MAJOR DISCOVERY: Hidden Corridor Discovered in the Great Pyramid of Egypt


Senior Member

This morning there was an international Press Conference in front of the Great Pyramid of Egypt and a major new discovery has now been announced. The news comes from the ScanPyramids Project, which many of you will be familiar with, a team of scientists who used cosmic muon technology to locate voids and spaces inside the Great Pyramid, who discovered a large void above the grand gallery in 2017 and a smaller void behind the entrance chevrons in 2016. The new discovery is regarding the entrance corridor, and not only has it been confirmed by five different scientific methods, an endoscope also went into it just 6 days ago and we have pictures! Watch this video to learn more about this brand new discovery!



This morning there was an international Press Conference in front of the Great Pyramid of Egypt and a major new discovery has now been announced. The news comes from the ScanPyramids Project, which many of you will be familiar with, a team of scientists who used cosmic muon technology to locate voids and spaces inside the Great Pyramid, who discovered a large void above the grand gallery in 2017 and a smaller void behind the entrance chevrons in 2016. The new discovery is regarding the entrance corridor, and not only has it been confirmed by five different scientific methods, an endoscope also went into it just 6 days ago and we have pictures! Watch this video to learn more about this brand new discovery!

Fantastic find there, @Mayhem ! (y)

Great to see the Muan Tech in use.

What do you all think they'll find in the Chamber?

Butt, the elephant in the room for me is...I've never seen a Pyramid have a Colonoscopy before.



Active Member
The engineer in me says we are doing this the hard and slow way, and we should just take the entire thing apart (numbering the pieces as we go), learn, then put it all back together.

They also missed the dire warning behind the camera roughly translated as: Any holes in this chevron wall could cause the entire pyramid to collapse! Fill immediately!


Time Travel Professor
I have always wondered how the great pyramids and Sphhinx were built. I have a theory, but have no proof that the theory is correct. Long time ago there were giants that stood 36 feet tall or taller. The giants of that time in history I believe could have built the pyramids and also the Great Sphinx which is much older than the pyramids.

Professor Opmmur


Going to be interesting, though as one commented it could be a support chamber for the structure have to wait and see.

Just thinking out loud here but,
I would be interested to see if there were hieroglyphic symbols
of a certain kind on the Inside Walls.

Doesn't it seem like these things might be encased for reasons
that died with the ancients that built them?



Active Member
I have always wondered how the great pyramids and Sphhinx were built. I have a theory, but have no proof that the theory is correct. Long time ago there were giants that stood 36 feet tall or taller. The giants of that time in history I believe could have built the pyramids and also the Great Sphinx which is much older than the pyramids.

Professor Opmmur
They were built from the inside out with pulleys and ramps using sonic levitation tech to ease the difficulty to less than 10% of their weight. Even if its nearly floating pushing a thousand pound boulder isn't easy. I don't recall if there were any giants, mostly advanced humans that still used their telekinetic abilities to help with the hauling process. I don't think it was sandy back then either, I only have one very brief memory but it felt more tropical or, not even tropical but just nice weather not the sun beaten place you have now. Wasn't slaves though. Place was a tribute to technology and know how. Left as a gift.

I see in that video that that childish prick is still running the show over there though, probably why the upper chambers are not on the graphic and the tunnels, not that they have ever revealed that information to the public...I would personally love to get into the tunnels.

If humanity survives it won't be too many decades (maybe a dozen) before we could build it again, you keep hearing shit from all these architects that we as a race could build it now...not a friggin chance. They have only barely figured out how to stop bridges collapsing from too many feet.

I hope it does get rebuilt though. If not, I highly suggest when your dead again that you peak in about 12,000 years ago. I should really set some intentions and try to go back myself some night. I haven't tried remote viewing for quite a while.


I have always wondered how the great pyramids and Sphhinx were built. I have a theory, but have no proof that the theory is correct. Long time ago there were giants that stood 36 feet tall or taller. The giants of that time in history I believe could have built the pyramids and also the Great Sphinx which is much older than the pyramids.

Professor Opmmur


Have you seen this?

