Finally, some like minded people.


New Member
Hello All.

First of all, thank you for accepting me. It's good to be here.

My name is Kowalski and I have joined this site after looking into a HDR unit for yet another moment in my life, although I have never taken it any further until now.

I first came across the HDR Unit a few years ago, maybe even a decade ago. It was around the time my new spiritual journey began where there have been ups & downs along the way. I'm in a good spot right now, mentally & spiritually and feel like I'm on a journey of sorts. I just don't know where!

Although I've been interested in getting an HDR unit, I have never done anything about it. I just left it for whatever reasons I cannot remember now. Anyhow, I tried calling Steven Gibbs on one number, but he wasn't at that number anymore. Looking at a post, has he moved? Is he still alive? Apologies in advance as I only glossed over the post. I did call another number from HDR Users but to no avail.

Well, that'll do for now! In other news, my mind is well and truly open. Whether it's psychedelics, time travel, the paranormal, parallel universes, what's beyond this mortal coil, Aliens, past lives. I'm all in!

Speak soon!


Hey there, welcome to the forum! Glad you decided to join, fellow HDR-fan.

Sadly, Steven Gibbs passed away a couple of years ago. Since then, it has become pretty hard to find and buy ner HDR devices. New ones are getting rare, and those of us who have one, keep it.

Good luck, and have fun!


New Member
Thank you guys!

Appreciate the information in terms of the HDR. Makes sense why people want to keep them. I'm thinking now, I'll come across one when the 'time is right for me.' If you get what I mean...
