Schematic Hyper Dimensional Resonator (HDR) T.E.C. Archive Files

Physics vs Jaden

Amazing Person
Aw, why not an iron core?
I think iron is very underrated next to steel (but I think it'd better :rolleyes:)

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Aw, why not an iron core?
I think iron is very underrated next to steel (but I think it'd better :rolleyes:)
the only iron I could get wasn't like the soft grey iron ferrite, and I can use it ok like test it by running it to a large battery it works, but for some unknown reason when I try to test it on either of my 3 hyper dimensional resonators it keeps blowing the 3 amp fast blow safety fuse so ill try it again latter and replace the 3 amp fast blow fuse with a higher current rating fuse and see how it goes then , I have no fuse blows when I use the mild steel core electromagnets well only a few times but I then replaced the 3 amp fuse with 4 amps and its ok again since, ive uploaded videos of my hdr electromagnet demonstrations onto my YouTube channel all good so far iron is grey but if you look at some of the electromagnets for hdr s on YouTube they look like steel to so far ive got no real problems, and my milligaus meter reads full from the fields and at a meter away or so, so the field s are, nice and strong and to have the fields of one of them mystieriously shut my cam corder down if I get to close every time is bizarre


New Member
time coil? if i was going to attempt to construct what would i use in their place ?? Einstein plz answer i know you will have the answer i need =)


Temporal Engineer
The time coils are made from a segment of coiled guitar cord. The guitar cord is attached to some lamp cord. The ends of the lamp cord have banana plugs attached to them.


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Junior Member
I do not understand why Steven is so "mystified" by his camcorder shutting down when it is moved near the electromagnet.......

There is nothing bizarre happening here at's a "electromagnet" with NO SHIELDING......of course it would effect electronics. Ever hear of a EMP?

It's almost as if some of the users of the HDR have no idea what a electromagnet even is or what it does........

Also, changing the fuse to a higher amperage is NOT the proper way to troubleshoot or fix blown fuses.......that's how you start FIRES!!
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Junior Member
Are you guys familiar with Dr. Persinger's work in nuerotheology??

He is the inventor of what is more commonly known as the "God Helmet".

He took a motorcycle helmet and drilled holes in it for placement of the magnets to stimulate the human brain with "weak" magnetic fields causing religious experiences among other things like test subjects being in the presence of a "alien" entity......

His work is amazing and I think it would be VERY helpful in helping to explain some of these concepts that relate directly to the HDR......

Particularly interesting is his work in geomagnetic theories that could even explain some of the UFO sightings that seem well as what some are referring to as a "natural occurring vortex".

I am also worried about health issues here.....some of you are blindly experimenting with the HDR and the use of electromagnets without any instruments that can MEASURE these fields......or even a basic understanding of these technologies.

Allowing more amperage through can intensify these fields to dangerous levels for example.....

I would caution users to take a step back from the HDR and do some research. You would need to have the proper tools and experience in these various fields of study to experiment safely.

Dr. Persinger's work and studies of the temporal lobes and the higher functions they serve is both amazing and priceless IMHO.


King Ivan
The time coils are made from a segment of coiled guitar cord. The guitar cord is attached to some lamp cord. The ends of the lamp cord have banana plugs attached to them.


Do the time coils have to be made of coiled guitar cords? Why can't they simply be made of aluminum or copper sheets?
