Debate Law of time


Junior Member
I'm looking at a certain configuration of matter that exists in this present moment. When you look at your memories, you're looking at a certain configuration of matter that exists in this present moment. I can't go back to the same configuration of matter that existed when the post was made.
I can understand your way of thinking as it similar to my belief. I don't believe in time travel cos matter cannot exist in the space that it never was. Man has named past present and future to identify our linear existence.

Time is fixed at a constant speed even though time can be experienced at different rates. You can boil the same amount of water every time and will always boil at the exact same time. Yes certain factors could effect the timing but the baseline is the initial starting point be the same parameters.


Senior Member
This is it a vitally important to understand. Things items go into the curves & eddies of space time & come out. An outhouse on the other hand does the same thing. People go into an outhouse, deposit things & then come out. Same law of energy conservation. You don't want to disrupt the energy balance and conservation of an outhouse. I hope some here realize how destructive this can be?

Enter search in your video utility Porta Potty Fighting Morgan & Wallace Concert. That should take you to it. Note there's ominous music in the background but this might not mean the world will end.

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I'm looking at a certain configuration of matter that exists in this present moment. When you look at your memories, you're looking at a certain configuration of matter that exists in this present moment. I can't go back to the same configuration of matter that existed when the post was made.
I missed your point the first time.... :oops:
How does that make sense? How did I go back to the way the world was by responding the post?

I re-read your posts.....I see my mistake as I just 'glossed' over the top most post.....Life does that at times.

My Bad.....Sorry for the confusion.


Senior Member
How does that make sense? How did I go back to the way the world was by responding the post?
The bad forces that be had this planned by first involving everyone in the John Titor debauchel. I feel that this is one of the reasons why Art Bell talk show host was shot.


Active Member
Time is infinite in either direction (past and future) . The definition of time is the moment that once was and the moment that is now and the moment that will be next. Alot of people think time can be manipulated but we can't change something that has always existed and beyond the creation of our universe. Law of time sees you at the present but never in the past.
Doesn't work like that.
The past does not exist, it is only remembered based on your current vibrational level which is to say your position of observation on an infinitely long chain of fractal etheric frequency based connections. Same with the future, doesn't exist except as a variant of vibration. Which version you experience is based on your only now moment which recycles every 1/2 planck second.
The law of time is this.
Everything changes and this cannot change.
In one sense you could say the frame rate of the now moment is 1 planck. But even in that planck your moment is both destroying itself and rebuilding itself again.


Active Member
Doesn't work like that.
The past does not exist, it is only remembered based on your current vibrational level which is to say your position of observation on an infinitely long chain of fractal etheric frequency based connections. Same with the future, doesn't exist except as a variant of vibration. Which version you experience is based on your only now moment which recycles every 1/2 planck second.
The law of time is this.
Everything changes and this cannot change.
In one sense you could say the frame rate of the now moment is 1 planck. But even in that planck your moment is both destroying itself and rebuilding itself again.
I talk to someone to all of you a guy name is wizard but don't know him well time travel is done by astral projection and that you can change history only on your own timeline which I mean yourself affect only you do there you have it I also think this guy said that he able to fight against bad etc or stop the nuclear go off only in astral plane I don't know if he is telling the truth here it just that I am learning about it
