Hello Fake Time Travellers, I'm here, and I'm real


let see what the future will hold... Politically it is going to be a can of worms especially till end 2023 because various situations will play out.

1> the current American president will step down because of health.
2> the deputy president will be voted out by their own party.
3> the UN will lose traction because of major players pulling support.
4> Australia's economy is going to tank because their main consumer of their resources is about to make a new friend.
5> Trading unions is about to get a hard kick in the nuts because "official fiat crypto" will become a trading tool thanks to the stunt swift pull
6> Africa is about to get popular because of major resources scarcity.
7> Europe will support the use of nuclear power because both solar and wind is dependent on neodymium and lithium.
8> arms race will reach space as more powerful weapons will be needed to intimidate each other.
9> Covid is not done with humanity just yet.

Now am i from the future or did i just read the news ? Funny how one can fake it but these "time travailing" individuals can't put in the time to figure out what the hell might actually happen.

Well 2023 is around the corner so let's see how my crystal ball did o_O

Well so

1 > It is going to start now...
2 > Not yet
3 > Everyone knew that this would be a thing
4 > "Note it is still at risk so not 100% yet"
5 > Not yet
6 > Not yet but soon
7 > kind of obvious...
8 > "Again nothing new"
9 > Not yet but soon

So a broken clock can tell time correctly twice a day... Guess I am not that broken :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:o_O


Senior Member
So a broken clock can tell time correctly twice a day... Guess I am not that broken :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:o_O

You too can time travel. One whiff and you wake up in the future to tell them your ancient wisdom of the past.

alpha centauri

Active Member
he main weapon of Russians is not power, but propaganda. They are hypnotized.
I just remembered that quote. I think this is very real. Which make me rethink the thread.

One example:
The Russian propaganda outlets always complain about corruption in the EU and other places and especially the corruption of leaders of Western countries.

But not only are they the reason for a lot of corruption, when they try to bribe people with money like Gerhard Schröder (Socialist Party), the leader of GErmany before Merkel, who worked for the company Gazprom that is own by the Russian state, but also are they one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

There is some data:


Of course, the mass murderer Putins is in the middle of the corruption. His corruption was revealed at the time the Panama papers were leaked, but the Russian population did not care. They already suspected it according to some media I saw.

Of course, they do not mention these facts when they talk about corruption in other countries.Which shows that their media is very dishonest.


Senior Member
I just remembered that quote. I think this is very real. Which make me rethink the thread.

One example:
The Russian propaganda outlets always complain about corruption in the EU and other places.

But not only are they the reason for a lot of corruption, when they try to smear people with money like Gerhard Schröder, the leader of GErmany before Merkel, who worked for the company Gazprom that is own by the Russian state, but also are they one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

There is some data:


Of course, the mass murderer Putins is in the middle of the corruption. His corruption was revealed at the time the Panama papers were leaked, but the Russian population did not care. They already suspected it according to some media I saw.

Of course, they do not mention these facts when they talk about corruption in other countries.Which shows that their media is very dishonest.
Some EU organizations are worse than corrupt. Saying flat out that they are too lazy to do their work, because they can't get fired anyway. The complaint system only leads back to the same person. Then you stand there with your urgent corporate paperwork while they don't give a damn.

alpha centauri

Active Member
Some EU organizations are worse than corrupt. Saying flat out that they are too lazy to do their work, because they can't get fired anyway. The complaint system only leads back to the same person. Then you stand there with your urgent corporate paperwork while they don't give a damn.
I agree that this has to be improved, but that does not change the fact that the Russian media has never complained about their own leaders and their own corruption or I did not read it.

A free press is allowed to criticize the leaders of their country and that is what the European press and the Western is doing and that is a good thing.

In authoritarian countries, you are not allowed to criticize the ruling party and that is very suspicious.

Considering the corruption of Putin was proven.
