Do you market this site?


Active Member
What does Paranormalis do in regards to marketing? Do you stay out of the spotlight of attention or do you share your presence with various entities such as media or think tanks or research companies? It would seem that there is enough scientific breakthroughs going on so quickly these days that this site would attract more people more quickly. Maybe there are experiences and experiments taking place that we have not read about because they don’t know about the site. Or are there silent entities that interact with the site but choose not to reveal themselves? I noticed the site gets browsed by bots so maybe posting more content for bots to retrieve is beneficial depending on what they are doing. Bottom line does this site want front page visibility or do you stay away from too much attention? Maybe more attention can help us make more discoveries.


Not much right now. I have a couple of things in mind for later this year, but it's still pretty vague.

Our content gets shared on social networks, but doesn't get that much attention. I used to pay for ads many years ago. It brought visitors, but not more activity. It's easy to get clicks. Getting members and activity is another story. And it's expensive.

I used to want the site to become as big as possible, but it's no easy thing. The spot we're in right now took years of work to get to.

Bigger site means bigger problems and bigger drama. Careful what you wish for. Bigger isn't always better.

I feel that right now, we're sort of in a sweet spot where our signal vs noise ratio is pretty good. We have pretty good activity, a lot of cool discussion, and very little, if any low quality content. People are happy, no drama.

Do I want Paranormalis to be as big and active as GLP? No. GLP is mostly BS with little content of value. LOTS of noise. Very little signal. It's a fun site though. But lots of noise.

As active as ATS? Maybe. I like to see Paranormalis as a quieter and safer alternative to ATS, relatively speaking.

More activity would be cool though. Relevant activity.

I assure you, there are no hidden entities interacting with the forum behind the scenes! lol I'm the only entity!

Hope this answers your questions a little. Let me know if I missed something, or if you're curious about something I didn't metion.

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Active Member
I guess I’m just thinking that maybe there are individuals with experiences such as time traveling that do not know where to share their story. Another Titor for example. The world is 7 billion. You would think there’s others out there who would like to share their story to believers. Or other experiences that can alter the way we think about new discoveries. Maybe more people have more experiences with portals for example. But how can we reach those who want to talk but haven’t found us yet. Maybe purchase mailing lists of science publication subscribers or related. Some people who have incredible experiences may want to talk but are too scared to or they have faced too much humiliation from main stream that they don’t say much. I got emailed by Zeshua a couple of years ago. I’m told she is a fraud but that was an interesting experience. I shared some of that on my threads. She claimed to be from the future. She said I could send an email to an old friend who passed away years ago to warn her of her was a suicide.. Zeshua did not ask for money or anything in return. Anyway. I just think there are others who have had experiences and finding this site can help them and us.
