Does Russia still exist?


Senior Member
Kremlin to launch campaign to discredit movements of Russia’s ethnic minorities - intelligence

An empire declaring war against its own outer regions reminds of when Nazi Germany fell. Putin don't even know where to draw Russia's borders, nor which regions are loyal to him. According to Putin's own doctrine of letting people choose which country they should belong to, the head of state has legally dissolved his own country by legitimizing the same separatism he is trying to crush.

There can be no genuine loyalty from brutality. But what will happen to the many regions that no longer want to be associated with the Kremlin? Can there be peace in the region without a united Russia, or will it be worse than the middle east?


Temporal Engineer
Just looks like self inflicted death to me. Wont be long before we start seeing hordes of refugees from Russia.


Senior Member
Just looks like self inflicted death to me. Wont be long before we start seeing hordes of refugees from Russia.
The baltics closed the border for Russian refugees, so they escaped to the middle east instead.
