Confirmed Hoax Coming from 2023


Junior Member
We are starting now our experiment to send information through time on the Internet.
We want you to receive proof that time travelling has been successfully achieved, even though the only way to connect our timeline with some other timeline in the past and in the future is through the Internet.

We developed the technology to send information through time on October 25 2017 . We are in contact with 25 different timelines, most of them are in the future, and we are currently receiving information from them.
This is the third time we reach a timeline from the past. But for your timeline, this is the first contact with us. In fact, the universe is not what you think. There is a multiverse around you, of infinite alternate realities. We are trying to determine which one is the most similar to our.

We will send you some information about future events in 2013 and 2014. Natural events should be very very similar to our own timeline's.

These are the most significant events that happened in our 2013 timeline:

- 3000 Egyptians invade a Usa embassy and take 85 people as hostages. They will be saved after 10 days.

- A civil war in Lebanon starts developing in late Summer 2013.

- Chaos erupts in India after multiple attacks from Pakistan. 45.000 people die in the stampedes and chemical attacks that occur in India's " Tragic week ".

- Third worst nuclear accident in history occurs in Fall 2013.

- Black monday. Worst stock market crash since 1987 occurs in October 2013.

- Israeli and Palestinian people start fighting, eventually this develops in the Third Intifada. This is one of the most important events of the century, since on October 19 2013, people start marching toward the wall that divides the two areas and they make it collapse.

- October 26 2013 - Hekla volcano experiences a colossal eruption, destroying most of Iceland territory and causing the airport industry to interrupt all flying in Europe for 4 weeks.

- Hungary and Croatia, a civil war erupts in these countries, in the midst of international talks to abandon Euro.

- European coup. Massive political crisis developing in many countries. The economy is in a critical situation in Fall 2013.

- October 2013 - European October 2013 riots. Massive chaos and protests in front of the major banks. Euro economy is collapsing.

- Known as December Blasts, in 2013 a massive meteor shower destroys skyscrapers all over the East Coast of United States. A massive crater of 125 metres is found in a forest in Pennsylvania. 14 airplanes come down, hit by fragments. 35.000 people died in the explosions and building collapses.

- December 2013 - The city of Milan, in Italy, is hit by fragments of meteorites. Some parts of Kashmir are also hit by a minor meteor shower, causing panic in the population.

- December 2013 - Indonesia hit by meteor shower. 200 people die.

These are some significant events that occurred in 2014 in our timeline:

- January 2014 - Iss is destroyed by a meteor shower in space. People are protesting all around the world, feeling unprotected because of meteor showers all over the world. 3 millions participate in protests in the city of Rome.

- January 2014 - Largest ever recorded solar flare.

- January 2014 - Spain hit by massive meteor shower. It is the most devastating event in the history of Europe. The next day, millions are protesting in Spain.

- January 2014 - It is reported that a massive earthquake has occurred near Canary, Cumbre Vieja submerged volcano erupts, causing massive tsunamis, that break all the records in height, toward the coasts of West Africa, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and North France. Hours later, West coast of Canada, North America, Cuba, Mexico, Brasil and all Northern countries of South America experience tsunamis. Millions of people die in the worst disaster in a thousand years.
Reports that a meteor has hit Atlantic Ocean are dismissed as hoax.

- january 2014 - Violent fighting in Mexico develops in a civil war.

- January 2014 - China experiences significant economic decline.

- February 2014 - The event is known as The Great Recession Stage Two. Economy crashes are reported all over the world.

- February 2014 - The start of the 2014 Spring. Millions of people start protesting all over the world, mostly in the Middle East, Spain and Italy and United States.

- February 2014 - War erupts between North and South Korea. A severe nuclear explosion is reported in South Korea. Thousands of people are shot dead in Libya.

- February 2014 - Norway experiences massive meteor shower. 100 people die.

- February 2014 - Emergency situation is reported from 80 countries, in the midst of protests going out of control. Italian government resigns.

- February 2014 - Mexican people report of an " epic meteor shower " that is creating a spectacle in the sky. No meteor impact is reported, though there are hundreds fragments visible in the sky.

- February 2014 - Chinese people are jumping on cars, while a Sino- Japanese war is starting, for evacuations issues.

- February 2014 - The whole of New York City is evacuated, as an incoming tsunami is reported. The whole city is devastated by the water.

- February 2014 - Pope resigns in Rome. Another meteor in Russia, panic in the population. North Korea declares war to Usa. Europe is experiencing critical banking crisis as thousands of people are making lines in front of banks to receive their money back.

- March 2014 - Massive building collapse in India. Thousands victims. South American people protest in millions numbers. Nuclear war is developing in North- South Korea. A huge meteor impacts in Germany. At least 500.000 people are reported dead.

- March 2014 - Russia is hit by a huge meteor, thousands victims. At least 20 millions of people are protesting in Egypt. All soldiers and ambassadors from the whole world, are called back to their countries. Massive fighting and looting is reported in the Middle East.

In our timeline, we have discussed mostly about the " world post 2014 " as the end 0f Modern History. We call our historical period Post- Modern History or the Age of Recovery. Since the discovery of multiverse there is no more religions. The relationship our people has with God is more personal and more spiritual. 90% of the world is sceptical of religions and/or Atheist.

Also, in 2017 we have found out about some peculiar creatures that scientists do not consider exactly as aliens, but as some sort of weird creatures that live in one of our plants. Some people consider them as the Gods. These creatures never saw our world. We met them, but we cannot disclose anymore information about them. Scientists are now considering the idea of aliens as your timeline knows of it, as living on other planets, as debunked completely. Science of our time tells people that aliens cannot possibly exist.
Even though some scientists have confirmed the existance of those creatures living in plants, most of the people consider them a myth or misinformation. There is a minor cult of pseudoreligion that searches for creatures in plants and considers plants as intelligent beings. 65% of people consider them as psychopaths.

Since the world is a multiverse, we are developing a massive research to write reports of other universes and there is enormous request from people to find their " alternative identity person " in another universe. People want to know if scientists found out dead people as alive.
We can receive images and videos from other universes, and we can have conversations with people from another universe.
We are trying to find a way to unificate the Internet to include information from selected universes other than ours.
Some scientists are promising people that they will be soon be able to converse with the dead.

As you will understand there is huge controversy in all of that. Millions of people chosed to live with 1800s technology, or to live with Aborigens, Indios, Native Americans and African tribes to escape the madness. Some countries prohibited publication of informations about multiverse. Africa is flourishing right now and their economy is booming. Since they can grow plants in every climatic situation, Sahara is not a desert anymore. People say Africa is the future. Even Australian desert now is used so much for agriculture, and the area is owned by Aborigens and white people that chosed to live with them.
This is happening even though in the Western world the 2007 crisis is not ended yet. Experts say we have a decade more to the end of Depression.

Since 2014, massive efforts have been done to reduce consume of energy and resources. It is a situation that will be completed in 2030. Everything in the home is controlled by a consume timer, from the shower to television. Internet is allowed for use only by evening, and prohibited during the day.
There are significant heating and air conditioning issues. Many foods disappeared from the market.
People are invited to enjoy nature and real conversations. There are rehabilitation courses for people who consume too much. There is much stigmatization on people who consume too much.
Private cars do not exist anymore. There is only public transport, and it is completely automated.

We are not developing much about space travel and Solar System exploration. We never came back to the moon again and we didn't go to Mars yet. We see multiverse exploration and cyberspace exploration as much more interesting.

Virtual reality is booming right now and there are reports of people " lost " and " missing " in virtual reality, even some famous people.


We developed the technology to send information through time on October 25 2017 .

Please describe the technology.

- Third worst nuclear accident in history occurs in Fall 2013.

I have a documented psychic prediction about that. I agree with you. I just don't know when.

- Known as December Blasts, in 2013 a massive meteor shower destroys skyscrapers all over the East Coast of United States. A massive crater of 125 metres is found in a forest in Pennsylvania. 14 airplanes come down, hit by fragments. 35.000 people died in the explosions and building collapses.

Ok. We are having a meteor shower. 2013 Meteor Showers | StarDate Online

Also, in 2017 we have found out about some peculiar creatures that scientists do not consider exactly as aliens, but as some sort of weird creatures that live in one of our plants.


misinformation. There is a minor cult of pseudoreligion that searches for creatures in plants and considers plants as intelligent beings. 65% of people consider them as psychopaths.

Well, David Wilcock has pointed out some studies done with plants and they are semi-intelligent in that they a) can sense danger and b) can communicate with eachother about environmental conditions.

We are trying to find a way to unificate the Internet to include information from selected universes other than ours.

Microsingularity. I have some ideas.

Some scientists are promising people that they will be soon be able to converse with the dead.

We already do.

I have to reply to the rest later. Gotta run.

We'll just have to wait and see if this all pans out.


Senior Member
@Numenorean7 or @Samstwitch

I'd be interested in seeing what the hostname of Zachary's IP is (or the IP itself). If this post is indeed from "the future", I very much doubt it will be something mundane like Time Warner or Comcast.

@Zachary - I don't think you understand how the internet works and why what you're claiming is not possible.


I'm pretty sure the future would do this all privately, not on a message board, but it's fun to think about and the only true way to test "them" is to wait and see.


Senior Member
I'm pretty sure the future would do this all privately, not on a message board, but it's fun to think about and the only true way to test "them" is to wait and see.

You have a point with the wait-and-see approach, and it's definitely an interesting thing to think about.

However, xenForo (the software this site uses) tracks a user's IP when registering and posting. Plug that sucker in to What Is My IP Address? Lookup IP, Hide IP, Change IP, Trace IP and more... and you can find out quite a bit about a person.

Were Zachary actually using his time traveling internet connection, I would expect it to be an unknown IP or something coming out of a university/government connection. Certainly not Time Warner Cable, as mine shows when I visit that link.


Junior Member
We were contacted from another universe in 2017. It was never publicly disclosed. There is a universe that is trying to contact every other universe. We received reports that 12 other timelines have been contacted from the future.
They are sending the technology to every timeline they reach. It was actually a gift.

It consists in a program that automatically changes the computers programmation to make them able to contact the multiverse. The program can be inserted in other computers.

The computer industry has been informed of this and is going to launch the " time Travelling computers " on the market this year, in our 2023.

The program appeared in computers of scientists who were working at a huge research. Their computers have become more powerful Than quantum computers. They look like average 2010s computers but inside they are enormously powerful.

This in fact occurred on October 25 2017.

The universe that sent us the technology considers itself as the most advanced universe ever registered.


Senior Member
It consists in a program that automatically changes the computers programmation to make them able to contact the multiverse. The program can be inserted in other computers.

The computer industry has been informed of this and is going to launch the " time Travelling computers " on the market this year, in our 2023.

The program appeared in computers of scientists who were working at a huge research. Their computers have become more powerful Than quantum computers. They look like average 2010s computers but inside they are enormously powerful.
Zachary, buddy, you should have quit while you were ahead.

I wrote out an explanation of why you're wrong, but I think you did that pretty well on your own. Programs cannot cause an internet connection to travel through time, nor can they be made to allow a modern 2010 PC to be more powerful than a quantum computer.

Game over.

Next time, learn about the technology you're making claims about before you make them.


Junior Member
We can comprehend skepticism about that. But you have no idea about the technological level and skills of the universe that contacted us in 2017. They are a human, or shall we say, posthuman population that practically and technically lives in cyberspace.
