Forum Rules Feedback Thread


I do think the anti-heavy-debunking is good because this is meant to be a paranormal forum and people do believe here. I am a little confused, though. Example - I do believe in paranormal phenomena, but I don't believe everything I see. I, personally, never belittle someone or dismiss someone's opinion for being different than mine, though. I guess my question is: Do you want us to refrain from replying at all if we don't believe something like a photo or video is paranormal? I don't want to break the rules, so please clarify for me. Thanks. :)


I rephrased parts of the Regular Discussion rule so that it's more spot on.
1. Regular Discussions
Those are regular threads. Discussions are constructive and encourage the sharing of ideas and the expression of opinion in a civil and respectful manner. Even if you do not completely agree with an idea, you are welcome to share your opinion and your thoughts, as long as you do so in a respectful and constructive way, as expected. Discussions are not debates: No debating is taking place in such discussions.

Just like you said, heavy debunking is the primary thing those updated rules aim to get us rid of. Stating that you do no agree with something, or think that something isn't paranormal, for instance, is not debunking. We're still all free to share our opinions in respectful and constructive ways. I'm aware that "debunking" can be pretty large and the line between debunking and not-debunking can be pretty thin sometimes...

Saying "Hey, I think this ghost girl in that video is fake, it's not paranormal! " is not debunking, it's sharing your opinion. Same thing if you say: "Hmm... I don't think this time travel medallion is legit, because no one would sell a time travel medallion for $10, right?"

On the other hand, saying "Anyone who considers buying a time travel medallion for $10 is lacking common sense and shouldn't be allowed to have an Internet connection for the world's well being" is downright rude and doesn't encourage discussion. Is it debunking? Maybe, maybe not, but it's rude and therefore isn't allowed.

Now, repeatedly tearing apart the HDR and saying it's a piece of crap used by half-brained people for X and Y reasons is debunking. The same goes for arguing and repeatedly stating that John Titor is a cheap hoax followed by people with no life who constantly live in their heads. Debunking is destructive and encourages one sided conversations that are not respectful and have no consideration for any other lines of thought. And yes, it's rude.

You are welcome to reply to a thread and share your thoughts no matter if you agree or not with the original poster. We just have to disagree in a respectful and constructive way, like we usually do here. It's fine that way.


In light of the recent feedback I received from a few regular members, I added the following to the forum rules. It has to do with discussions that went off course because of politics. I figured I'd include religion because it happens sometimes as well.
Politics and religion (to only name a few) are very sensitive subjects to some people, that can spark huge arguments out of nothing... We encourage members not to turn a regular topic into an unrelated and unwanted debate about religion or politics. In other words, such posts are considered off-topic too.

If you wish to discuss politics or religion, for instance, each one has its dedicated forum section.
As usual, it's not forbidden to mention something related to politics or religion in a random thread. Let's just not lose sight of the discussion at hand, that's all.



@Num7 - I've had to delete a post because it contained a pornographic reference (something to do with private parts, or genitals). Do you think there ought to be a rule against making sexual references that are considered vulgar?


Senior Member
I was just about to like Hartes post. I didnt think it was over the top, I thought it was funny. Especiallt since it wasn't any worse than what Miss D there was saying.

I think the line should be drawn at threats of harm... everything else is just banter. Talk. SOme folks get wordy , some get into name calling and while petty I dont think its a big issue unless Real Threats of harm , like DOXING or IMa fiind you kind thing... threats is really where I draw a line in the sand. THat and no photo porno... This aint a porn site but aint nothing wrong with making a sexually suggestive joke , we are all adults, or at least claim to be when we hit that button that says yes I am 18


Did I miss a salty joke ?

Direct sexual references are pretty rare, right? Jokes are kind of OK, as long as they're not all over the place.


Senior Member
All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth. My 2 front teeth. Mah 2 front teeth

Proper lyrics

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth
My two front teeth, see, my two front teeth
Gee, if I could only have my two front teeth
Then I could wish you Merry Christmas
