Dooms Day Dates

Poison Pen

Immanuel Velikovsky was not a fiction writer when he wrote the book called "Worlds in Collision".

Worlds in Collision is a book written by Immanuel Velikovsky and first published April 3, 1950. The book postulated that around the 15th century BCE, Venus was ejected from Jupiter as a comet or comet-like object, and passed near Earth (an actual collision is not mentioned). The object changed Earth's orbit and axis, causing innumerable catastrophes that were mentioned in early mythologies and religions around the world. Many of the book's claims are completely rejected by the established scientific community as they are not supported by any available evidence.

Worlds in Collision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

walt willis

Senior Member
The general belief in the scientific community war also the man could never fly, that the earth was flat, the if a car was driven over 35 MPH in kill the drivers, and that the sun revolved around the earth!
So much for the world of science.
Most of them still say the we are not being visited by aliens. I have been face to face with three gray aliens! And that is a FACT!

Poison Pen

The general belief in the scientific community war also the man could never fly, that the earth was flat, the if a car was driven over 35 MPH in kill the drivers, and that the sun revolved around the earth!
So much for the world of science.
Most of them still say the we are not being visited by aliens. I have been face to face with three gray aliens! And that is a FACT!

Most of them still say the we are not being visited by aliens. I have been face to face with three gray aliens! And that is a FACT

So far I have not seen anything other than your claim that would convince me you have had contact with ET. Did you try his home he might be there? As far as alien visitation there is nothing that would convince me otherwise that we are living with a bunch of little green men. Come out from under that rock your hiding under its the 21st Century.

Now all this is off topic. The thread is dooms day dates not weather some science fiction writer predicted some far fetched scenario about Venus bouncing off the earth. So if you have a dooms day date you would like to discuss go for it. Otherwise no more responses frorm me unless its relevant to the thread!!!
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Derrick C.

It seems we are fresh out of Dooms Day dates. We were not destroyed by an asteroid on Halloween.
So, if you come across new predictions, feel free to post them in this thread. New ones are bound to pop up sooner or later. :D

yeah funny isnt it but i do feel it will happen at some point probably between now and 2017 :eek::cautious:o_0

walt willis

Senior Member
Dear pen,
You just don't know what you don't know, and they are not green and that I do know!
How can you prove a negative?
Are you psychic, or maybe just confrontationally contrary?

walt willis

Senior Member
"As far as alien visitation there is nothing that would convince me otherwise that we are living with a bunch of little green men. Come out from under that rock your hiding under its the 21st Century"

An open mind you do not possess, but you are invited to return to your rock at any time you please.

Poison Pen

It seems we are fresh out of Dooms Day dates. We were not destroyed by an asteroid on Halloween.
So, if you come across new predictions, feel free to post them in this thread. New ones are bound to pop up sooner or later. :D

yeah funny isnt it but i do feel it will happen at some point probably between now and 2017 :eek::cautious:o_0

You can bet some psychotic nut ball is going to throw one out soon......


It seems we are fresh out of Dooms Day dates. We were not destroyed by an asteroid on Halloween.
So, if you come across new predictions, feel free to post them in this thread. New ones are bound to pop up sooner or later. :D

yeah funny isnt it but i do feel it will happen at some point probably between now and 2017 :eek::cautious:o_0

You can bet some psychotic nut ball is going to throw one out soon......

We're all waiting. It'll happen....the prediction, not the event. LOL

steven chiverton

Senior Member
It seems we are fresh out of Dooms Day dates. We were not destroyed by an asteroid on Halloween.
So, if you come across new predictions, feel free to post them in this thread. New ones are bound to pop up sooner or later. :D
to many dooms day predictions over the years that have never happened I had a collection of nostradumass documentaries over 20 years old and some of the doomsday dates in them have passed and never happened to many false prophets and its still going on if the source of the information on a dooms day prediction is from someone who's travel into the future useing a hdr after they was invented even there prediction dates have passed and nothing happen , hdr units don't have a reality checker built into them to tell the user what reality the doomsday is in, and the dooms day prophet for December the first 2015 has also passed and didn't happen so another false prophet
