Has anyone tried John Titors time machine model ?

steven chiverton

Senior Member
just had a read through the titor file posted in the paranormalis some of the dates he have predictions' for have long past and didn't happen hes a fraud some ive seen a video online some time ago someone who claimed to of faked the titor stuff and the time machine he claims was just a prop he put together and if you read the file on titor look at the dates that have long past nothing happened he dident even predict the Ukraine invasion and the covid virus if he did time travel he may of made mistakes many others have made from seeing things in the wrong reality and not our own so when they come back and predict something and its passes and nothing happened because it wasent our reality maybe an alternate one


Senior Member
just had a read through the titor file posted in the paranormalis some of the dates he have predictions' for have long past and didn't happen hes a fraud some ive seen a video online some time ago someone who claimed to of faked the titor stuff and the time machine he claims was just a prop he put together and if you read the file on titor look at the dates that have long past nothing happened he dident even predict the Ukraine invasion and the covid virus if he did time travel he may of made mistakes many others have made from seeing things in the wrong reality and not our own so when they come back and predict something and its passes and nothing happened because it wasent our reality maybe an alternate one
Yep i also believe Titor was just another fake time-traveller, Cobber Steve(y)

steven chiverton

Senior Member
or an alternate one where what happens there is the opposite to what happens here
theres post in the forum by someone claiming to be an expert on titor when he beleives all that titor bs

steven chiverton

Senior Member
theres no calendar for reality's only years dates and clocks for minutes and hours months but no reality its not even included in the hdr cause you cant use a calendar to calculate it at all so adjust ya hdr and request rates to go to the year 2036 opps theres no adjustments for what reality your going to so its going to be random so yu end up in the alternate reality thinking its ours and when you come back with all that happens and years pass by and nothing happened here youll then know it wasent our future in this reality it was of another reality
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Junior Member
I think we're still missing some pieces to be able to test Titor's time machine.

Titor was recounting events from Titor's original storyline (where/when he came from) and not making actual predictions. He even said that this line is different from his. Titor arriving in 1998 on this line is also what makes it different. He supposedly alerted people to the Y2K bug which may have been a big issue on his original line. As we know it didn't turn out to be a big issue for us.

About the laser pic, it was in higher quality when taken but it was scanned in using a circa 2000 scanner which lowered the quality of the pic to be uploaded. The light is only bent outside the vehicle and its too dark and low quality to be able to tell the distortion of light outside the vehicle other than the laser beam itself. The smoke from the cigar is what's revealing the laser beam.

So what pieces do we have and which ones are missing?
We have magnetic confinement tech, but most of it is big and bulky;
and we still need a way to make and/or capture and maintain microsingularities
We do have electron guns and injectors, they might have to be modified for manifold operation
There are many cooling systems, but I'm not sure about the X-ray venting system
We seem to have quantum gravity sensors;
At this point we have ultra precise atomic clocks;
We have good enough computers.. Titor said the computers were nothing special considering there were already computers around 2000.

I've been analyzing the story for a long time now and I still believe in it, in part because Titor mentioned things like time machines appearing in different locations (like up in the air) because of the earth movement in time (supposedly solved by using the gravity lock system), I don't think anyone had considered it before he posted about it.

About the covid thing, Titor did mention that biological and chemical weapons would be used. Covid might be a biological weapon. I've read many documents which suggest it was man made.

But yeah, unless you're able to manipulate gravitational fields, you're not likely to be able to make some kind of replication of Titor's time machine and we currently don't have this capability so even if the story might be true, we're still ways off from being able to put it to the test.

For naysayers thinking the singularities might weigh a lot, what would you tell someone from 150 years ago who thinks "heavy metallic planes cannot fly, they are too heavy" we simply don't know how the physics actually work at this point so we can merely speculate for now.


Senior Member
Titor described a time machine that was impossible.
It always amazes me that people claim that whoever this hoaxer was, he was smart. Some people even think it was a group of intelligent people.
That's completely laughable.
If people would stop and think - or some of them need to look a few things up maybe - they would immediately see how completely ignorant the poster actually was.

