Media I'll just leave this here and let you all dissect it...


Active Member
I would like to ask whoever can answer this question here, does anyone know when this supposed timeline divergence was done? Can anyone give a date or get near a date when this jump to another timeline might have happened? I have often felt that something wasn't quite right for a very long time and I would really like to know if we can pinpoint when this happened.

Snake Plissken

I believe..
Berenstain doesn't roll off the tongue very well. My money is on the subconscious changing it to Berenstein in the memory banks as it seems to fit better.

No divergence here just the collective subconscious making the decisions.


Junior Member
I am definitely from The E Universe. I also remember, "Mirror mirror on the wall..." from the original Snow White movie. I also remember, "Luke, I am your father." I also remember it as, "If you build it, they will come."

I don't care how much visual evidence there is, and I don't care how many times someone in a forum or a /r/ tell me it's the "Mandela Effect", or that tens of thousands of us are simply misquoting or misremembering these iconic scenes, quotes, and titles from some of the most infamous movies in cinema history. Something just doesn't feel right about it. It feels creepy and tampered with. Think about about how twisted the past decade has been. I hate to sound a little off my rocker, but I subscribe to the multiple worldlines theory, and I wouldn't be surprised if something shifted at some point. These tainted, twisted, or altered memories of cult classics and iconic childhood images are shaking people's very foundations. They are genuinely freaked out about it. Just do a google search on this phenomenon and you'll see for yourself.

I used the Berenstein Bears theory, and the initial posted article in particular, because of the fact that it specifically referenced John Titor. I found that to be extremely coincidental and exciting, if not downright creepy. I mean, it's a stretch....but what if? Didn't JT mention at one time that he loved to watch old movies during his stay on this timeline? I can't even begin to go into the divergence or the alteration. The physics and the theoretical probability of it are way above my pay grade, but I damn sure love to think that the good old butterfly effect is plausible.

Titor warned us of civil war. With the racial issues, and the political, ethnical, and religious division currently taking place in our country, it is not out of the realm of possibility that these events are what he was referring to. The "police state". The "removal of our guns". Not to mention the Chinese and the Russians flexing their muscle. He said to keep a constitution on you because the government would ignore it, and your rights would be violated otherwise.

I don't mean to deviate from the topic, and I know that the anti-titorites will destroy me for it. It's just food for thought. Maybe Sam (is Sam still here?) can weigh in on this. I welcome any opinion, insight, or thoughts on the matter.


I used the Berenstein Bears theory, and the initial posted article in particular, because of the fact that it specifically referenced John Titor. I found that to be extremely coincidental and exciting, if not downright creepy

Well, as much of a John Titor supporter I am, people blame everything strange on the poor guy these days. I experienced a timeline change, but I'm really doubting Titor had anything to do with it. After all, he isn't God, is he? :)


Senior Member
I would like to ask whoever can answer this question here, does anyone know when this supposed timeline divergence was done? Can anyone give a date or get near a date when this jump to another timeline might have happened? I have often felt that something wasn't quite right for a very long time and I would really like to know if we can pinpoint when this happened.
According to research into the Philadelphia Experiment, August 12th 1943 was supposed to be the time line divergence..
Unbeknown at the time, this divergence prevented the Nazi`s winning world war 2, which the results of this are on a separate time-line..

I believe lots of people think it happened in 1975, when John Titor made a time machine from a few components...
All the relevant info on the machine can be found en masse on the belief is that it was called the HDR..


Senior Member
Mandela effect has been going on since the 90's when Steven Gibbs was selling HDR units, and they do turn our timeline into a mess. However, the Mandela effect is hard to prove.

Let us say you wake up one morning. All your computers and cell phones are gone. After turning on your ancient B&W tube TV, you find out that there never was a Concorde jet and we never went to the moon.

Telling people about the other timeline is not easy. Like they ask you. "Hey, you say we had Concorde super sonic jets in the 60's and none now."

You reply. "Ah, gas was too expensive."

They said. "Jets use jet fuel not gas. Also, the price of oil is less now than in the 60's if you factor inflation in. If we had super sonic jets in the 60's we would have in the other timeline hyper sonic ones now."

Also, you tell them that in 1969 we went to the moon. They reply that if that was true, in the 80's we would have gone to mars. Also, we would be going to now to the stars.

Needless to say, no one would believe you. That is because the truth does not make any sense. It just is.

Throughout ancient history, truth sayers do suffer, while official court historians (liars) do prosper. Kings like stories where they are heroes, and their enemies zeros.

Debunkers take the party line and portray their opponents as morons. Often they constantly change their story as new evidence moves in. Fact is, they do not realize big changes are coming. Always I predict winter in the middle of summer. Debunkers claim that people who believe in snow are crazy. They have never seen any.

For example, a wall mart moves into a small town and I predict that the local Hanks Hardware store will go out of business in less one year. Debunkers giggle and say - that store has been in business over 100 years you moron. People are not going to turn their back on Jack to save some pennies. I just talked to Jack and he says you are a nut case. He has no plans to close down ever. In fact, he just promoted his son. Why don't you admit you were wrong? Everything you say is wrong. A year later Hank's Hardware is gone. The debunkers say - that was obvious, Hank was 85 and had health issues. I always knew they were going to shut down and you did not tell me anything new.

Lies have to make sense. Otherwise, they would not fool any one. However, for the truth, that is not the case. In fact, lies often are logical, but the truth itself can appear way beyond absolutely preposterous and its speaker a grinning moron or a raving maniac.

Truth is a luxury governments cannot afford so they lie to you. Few people if any wake up. Those that do are labeled crazy.

First they ignore it, then they laugh at it, then they say they knew it all along. --Alexander Humbold
