New York is Under Water



A record rainfall paralyzed New York, causing a wave of floodwaters to rush through streets, basements and subways. The water rose so quickly that it caught some passengers by surprise as they boarded the subway during rush hour, CNN reported. First responders sprang into action, pulling people out of stranded cars and basements. Nearly 200 mm (8 inches) of rain fell in one day at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport for the first time since 1948. A month's worth of rain fell in Brooklyn in just 2 hours. Numerous videos on social networks show flooded basements and water pouring from the ceilings of apartments.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
even Gazza got thunder and lightning for its first time according to YouTube video and these wild whether phenomena's are all over the world and in the eastern states of Australia very hot and fires and in western Australia we have perfect whether and rain


Our country won't build storm walls. Holland has one that retracts. Our polticians won't spend them money. Certain bays in the country need them - Tampa, cities in Louisiana, NYC, etc.

Anyway, one the of the recent hurricanes traveled up there and Maine was hit by a cat 1. These storms push water right into the cities.


Active Member
I see it more as LWO weather manipulation to back their climate change agenda to manipulate and control the people. "OMG! It rained! ...therefore it must be global warming! THE PLANET IS DOOMED!!!" This could have easily been triggered with silver iodide flares that are normally used to try and trigger rain. No exotic technology needed. These manipulators are building up some really bad karma for all the people they're hurting in the process.

Meanwhile in the central south, they're using something the past few years to give us really bad droughts because most of us refuse to vote LWO.

Side note 1: This is why I check flood maps before I buy or rent property. Some housing units and businesses are built in incredibly stupid areas... then they create a ruckus that gets on the news when they get flooded out... then they demand the government (the people) pay for their bad decisions.

Side note 2: Never drive through and definitely don't wade through flood waters like that. The amount of pollution in NYC is astounding. It would be safer to play in your toilet. A lot of people are going to get sick from that.


Junior Member
The recent flooding in NYC is certainly the worst it's been in decades, but it's not exactly unheard of. Everything is concrete and asphalt there. In most places, the water would just absorb into the ground. There is no such thing in NYC, they are entirely reliant on storm drains.
