šŸ§² Schematic Fluxatron

Nothink is complicated, in electronic there is just amplifier and oscilator. You can make an oscilator with 2 transistors, one resistance and one capacitor ( i call it minimal oscilator): +----capa/resistance> base of the transistor. The second transistor help to start the first transistor. The base of the second is not connected, the colletor is relied to the base. You can change frequency with the rc circuit, for exemple: 600k and 30 nanofarad produce audio wave. The only frequency limit is the frequency supported by transistor.
For time travel we need a sinus 0 to 10 giga hertz, so with a good bank of resistors you can achieve this with my minimal oscilator. In this schema i have lot of resistors variable, so lets go
I have cracked the main idea of this schema, wooow it is just an inductive cristal oscilator i will show the schematic with power soon
An multi oscilator can be injected trought 22 homs resistor to the base.


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For time travel we need a sinus 0 to 10 giga hertz, so with a good bank of resistors you can achieve this with my minimal oscilator. In this schema i have lot of resistors variable, so lets go

You said you wanted to increase the resistance upto 10Ghz by using a good bank of variable resistors, and you chose a parallel circuit..
In order to increase the resistance you would need a series circuit, because the total resistance in a series circuit is always greater than its individual resistances :)..

noooo Timeflipper my circuit is Not parallal it is Astable multivibrator !!!! In an Astable multivibrator each channel is 90 degres dephased !!!!!!!!!!!964196439644
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Here's another device from the T.E.C data files.


This device is a varition of the biotronic oscillator. The only difference between this circuit and the latter, is that diodes are used in place of capacitors. Plus I have added one extra diode and crystal to the circuit. So as you can see, this circuit packs one hell of a punch. So much in fact, that I am somewhat afraid of using it!!!

Operation procedures:

This device is tuned, just like the (STR-40), only this time while concentrating on a certain question, and also while turning each of the dials, instead of going for a stick reaction as you would with a rubbing plate, listen for a click or popping noise, as soon as you hear this click or pop, this means you have hit the time travel rate. You now proceed to the next dial, and do the same thing as before. Next, after all the dials have been tuned, activate the (S1) on/off switch and tape the copper plate over the solar plexus or navel area. If everything has been tuned correctly, you should be transported.


View attachment 2193

Modified version of the Fluxatron:
Modified Fluxatron
I have a question first of all please tell me what is: (STR-40),
And secondly in the above link that you have mentioned about the modefied fluxatron. There you are to possibilities of travelling in time the first one is using the trexar wire (incented by John Keely) while the second one is using the artificial Grid points but there is nothing mentioned about artificial grid points, so please if you have any document or file or any schematic about creating grid points, then kindly share them all.
Though I have found a link on the internet but it's not opening because it's a paid website so if you already have this document then kindly share it.
Link of that document: How To Create An Artificial Grid Point and Build A Time Portal - Paranormalis | PDF | Vacuum Tube | Frequency

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Bless you šŸ˜ƒāœØ


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