Dark Matter


Active Member
Not impressed at all.
Same dark soulless sci fi as all the other recent crap these days.
Its like their using the same formula for a lot of stuff.


Active Member
Not impressed at all.
Same dark soulless sci fi as all the other recent crap these days.
Its like their using the same formula for a lot of stuff.
This is a mind blowing new idea... at least by poor Hollywood standards. There is some pointless filler that could have easily been edited out, but then again, that's Hollywood. Once the series finishes, someone needs to do a "fan edit" and condense it down. Those tend to be better than the original releases. If the series turns out really bad by the end, strike that and do an MST3K release.


Temporal Engineer
My whole interest in the show is because of the Doppleganger phenomena. I've shared my stories concerning my Doppleganger. And I suppose the show wouldn't be of much interest to those of you that have not found out you also have a Doppleganger. But probe your memory. Have you ever had a conversation with someone that claimed they were just talking to you a very short time ago? And you claim it wasn't you!

Now there is no scientific explanation for why we have Dopplegangers at all. In fact most people will not even entertain the idea. Until the Doppleganger phenomena happens to them.


My whole interest in the show is because of the Doppleganger phenomena. I've shared my stories concerning my Doppleganger. And I suppose the show wouldn't be of much interest to those of you that have not found out you also have a Doppleganger. But probe your memory. Have you ever had a conversation with someone that claimed they were just talking to you a very short time ago? And you claim it wasn't you!

Now there is no scientific explanation for why we have Dopplegangers at all. In fact most people will not even entertain the idea. Until the Doppleganger phenomena happens to them.

I'll try to check it out tonight. I promise to try. LOL. And I agree. Once you realize you have a doppleganger, you'll be hooked. You know my story. I didn't see mine, but others have!
