Hearing Voices at Night


I told her that she should research the paranormal causes or time related (converging dimensions) causes. I said, "Look, just research it. Nobody said you have to beleive it. There is a lot of science we know nothing about". Trying to get her to open up her mind because you never know. Besides, the world is so much more interesting that way.


Senior Member
i used to hear voices in my head back in 2012 and a few times later after dreams and things,
including whispery voices calling me by my name.

I don't anymore.

But-----there are times late at night when if i leave my computer online too much i hear
what sounds like voices coming through my computer's speakers trying to talk to me.
If I have it offline while i sleep this doesn't happen.


Active Member
I told her that she should research the paranormal causes or time related (converging dimensions) causes. I said, "Look, just research it. Nobody said you have to beleive it. There is a lot of science we know nothing about". Trying to get her to open up her mind because you never know. Besides, the world is so much more interesting that way.
As long she don't tell the doctor or mind doctor about it because they don't believe that stuff


Active Member
i used to hear voices in my head back in 2012 and a few times later after dreams and things,
including whispery voices calling me by my name.

I don't anymore.

But-----there are times late at night when if i leave my computer online too much i hear
what sounds like voices coming through my computer's speakers trying to talk to me.
If I have it offline while i sleep this doesn't happen.
I was using a computer and then I heard a loud voice and it said this help me my name help me but when I turn around there was no one there


Active Member
If this keeps up, I'd recommend starting with the scientific approach. First would be to purchase a highly sensitive microphone (obviously) with a battery powered recorder (for portability to walk around in the directions of the sounds). The recorder would need a very-very-very clean power supply to keep the noise floor low, since the voices would be in the noise floor and hard to pick out. While designs like this aren't very difficult (going back all the way to the 1960's), this tends to make the hardware expensive when it shouldn't.

The second approach, which should be run right beside the first, is to also add a second recorder but swap the microphone out with a pickup coil. The coil could be an off the shelf air core inductor, either purchased or hand wound with magnet wire on a plastic bobbin. The inductor would pick up any electromagnetic or RF noise that the brain could pick up and interpret as voices or sounds. The diameter of the coil and length of wire will dictate which frequencies it will more easily pick up, and that can get into some really complicated RF antenna math, but keep it simple starting out and just get something working.

I realize y'all have that big hospital bill coming, so this may not be very cost effective right now. What this boils down to is "ghost hunting" hardware. If you buy hardware specifically marketed as ghost hunting, you will get something that is over priced and under delivers.

If you, or someone you know, has experience with hand soldering electronics, the more expensive low noise amplifiers and power supplies aren't too hard to build using cheap components (just slow and tedious). Then the amplified signals could be sent at full volume into a cheaper recorder.


Temporal Engineer
I had a weird occurrence happen to me yesterday afternoon. I was parked at the side of the road resting while listening to the radio. I looked over to my right and seen a black woman staring at me. Just then her eyes went wide open as if surprised. She said "Can you see me?" I said yes. Then she said "Are you sleeping?" I was in a restive state, so I said yes. Then she went on her way. Now I wasn't actually sleeping. But I was very relaxed like one might be when going to sleep. So this makes me wonder if I was in a mixed sleep-awake state that allowed me to consciously experience both states at the same time. Or what if there are beings that are usually invisible to us?


Active Member
I had a weird occurrence happen to me yesterday afternoon. I was parked at the side of the road resting while listening to the radio. I looked over to my right and seen a black woman staring at me. Just then her eyes went wide open as if surprised. She said "Can you see me?" I said yes. Then she said "Are you sleeping?" I was in a restive state, so I said yes. Then she went on her way. Now I wasn't actually sleeping. But I was very relaxed like one might be when going to sleep. So this makes me wonder if I was in a mixed sleep-awake state that allowed me to consciously experience both states at the same time. Or what if there are beings that are usually invisible to us?
Driving is one of those practiced states I mentioned, it's almost a meditation, the brain shuts down to allow the auto brain to function, similar to experienced joggers and dog walkers, so yes it's very close to sleeping. But yes there are also millions of beings all around us that are invisible to the physical eyes but not the third eye, not to mention elementals and ets and theres even some weird crap going on with beetles and spiders sometimes. They are very often surprised to be seen, some of them don't like it. especially the malevolent ones because if you have the power to see them, you aren't very far from having the power to destroy them. Your answer was unknowingly the perfect response. If it ever starts driving you crazy cause you start seeing them all over the place and need help dealing let me know I have friends with more open third eyes than me that may be able to help.


Temporal Engineer
Be sure to ask for a name next time, then go look it up to see if the face matches a picture.

I used to get angry at myself for not noticing things that should suggest I was in a dream state. But apparently cognitive analytics are shut down when in dream mode. Although I do have a built in self defense mode. I've not really experimented with that semi-awake-dream state though. It seems simple enough to ask for a name. But can it be done without destroying that quasi-state of awareness I'm in?


Active Member
I used to get angry at myself for not noticing things that should suggest I was in a dream state. But apparently cognitive analytics are shut down when in dream mode. Although I do have a built in self defense mode. I've not really experimented with that semi-awake-dream state though. It seems simple enough to ask for a name. But can it be done without destroying that quasi-state of awareness I'm in?
With a bit of practice yes but it's not easy. Most people when they engage the brain that way again they simultaneously associate their body to being a real thing and subconsciously the association brings the consciousness back into the body which can even be painful sometimes it happens so fast. So practicing astral projection helps.
