How prepared should I be for COVID-19???


Hey folks,

Seeing what's going on right now, I'm curious to know what your opinion is, on whether or not things are going to get back to normal in X months, or if you believe $hit is going to hit the fan for real this time.

I'm watching the news and I try to stay well informed, but at some point it's pretty hard to decide who to believe regarding preparedness. Should i get ready for very hard times? That's a question I'm asking myself, and I'm pretty sure others are asking themselves too.

Here at home, we have food for a few weeks and everything is pretty okay, knowing the groceries stores are still open... for now. What do you recommend?

Should I stockpile like crazy? Buy a power generator? Etc? You get the idea.

How prepared are you?


Senior Member
Dude... its too late. If you wernt prepared by now its too late. No offense. But yeah if that clorinique aint everything its hyped up to be then we are in for a rough ride and scary times.

And even if it is all lies... the economic fall out darn sure aint


Senior Member
Prepare for total chaos.

I said this on


this is the problem now in the usa, the period you dont know you have it extended to well should be a 28 days. Most are just now worried about the money side of things, but that will change quickly. To be honest it will hit everywhere and will result in a worldwide recession designed by those that wish to profit from such activities.


Junior Member
Well if anyone has the ability they should prepare with lots of food if they still can (being that there are any food left in the stores??) otherwise most people are screwed. If it isnt the virus that kills the food shortage will. Prepare people now for the outmost worst case scenario!

World Coronavirus Count: 340,000 infected, 14,687 dead

Many are speculating about how long/short time this will all take, I dont expect it to die down in the next month at least, wouldnt be surprised if we see for a long time a Mad Max movie scenario and then eventually a re-start of our civilization....

start at edge

Active Member
In general, search useful information on the internet, but at the same time avoid sites that publish extremely alarmist and often false news. You will find many such information sources and even if there certainly is also “something else” behind this (I myself am convinced about this), the main concern right now is for us to get out safe of this situation, then, when everything will settle down, the truth, that “something else”, will come out in the open almost by itself. For starters, have a look at the official site of the World Health Organization (they can not afford to falsely inform the public of the whole planet). It seems that most important for us right now is to avoid direct contact with other people (handshakes, hugs, etc.), getting exposed (going out) – as the virus seems to spread very fast, it is extremely contagious, it has a pretty long period of incubation (infected people do not show any symptoms for up to 3 weeks, during this time they can infect others). If you live among a civilized population, you should not be too much concerned about running out of food supplies, as the transmission of this virus is not related to food and to the digestive system of human body, it is targeting the respiratory system. As you could probably see already, when someone is tested, the samples are taken from deep inside the nose or throat – never from the inner mouth cavity. People need to keep a safe distance from each other when they are inside a store or pharmacy (2 meters) but also to stay there a limited time (10 minutes). So, try to go out ONLY when strictly necessary (taking the garbage out, buying food or medicine from the pharmacy) and EACH TIME you get back home, the first thing to do is to firmly wash you hands with warm water and soap, significant amount of foam, for at least 20 seconds. Also very important – DO NOT touch you face with your hands until you have them intensively washed in the manner described earlier. You can intensively wash your face as well, but ONLY when your hands are clean. Avoid going into the kitchen, living room or bedroom with your street clothes on. Take your shoes off and leave them near the entrance door when you come from outside. When you really need to go outside, consider wearing a mask, maybe also gloves (depending on what exactly you plan to do). Do not by shy to tell sellers to wear a mask (if they do not have any on their face) and gloves (this I did a few minutes ago at the small neighborhood store where I buy bread from).


Senior Member
Italy peaked; today:

USA is listed as "number 3" in the world pandemic right now, but that label doesn't take per-capita into account.

Look here:

Unless all of these sources are lying, this looks like Summer of the Shark to me:

Look at those numbers carefully. Contrast that with the horseshit the media has been peddling. THEY are the reason you can't find a roll of toilet paper. Not the shelter in place, not the virus. The fucking media.

Before the end of this week, I predict Trump will open the economy back up and tell us to get back to work. When that happens, myself and everyone here should be collaborating together on how not to let something like this catch us unaware ever again. I'll elaborate on what I mean by this another time, but for now just stay safe and take care of your loved ones.

This entire thing smells. Taken together, the facts do not add up to the reaction. We didn't have the government ask us all to become unemployed with any of the other (deadlier) pandemics. Either the media still has this country entirely by the short-hairs, or there's something else going on that we've not been told about.

Edit: To elaborate on the "not being told about" thing, one example is Trump's Sunday briefing:

Starts at about 33 seconds. Who the hell is he talking about? What country? Horribly accosted? Terrible things happening to her, and back with her PARENTS? Something they want to keep "private" for now... Then why even bring it up? People are out of work and have had their lives placed into an indefinite holding pattern. This seems like it was meant as a signal for someone else.
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Oh yes. The corona virus has us by the balls again. I won’t be surprised if chaos arises because of food shortages and staying in houses. I would grow food in pots, go shopping for food to stock up on, save money for chickens and other supplies, and pray to God to not give us Mad Max scenarios.


They announced today in Quebec, that every businesses that are non-essential are to close completely for 3 weeks. That's never happened before.

Wow, total chaos and Mad Max scenarios. How did you guys prepare for that?

Especially @titorite and @Mayhem I'm curious. Thanks.


Senior Member
@Num7 i havent done anything extraordinary except like most getting supplies in.

But say around January i said to myself this is going to get serious on a couple of fronts.

Its taken a while for some to come to the realisation, whether this is orchestrated or not its going to affect our way of life.

I prepared for this in my mind in answer to your question, i just wonder how many out there have done the same.
