Carbon Dioxide and Earth


This video couldn't be more true. Back in the dinosaur age when volcanoes were active, CO2 was a prominent gas emited (as well as many others). What happened to the earth? It grew lush vegetation. Plants NEED carbon dioxide. Animals NEED plants. Even aquatic plants need CO2. Without CO2, everything on this planet would die. So, why do we level out forests to build houses? Why do we chop down all the trees and vegetation? We should be integrating our homes, buildings, and lives with plants. This is how you clean the air. Banning steak, plastic straws, and gasoline won't fix it. Earth can fix herself if we stop destroying her cures. Put the plants back. Yes, it will take a while, but we have to start somewhere.



That's right, a lot of plants like aquatic plants need CO2, or they can't even exist.

I understand that yes, humanity produces quite a bit of CO2. But what about CO2 that's produced naturally?

The whole climate change lobby make things so hard and complicated, it's now impossible to decipher the truth.

Are we the cause of the current global warming? Is there even a global warming? I'm all for taking care of the Earth, but I don't like that "they" are probably using this to control us.


That's right, a lot of plants like aquatic plants need CO2, or they can't even exist.

I understand that yes, humanity produces quite a bit of CO2. But what about CO2 that's produced naturally?

The whole climate change lobby make things so hard and complicated, it's now impossible to decipher the truth.

Are we the cause of the current global warming? Is there even a global warming? I'm all for taking care of the Earth, but I don't like that "they" are probably using this to control us.

Earth would create enough vegetation to clean the air of human made CO2 if we let it. Instead, we do the opposite. We chop everything down. We could easily build underground homes.

Any "climate change" is natural and happens every 100,000 years. Humans only occupy 10% of the planet and Earth is 70% water. A few big cities have pollution and if you check a pollution map, it does NOT span around the globe. We aren't changing the temperature of an entire planet.

If CO2 really is rising,vegetation is the answer, not banning things. I think it's fine to change the way we make electricity. I'm all for clean air. Nothing wrong with that, but blaming cow farts and farming is ridiculous.

Earth will cycle through warmth and ice ages throughout its existence. Humans have had a history of adapting. We survived. Why don't we adapt instead of fighting it and fighting eachother over it?


Temporal Engineer
It's the same old narrative dressed up in different clothing. It looks like a chicken little story to me. NO chicken little story has ever come true. And look at the solution! We all have to give up our liberty and prosperity and suffer as slaves under the tyrannical rule of an oppressive government. Then magically the atmosphere will heal itself!

The real fact is propaganda is just plain old fraud. It used to be called snake oil.


Active Member
Are we the cause of the current global warming? Is there even a global warming? I'm all for taking care of the Earth, but I don't like that "they" are probably using this to control us.
Don't forget "our manmade global warming" is also causing other planets in the solar system to also warm up...


I came across the same information a while back. It's true! Which does suggest the warming is being caused by the sun, not mankind.

The sun was my exact first thought. We'd have to be emitting energy like the sun to change the temperature of another planet.
I can't believe people fall for this. If humanity is this stupid, we're doomed. We won't survive in the long run.


Senior Member
The sun was my exact first thought. We'd have to be emitting energy like the sun to change the temperature of another planet.
I can't believe people fall for this. If humanity is this stupid, we're doomed. We won't survive in the long run.
By the laws of thermal dynamic there will always be some change due to radiated heat, but you can probably not measure it reliably, because it would be somewhere around 0.0000000001% change in temperature. Some people will repeat propaganda from oil companies and some will say uninformed things in the other direction, but what we do know is that the atmosphere has way too much carbon dioxide and we are having really bad weather because of it, costing much more money to recover from than oil companies have in total revenue. I would not bet survival of the entire mankind on that all scientists are wrong when there is no monetary gain whatsoever from taking that gamble.


By the laws of thermal dynamic there will always be some change due to radiated heat, but you can probably not measure it reliably, because it would be somewhere around 0.0000000001% change in temperature. Some people will repeat propaganda from oil companies and some will say uninformed things in the other direction, but what we do know is that the atmosphere has way too much carbon dioxide and we are having really bad weather because of it, costing much more money to recover from than oil companies have in total revenue. I would not bet survival of the entire mankind on that all scientists are wrong when there is no monetary gain whatsoever from taking that gamble.

Earth is probably trying to grow vegetation to fix it (if it's true), but we will continually chop it all down. I keep pointing to the dinosaur era as an example. Unfortunately, a comet caused the ice age, but humanity survived. Humans didn't have to ban things or collect taxes to survive, either. We adapted.
