Kay Titor 177 Tempus Edax Rerum


Senior Member
paradox 404 said, [ The singularity was artificial, not simulated. You can manipulate the singularity through the containment fields and matter injection. Simulation of a singularity would yield zilch. Unless temporal manipulation occurs, the singularities would ideally need to outweigh the car individually due to mass decay caused by Hawking radiation. ]

Lamdo answer, this was a Kerr's black hole simulation, not a singular black hole simulation. There's a difference there. A Kerrs black hole is two black hole on top of each other, so technically this would be a nonlocality. This was probably cause by twin Frank Tipler cylinders within the equipment case.

How this works, is that through a rarified composite metal and other elements tower-like device, a singular black hole is produced by each Tipler tower. When each black hole that's created coincides with each other within a designated aera, they merge and their output equal one disturbance in time and space.

If one can wax that vibration to become exclusionary of the environment inside of it, then the interior of the twin merges black holes can be a carrier of cargo.--Secondly if one can affect how this Kerr black hole excludes anything outside of its twin vibrational stance, then one can send it to the past or the future serving as a time machine. This is exactly what they had done.

Special notation as the ground beneath the auto was shown to have a scoop of earth taken from it on each jump, there must have been a merged affinity clause of at least some portion of the carrying vehicle be exclusive from the chopping off principle from the black holes cutting edge. I myself do not fully understand this, however this must be the case.

paradox404 said , [ The warp bubble should protect him depending on the speed of travel. This is due to the spatial shearing caused by the event horizon. He's probably aging from radiation exposure of some sort, either from the unit itself (Hawking, X-ray or unknown radiation.) or from something from his own time. ] Lamdo answers. It's not a warp bubble. The Kerrs double merged horizon black holes are a sealed exclusionary principle. Please note that because of universal rules, black holes since they share a past sun's mechanics, are conductors of radiation.

So When John came in before showing up at Art Bell's BBS, he traveled through a solar flare. I feel that the path he took to get to his reporting time then, was an encounter of a solar flare occurring now, at this time of reporting. So he more or less must have limped his time machine in on an established exclusion stable bubble principle.

If you can find the records for when Titor showed up at Art Bell's then web site, he did say and this is record, that he had trouble making it in because he journeyed through a large solar flare. It's in the recorded conversation, check it?

paradox404 said, [ Ah the duality problem, any time you use a temporal displacement device there's a chance of running into yourself. I don't think his story was orchestrated to prep us for future disasters, though if his story was true, he'd be from a different reality with a totally different outcome to us. ] Lamdo answers, this is not the duality principles, but a small difference out of the GE time displacement unit, having one of its boards slight out of OEM specks. This would have caused a small, but later on major time travel divergence, because the nature of the twin intermingled vibrating Kerrs would have been changed. In theory this could have double reproduced more than one version of both John Titor and or Pamela if she had accompanied him on any one jump or trip.

The existence of these characters might have stayed up to ten years time, but probably not more than that, due to the useless tree branch principle in falsely made time lines. The timelines themselves clean up the problem, as from all evidence, timelines can act as if they're alive and have a sort of conscious.

Note extra notes on Kerrs black hole matter digestion resulting in Hawking radiation. One has to have raw matter that is attracted into the twin Kerrs. The expression of Hawking radiation is similar to a vertical fountain coming off the top of the poles of a normal back hole. But from the evidence given, is that there was some kind of possible miniature particle driven into the Kerrs, if any was needed at all? How the GE time displacement unit in probability worked, was ohlmic resistance heating, using super composite construction, from the Tipler twin towers within the time displacement unit. *Composit materials see proposed interiors of early fusion engine torus linings, coated with super conductive compost brake-lining-like materials, Popular Science Magazine.

This could have been a projected field without a danger to any normal matter to a certain distance out, from the human console operations next to the center of the simulate two Kerrs merged black holes. Pamela Morre herself said in her investigation of the Kerr black holes phenomena, that the laws of naturally merged back holes, is not a direct locality, but merely an approximation of one.

A naturally form Kerrs black hole, might be the size of a small moon.

*Other notes, Pamela was a smart girl, very scientifically astute. I can only venture to say that she possibly had encountered John Titor, if he indeed had existed. She knew too much and what she did know, she was really sharp on.
*Notes on the Kerr double black hole approximation and roughly what it was, how it worked.

How the Kerr black hole approximator worked, is that more than likely and I'm thinking a specially doped proton, that could transient matter was sent out to a distance surrounding the vehicle. This would be a very tiny particle, but enough, so when the ohlmic resistant start-up feature of the GE 204 time machines event encourager hit that proton, the elements within that proton establish a representation of two hollow black holes envelops a-top of one another.

This is a vibratory stance of function, so their operators are not inside of a real black hole. To travel forwards of backwards in time, all one has to do is to change the vibrational slant as to where those functioning spheres go forward to the future or back in time. This would work, because what a double black hole Kerr's phenomenon is, is only a rough locality, not a set black hole set stationarily held in space. My feelings are, pretty much, this is how they managed time travel.


Senior Member
*Notes on the Kerr double black hole approximation and roughly what it was, how it worked.

How the Kerr black hole approximator worked, is that more than likely and I'm thinking a specially doped proton, that could transient matter was sent out to a distance surrounding the vehicle. This would be a very tiny particle, but enough, so when the ohlmic resistant start-up feature of the GE 204 time machines event encourager hit that proton, the elements within that proton establish a representation of two hollow black holes envelops a-top of one another.

This is a vibratory stance of function, so their operators are not inside of a real black hole. To travel forwards of backwards in time, all one has to do is to change the vibrational slant as to where those functioning spheres go forward to the future or back in time. This would work, because what a double black hole Kerr's phenomenon is, is only a rough locality, not a set black hole set stationarily held in space. My feelings are, pretty much, this is how they managed time travel.
*THERE IS ONE PROBLEM IN THE PHYISCS OF CREATING A DOUBLE KERRS MANIFOLDED SIMULATED BLACK HOLE and it rest in the startup projection from the case working that generate the double Kerrs nonlocality. This is shown in the diagram to where one black hole, that is probably hollow and simulated, or micro.

Know that the singular black hole is needed to create the double black hole, because a descriptive composition and to approximate a double Kerrs black hole, cannot produce two black holes that overlap simultaneously, one would need a mini-super computer or a Schmidt Trigger like device in order to do that. So, for a fraction of a second, a smaller radiused black hole would have to be created, then through an electronic Frenzel type of shunting passage of a projected force filed, then and only then generate the twin Kerrs.

If this is a true event somewhere else, say another timeline and this course of action has been done, then this procedure of generating the Kerrs would be within plausible guidelines.


Active Member
*THERE IS ONE PROBLEM IN THE PHYISCS OF CREATING A DOUBLE KERRS MANIFOLDED SIMULATED BLACK HOLE and it rest in the startup projection from the case working that generate the double Kerrs nonlocality. This is shown in the diagram to where one black hole, that is probably hollow and simulated, or micro.

Know that the singular black hole is needed to create the double black hole, because a descriptive composition and to approximate a double Kerrs black hole, cannot produce two black holes that overlap simultaneously, one would need a mini-super computer or a Schmidt Trigger like device in order to do that. So, for a fraction of a second, a smaller radiused black hole would have to be created, then through an electronic Frenzel type of shunting passage of a projected force filed, then and only then generate the twin Kerrs.

If this is a true event somewhere else, say another timeline and this course of action has been done, then this procedure of generating the Kerrs would be within plausible guidelines.

This is a diagram of an active warp field Lamdo:

Center of Mass.png

Obviously the sizes shown are fairly out of proportion, and there is a bit of information missing but this is the general overview of the final shape of the field. A displacement engine would need to incorporate this field as well as a method of adjusting the upper three dimensions in the 6 dimensional plane that a drive of this nature would be theoretically be capable of manipulating. As I said previously, Assuming your story of the solar flare was indeed true, which I doubt, the field would have protected him as he would have been superluminal. Due to the nature of the transporting vessel, he'd need to remain superluminal until the moment of exiting warp. I do also have doubts that such a field could hold an atmosphere, though the theory still isn't finished.

Regardless, using a car to travel in this manner would be nothing short of downright insanely difficult.

Also, not going to lie though mate, a lot of your text makes no sense whatsoever.


Senior Member
This is a diagram of an active warp field Lamdo:

View attachment 12930

Obviously the sizes shown are fairly out of proportion, and there is a bit of information missing but this is the general overview of the final shape of the field. A displacement engine would need to incorporate this field as well as a method of adjusting the upper three dimensions in the 6 dimensional plane that a drive of this nature would be theoretically be capable of manipulating. As I said previously, Assuming your story of the solar flare was indeed true, which I doubt, the field would have protected him as he would have been superluminal. Due to the nature of the transporting vessel, he'd need to remain superluminal until the moment of exiting warp. I do also have doubts that such a field could hold an atmosphere, though the theory still isn't finished.

Regardless, using a car to travel in this manner would be nothing short of downright insanely difficult.

Also, not going to lie though mate, a lot of your text makes no sense whatsoever.
Thank you, I was going to take an example out of the Titor GE manual, but on a hunch, I wanted to see what someone else came up with.

I know that the sequence would have to go with the smaller simulated black hole first, and then an interposing enlarged copy of the Kerrs double interposing, let's say vibrating double radiuses second. This would be for the second shell out a ways from the vehicle, at a fraction of a second.

Once that second shell appears, then the interior of inside of that field is a sealed event. This is why Titor mentioned having to carry a bottle of oxygen with him on these jumps. I tend to think just a simulated singular black hole at first, then the electronic Frenzel lens, divides this into two.

To someone never reading about exactly what Titor & crew did, what they were dealing with in working with black holes, is like the outer onion skin of the simulated mass and even horizons only. Not a full black hole or everything would be sucked into the even by super-massed gravity drawing.

Yes, that's it, pretty much and I'm very thankful that you were kind enough to provide this for me.

walt willis

Senior Member

Here is Moores latest interview with someone named Mike suave. Who wrote a book on who could have been John Titor
Just posted today.
I am a little pissed off because Mike said I believe John Titor was a hoax. I'm definetly
Contacting Mr. Moore. I wonder if he has that in his book as well. I have to set the record straight. :mad:
If Mr. Moore is the same guy that interviewed a family friend Phil Corso Jr. then he should know that time travel is real and wanted to believe the Titor story?
Listen also to Dan Sherman's interview as well as Jim Sparks.
What today sounds like fiction may shock some folks in the near future?
Humans are not now ready for the truth so just sit back and enjoy your fiction!

walt willis

Senior Member
Titor is not Trump.
Trump is not Titor.

Trump was born and has a birth certificate and a documented childhood that is on record. A time traveler would have none of that.
A human as in all humans have a birth history!
Aliens also have a history that is not the same as ours.
Human evolution will be far removed from what we are like today.
Remember there is no cure for stupid!


Active Member
Johns, we're leaving soon but I’ll check here as often as I can. They erased my name but I was able to get it back. Good luck - 177TER.

If anyone knows how to reach Pamela, please let her know I have something for her.

Thank you.
1er avril 1 mouth later
