Holy Hand Grenade tower busters


I’m interested in making holy hand grenade tower busters for my shop ever since I was introduced to them years ago. What are the websites to make them and how to make use of them? My shop is cahokiancalligraphy.etsy.com


Senior Member
The Holy Bomb from the video game Worms comes to mind when I see this.

View attachment 18037

i love this post. I was given an old CD of that game by a friend of my sisters----however it was the sequel Worms 2.
One of the best war games ever made.

That aside, I think she means wilhelm reich stuff but more of like the things they make on the internet
to imitate it. Orgone pucks. I used to order those too, don't anymore but i would recommend ebay.
they come in pretty pyramids or round cookie like shapes and contain 50/50 organin/inorganic materials
and crystals, copper etc. It's BASED on reich's science but reich's machine was actually like a giant phone booth
you sit in to heal ur disease.


Active Member
i love this post. I was given an old CD of that game by a friend of my sisters----however it was the sequel Worms 2.
One of the best war games ever made.

That aside, I think she means wilhelm reich stuff but more of like the things they make on the internet
to imitate it. Orgone pucks. I used to order those too, don't anymore but i would recommend ebay.
they come in pretty pyramids or round cookie like shapes and contain 50/50 organin/inorganic materials
and crystals, copper etc. It's BASED on reich's science but reich's machine was actually like a giant phone booth
you sit in to heal ur disease.
Indeed, Reich's work is based on the principles of alternating layers of organic and inorganic materials causing an entirely different effect with ions and just in general healing potentials.
Throw away pucks aren't really worth the materials used, they do have a function but mostly it's spreading crystals over the land more than anything else. The cheap ass chinese pyramids though are usually worse, I wouldn't recommend them.

Good orgonites cost to make and must be made correctly in order to be used for real healing. I've spent going on 8 years now studying the science behind them, and it's both simple and incredibly complex.

If you want to learn to make them, start with reichs principles, do not use what he did at first, experiment with different materials that follow the same definitions, paramagnetic, diamagnetic, organic, inorganic...compare it to schaubergers water work...the rest will be given to you in meditation and sincere pursuit of the improvements.


Active Member
One of the worms games had a secret game hidden on it on the back of the disk I think, worms on water or something. You were on little dingy boats or something and had to aim up and break blocks or something. Can't remember much of the details but it was one of their best. So much fun back in the day. But I still load up worms on the ppsspp sometimes.
