Atlantis the Lost City

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
This guy makes an interesting presentation for the location of the lost city of Atlantis.

Our Youtube feeds must be sync'd up somehow. This video has been popping up in it for the last 3 days.

Now The way I interpret Plato is that Atlantis was an empire, not just one city or city state. So that they must have had everything from outposts to trading posts to disparate locations. If that is true (which I believe) and it was wiped out (because the ancient gods were dicks) then their culture should have survived to some degree. especially things like maps and charts and other written works.

Also, I do believe that there is something to this guy's vid, but the Richat structue is bigger than what plato describes. For this guy to say that the size difference is due to mis-translation, it doesn't make sense when the other measurements fit.

But, maybe I am just an asshole.


Senior Member
This guy makes an interesting presentation for the location of the lost city of Atlantis.

In the middle of the Atlantis with part of it near the Bahamas. Big chunk of planet once known as Maldeck also called Molina crashed into it & suck it.

Some Atlanteans survived but do not like surface Earthlings. Special type of mermaid made by Atlantean high priest still goes around near city center was & are not friendly to humans.

Don't know what the video says about Atlantis. Maybe a small colony of that. This was a huge continent that sunk. Plato's Timaeus & Criticatus describes where it was. Word to the wise, keep away from where Atlantis was.
