Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


Junior Member
In saw them on goodreads.
This is doing my head in and not illuminating anything for me so I'm off to read the book and explore more on this site. I started with "Orthodox Church" and it led me to this fascinating but confusing thread.
Hi, as I' m really interested on this discussion, just reading Your posts, which kind of script are You writing about ?


New Member
Hi, as I' m really interested on this discussion, just reading Your posts, which kind of script are You writing about ?
I'm looking for an Orthodox/Christian/supernatural/John the Baptist/Harlots of The Desert kind of story. I'll know it when I see it, if that makes sense. those are a few themes/topics I'm interested in. Any leads are gold btw. I've always been fascinated by the images supposedly from the chronovisor but never took it seriously after seeing the painting the Jesus image was taken/copied from. But it could have been the other way around...after the post few years I know anything is possible. I started looking into The Bible after discovering (for myself) that giants did indeed exist. 2 years later I'm a catechumen for the Eastern Orthodox Church! What topics are you interested in?


Junior Member
I'm looking for an Orthodox/Christian/supernatural/John the Baptist/Harlots of The Desert kind of story. I'll know it when I see it, if that makes sense. those are a few themes/topics I'm interested in. Any leads are gold btw. I've always been fascinated by the images supposedly from the chronovisor but never took it seriously after seeing the painting the Jesus image was taken/copied from. But it could have been the other way around...after the post few years I know anything is possible. I started looking into The Bible after discovering (for myself) that giants did indeed exist. 2 years later I'm a catechumen for the Eastern Orthodox Church! What topics are you interested in?
This topic "alien machine" intrigues a lot as I did not read about on any books.


Guerre, stanno cambiando il destino del mondo, ma talvolta non servono lunghe battaglie per cambiare gli eventi, basta un solo colpo di cannone, esploso al momento giusto… e magari sparato proprio da un artigliere improvvisato, reduce delle lontane battaglie boere.

Questo è quello che accadde nel 1944 nei pressi di Nugola. Tutti pensano che Wiston Churchill, durante il secondo conflitto mondiale, sia stato attivo solo politicamente, senza aver combattuto, mentre in realtà pure lui combatté e uccise nemici improvvisandosi artigliere pesante nelle campagne di Nugola. Forse la sua indole guerriera fu risvegliata dalla magica atmosfera del luogo, fatto sta che egli volle personalmente strappare la cordicella di tiro del cannone americano provocando un tiro fortuito che per “combinazione” riuscì a colpire un mezzo militare fascista, un semicingolato in partenza da Pisa e diretto alla Valle Benedetta, per caricare lo specchio del Romitone. Oltre a distruggere il semicingolato, Churchill causò la morte di dodici camice nere che erano a bordo del veicolo militare. Di questo fatto d’armi ne feci ampiamente menzione in un vecchio post del primo novembre del 2015, inoltre per i posteri pubblico un raro filmato d’epoca (
) dove si nota chiaramente Wiston Churchill tirare la cordicella di tiro con una certa soddisfazione personale e forse pure soddisfacendo il volere del Romitone, dato che quel colpo di cannone cambiò il destino dello specchio del Romitone per sempre. Quindi potrebbe essere stato il Romitone stesso a guidare la traiettoria del proiettile? Un Romitone beffardo che a tutt’oggi, anche senza colpo ferire, è stato in grado di ostacolare le mosse del Caporale con contromosse ben assestate e ben mirate, atte a distruggere tutti i progressi fatti negli ultimi tempi. Queste contromosse hanno portato alla scomparsa della prestigiosa confraternita del Cenacolo della Valle Benedetta e potrebbero portare pure alla totale distruzione per mancato restauro del monastero della Sambuca. Il crollo del soffitto del monastero porterebbe pure alla distruzione dell’effige della Sacra Fenice. La distruzione di quest’ultima porterebbe come naturale conseguenza la scomparsa dei Cavalieri del Santo Sepolcro della Valle Benedetta… ma questa è un’altra storia.

English version​

Wars, they are changing the fate of the world, but sometimes it does not take long battles to change events, all it takes is a single cannon shot, exploded at just the right moment ... and perhaps fired by an improvised gunner himself, a veteran of the distant Boer battles.

This is what happened in 1944 near Nugola. Everyone thinks that Wiston Churchill, during World War II, was only politically active, without having fought, when in fact he too fought and killed enemies by improvising as a heavy gunner in the Nugola countryside. Perhaps his warrior nature was awakened by the magical atmosphere of the place, the fact is that he personally wanted to tear the firing string of the American cannon causing a fortuitous shot that by "combination" succeeded in hitting a Fascist military vehicle, a half-track departing from Pisa and headed for Valle Benedetta to charge the Romitone mirror. In addition to destroying the half-track, Churchill caused the death of twelve black shirts who were on board the military vehicle. I made ample mention of this fact of arms in an old post dated November 1, 2015, and moreover for posterity I publish a rare period film (
) where one can clearly see Wiston Churchill pulling the firing string with some personal satisfaction and perhaps even satisfying the Romitone's wishes, since that cannon shot changed the fate of the Romitone mirror forever. So could it have been the Romiton itself that guided the bullet's trajectory? A mocking Romitone who to this day, even without a shot in the arm, has been able to thwart the Corporal's moves with well-aimed countermoves designed to destroy all the progress made in recent times. These countermoves have led to the disappearance of the prestigious Brotherhood of the Cenacle of the Valle Benedetta and could also lead to the total destruction by failure to restore the Sambuca monastery.The collapse of the monastery ceiling would also lead to the destruction of the effigy of the Holy Phoenix.The destruction of the latter would bring as a natural consequence the disappearance of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher of the Valle Benedetta... but that is another story.​
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Junior Member
Guerre, stanno cambiando il destino del mondo, ma talvolta non servono lunghe battaglie per cambiare gli eventi, basta un solo colpo di cannone, esploso al momento giusto… e magari sparato proprio da un artigliere improvvisato, reduce delle lontane battaglie boere.

Questo è quello che accadde nel 1944 nei pressi di Nugola. Tutti pensano che Wiston Churchill, durante il secondo conflitto mondiale, sia stato attivo solo politicamente, senza aver combattuto, mentre in realtà pure lui combatté e uccise nemici improvvisandosi artigliere pesante nelle campagne di Nugola. Forse la sua indole guerriera fu risvegliata dalla magica atmosfera del luogo, fatto sta che egli volle personalmente strappare la cordicella di tiro del cannone americano provocando un tiro fortuito che per “combinazione” riuscì a colpire un mezzo militare fascista, un semicingolato in partenza da Pisa e diretto alla Valle Benedetta, per caricare lo specchio del Romitone. Oltre a distruggere il semicingolato, Churchill causò la morte di dodici camice nere che erano a bordo del veicolo militare. Di questo fatto d’armi ne feci ampiamente menzione in un vecchio post del primo novembre del 2015, inoltre per i posteri pubblico un raro filmato d’epoca (
) dove si nota chiaramente Wiston Churchill tirare la cordicella di tiro con una certa soddisfazione personale e forse pure soddisfacendo il volere del Romitone, dato che quel colpo di cannone cambiò il destino dello specchio del Romitone per sempre. Quindi potrebbe essere stato il Romitone stesso a guidare la traiettoria del proiettile? Un Romitone beffardo che a tutt’oggi, anche senza colpo ferire, è stato in grado di ostacolare le mosse del Caporale con contromosse ben assestate e ben mirate, atte a distruggere tutti i progressi fatti negli ultimi tempi. Queste contromosse hanno portato alla scomparsa della prestigiosa confraternita del Cenacolo della Valle Benedetta e potrebbero portare pure alla totale distruzione per mancato restauro del monastero della Sambuca. Il crollo del soffitto del monastero porterebbe pure alla distruzione dell’effige della Sacra Fenice. La distruzione di quest’ultima porterebbe come naturale conseguenza la scomparsa dei Cavalieri del Santo Sepolcro della Valle Benedetta… ma questa è un’altra storia.

English version​

Wars, they are changing the fate of the world, but sometimes it does not take long battles to change events, all it takes is a single cannon shot, exploded at just the right moment ... and perhaps fired by an improvised gunner himself, a veteran of the distant Boer battles.

This is what happened in 1944 near Nugola. Everyone thinks that Wiston Churchill, during World War II, was only politically active, without having fought, when in fact he too fought and killed enemies by improvising as a heavy gunner in the Nugola countryside. Perhaps his warrior nature was awakened by the magical atmosphere of the place, the fact is that he personally wanted to tear the firing string of the American cannon causing a fortuitous shot that by "combination" succeeded in hitting a Fascist military vehicle, a half-track departing from Pisa and headed for Valle Benedetta to charge the Romitone mirror. In addition to destroying the half-track, Churchill caused the death of twelve black shirts who were on board the military vehicle. I made ample mention of this fact of arms in an old post dated November 1, 2015, and moreover for posterity I publish a rare period film (
) where one can clearly see Wiston Churchill pulling the firing string with some personal satisfaction and perhaps even satisfying the Romitone's wishes, since that cannon shot changed the fate of the Romitone mirror forever. So could it have been the Romiton itself that guided the bullet's trajectory? A mocking Romitone who to this day, even without a shot in the arm, has been able to thwart the Corporal's moves with well-aimed countermoves designed to destroy all the progress made in recent times. These countermoves have led to the disappearance of the prestigious Brotherhood of the Cenacle of the Valle Benedetta and could also lead to the total destruction by failure to restore the Sambuca monastery.The collapse of the monastery ceiling would also lead to the destruction of the effigy of the Holy Phoenix.The destruction of the latter would bring as a natural consequence the disappearance of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher of the Valle Benedetta... but that is another story.​
Winston Churchill....curious name

Win Stone
Church hill

What about the stone in castel sonnino?
San gualberto is a church on a hill...


Hey all,
I've been thinking about changing the title of this thread
as it has bridged off from its original idea.

@LITTLE DOCTOR If I re-title the name of the thread,
what would you prefer I change it to? Any Ideas??

I was just going to call it Chronovisor but before I do,
anyone have a better idea?



Junior Member
Hey all,
I've been thinking about changing the title of this thread
as it has bridged off from its original idea.

@LITTLE DOCTOR If I re-title the name of the thread,
what would you prefer I change it to? Any Ideas??

I was just going to call it Chronovisor but before I do,
anyone have a better idea?

Hi, after reading some books, following some conferences about this topic and after having visited Valle Benedetta I suggest:
"Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time"
