Confirmed Hoax Noah_A_S : Time Traveler with Memory Loss?

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I deeply value your insight on this topic. It appears that there may have been some confusion regarding the origins of the ray gun. Your detailed explanation has provided clarity on its background and its connections to popular media such as the Dr. Grordbort's comic and the Team Fortress II game. Thank you for sharing this enlightening information with me.

As for the individuals Mullac and Walker, I regret to say that I am not familiar with them, and I can affirm that I am not the Walker to whom you are referring. My knowledge of your status as a time traveller did not come from them but from a separate source.

Upon conducting initial research on the Skidmark boys, I have found their stories to be fascinating. A search of their names across various forums has revealed a wealth of material that would captivate any creative writer. Both individuals exhibit remarkable creativity, with their stories or if you prefer nonsense often revolving around the UK town of Derby.

Is this where you tell us you are really Time Flipper?

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
Skidmark Boys? Who in their right mind would call someone that?

Yes I wonder @Num7 :unsure:

Its's a made up thing that the Skidmark Boys (Mullac and Walker) came up with.

Are they still harrassing you on Discord?

The whole story can be read here:

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Oh my God. I remember this post. Yeah, I thought I remembered seeing that somewhere before.

Yeah I remember posting this lol

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
My friend suggested entering the term 'Skidmark Boys' into the already mentioned AI service , and surprisingly, it was generated by that AI. Have individuals become so reliant on technology that they now turn to AI for insults? What's next?

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
Oh my God. I remember this post. Yeah, I thought I remembered seeing that somewhere before.

Yeah I remember posting this lol
Hey @Noah_A_S , it seems like you might be dealing with some memory lapses. It's entirely possible that you forgot a pretty important detail - you're actually a time traveler!
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