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Did The Middle Ages Really Exist?
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Started by Grayson, Aug 30 2014 10:01 PM

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#1 Did The Middle Ages Really Exist?: post #1
Posted 30 August 2014 - 10:01 PM
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Attached File Niemitz-1997.pdf 85.07KB 2 downloads

In essence...

The Phantom Time Hypothesis - An Outrageous Conspiracy Theory?

The Phantom Time Hypothesis, as advanced by German researcher Heribert Illig, and expanded by Dr Hans-Ulrich Niemitz of the Hochschule fĂĽ r Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur in Leipzig, claims the following:

The Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII caused his scribes to recopy Byzantine historical documents from the old writing style, called majuscule, into the new writing style, called minuscule. Once this was done, the old books were destroyed. These facts are not in dispute. The Phantom Time Hypothesis claims that this undertaking provided a tempting opportunity to rewrite history – a temptation that Constantine VII did not resist.

Holy Roman Emperor Otto III (related to Constantine VII through his, Otto's, mother, Theophanu), in connivance with Pope Sylvester II (né Gerbert d'Aurillac), decided to convince everybody they were living at the end of the First Millennium, because it was a wonderful opportunity for positive PR. Besides, Otto liked the idea of reigning in the Year 1000. It was such a nice, round number.

The fact that these leaders moved the calendar by 297 years made it possible to invent an entire dynasty – to wit, the Carolingian period. Otto III modelled his reign after that of his 'hero', Charles the Great. If the Phantom Time Hypothesis is true, Charlemagne is as fictional as Prester John6.

From the evidence, it is obvious that Constantine, Otto, and Sylvester had means, motive and opportunity to perpetrate what they may not have regarded as a crime. But is there any evidence that they did so? Although there is no 'smoking gun' in the form of, say, a confession – they would hardly have left a notarised statement lying about – there are some suspicious facts. One of these is the whole controversy between the Julian and Gregorian calendars.

Heribert Illig first noticed that when the Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582, it was necessary to omit ten days to make up for the fact that the old Julian year was actually about ten minutes too long7. These ten days (and a few more omitted since 1582) account for the reason Russian Christmas is later than Western Christmas8. However, calculations based on the year that the Julian calendar was introduced (45 BCE) suggest that it should have been 13 days, not 10. The figure of 10 suggests that the Julian calendar had been in operation for about 340 years less than the 1,626 years you would expect to find between 45 BCE and 1582 CE. Perhaps there is something wrong with the count of these years?

On the other hand, if the calendar had been correct in 325 CE, then ten days would be the correct number to omit. As the detractors of the Phantom Time Hypothesis theory point out, this happens to be the date of the Nicene Council, which had so much trouble figuring out when Easter was. The detractors figure that settles that – they claim the Gregorian calendar makers were only trying to get the calendar to agree with the state of affairs back in the 4th Century, when they first set the Easter date (though not without a lot of arguing).

Not so, replied Professor Niemitz, who points out that there is a problem with the placement of the equinoxes as well as the date of Easter:

Some historians have noticed this contradiction, but they solve it this way: the scholars in Caesar's time reckoned a different date for the equinox (the day in spring, where day and night have the same length). Yet it can be proved that the Romans used the same date for the equinox as we do today, i.e. the 21st of March.

- from 'Did the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?' by Hans-Ulrich Niemitz.

That, of course, is not that. Those who oppose having their minds messed with by inquiring Germans have raised other objections to the Phantom Time Hypothesis. Phantom Time Hypothesisers have replied to them. Let the reader judge.
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#2 Did The Middle Ages Really Exist?: post #2
Posted 31 August 2014 - 06:43 AM
Conspiratus Maximus

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Well, the middle ages were between the new ages and the old ages so they must have existed.

We have the Chinese records which can be matched up to western records so this claim would seem to be dubious.

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#3 Did The Middle Ages Really Exist?: post #3
Posted 31 August 2014 - 06:56 AM

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I thought we were in the Middle Ages ? Our foreheads have evolved and I don't yet worry about the Morlocks abducting my woman every night. Though I am willing to barter. Does that make me a Morlock sympathizer?
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#4 Did The Middle Ages Really Exist?: post #4
Posted 31 August 2014 - 05:20 PM

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The middle ages most certainly existed. Still do.

Being middle-aged myself, I'm living (barely) proof of this. In addition, my own forehead has evolved. It's grown much larger - extending beyond where the hairline once was. That there's more proof.


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#5 Did The Middle Ages Really Exist?: post #5
Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:23 PM
Conspiratus Illuminatus

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This is true.

Harte, being more middle aged than any of us, forehead evolved past the point of holding hair, caps, thus unable to suffer nitwits, nearwits and halfwits, has no need to harbor hair, hence beckons sunburns, kisses and aloe vera gel.

Awesomely Spotter Grayson!

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#6 Did The Middle Ages Really Exist?: post #6
Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:52 PM
Fuckin Hardarse

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I had a middle aged once, known, I believe, as a cougar. I am sure she existed.
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#7 Did The Middle Ages Really Exist?: post #7
Posted 18 September 2014 - 01:11 AM
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Ive actually read up on this claim of "no middle ages". I don't buy it since other cultures have records other than the Chinese that provide a full timeline. What I do like to noodle on is the complete re-writing of European history during that time for political gain and future rights of claim among the "royals".

Since most of Europe fell into disrepair when Rome fell and pulled back to the med, it didn't take but a few generations to remove most of the literate population. What was left were mostly Catholic monks and scribes. Therin lies the rub. Who was left to check up on these gentle folk and all of their scribbles? If you had the coin, the Church would write you into history, if you didn't or objected, your ass was laid seige to and blotted out of the record.

How many nobel houses were simply erased from history due to their opposition to or lack of funding the Catholic Church?

Quite a nut to crack.


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