliefs then they will be the real laws. Studying frequency, quantum physics etc though, will definitely help you make sense of how real laws are being put in place, but ultimately all realities are subject to the creator of them. The foundational principles shared between people though, like relativity physics, they are strong and are almost identical to all who share them.

In the dream state, things fall apart because you are carrying beliefs from the 3rd dimensional and trying to apply them into the 4th dimension, the dream state, the astral planes etc.
I'm not sure how to guide you here, but you need to do things the other way around, maybe studying other peoples dreams and what rules they usually don't follow will help you integrate the fact that there are no laws.

I can tell you a few things I often do though, telekinesis, fly, somersault as if through the moons atmosphere, change species, see through bodies into the arteries and bones, fly ships that can turn themselves inside out, flown antigravity shuttle type things, ships but not like space worthy ships. I'm sure theres more but thats the main ones I can remember right now.

Actually forget even dreams, start looking up what people have experienced, glitches in the matrix and stuff like that. You'd be surprised what is possible.


Junior Member
For memy best success for lucid dreaming was after I asked God for this ability. You might want to try the "Ask God Method" too. Some dreams featured people I knew and people I've never met. Machines and creatures were also in many of my lucid dreams.


Junior Member
For memy best success for lucid dreaming was after I asked God for this ability. You might want to try the "Ask God Method" too. Some dreams featured people I knew and people I've never met. Machines and creatures were also in many of my lucid dreams.
Yes,it also may help many people.But for every process one single thing which is always constant is "Faith".Without this,there can be nothing!!
