Par-ing with Darth Vader.


Senior Member
Maybe you right I see people dress up as star wars personal

People take the movies so seriously and part of that is understandable as
they are deep on a certain level examining religion, politics, and government
from a philosophical point of view. However, a lot of people seem to take these movies very very very very seriously
to the point it is a part of their soul. That is what I find interesting.
Also the Montauk connection


Senior Member
Certain people seem to feel a certain resonance with either the Jedi, the Sith,
or the Separatists.

All memories from a galactic war that happened a long
time ago in a galaxy far far far away? lol


Senior Member
The nature of the bio-assist suit worn by Lord Vader was probably advanced computer electric, but based on a bigger usury frame. Remember this was a large planetary system they were from. So the technical workability size increased.

Because these were computers and circuitry linked into Vader's neurological system, in order for the assisting suit to function, a reverse artificial intelligence back-flow occurred. Vader was able to talk to machines and had a way of communicating with them.

*I don't know if this was either fished by Project Rainbow Time Travel Project or occurred as writer's author's interest, but Lord Vader's electrical machine-like personality shows in composite in this movie scene.



Senior Member
The nature of the bio-assist suit worn by Lord Vader was probably advanced computer electric, but based on a bigger usury frame. Remember this was a large planetary system they were from. So the technical workability size increased.

Because these were computers and circuitry linked into Vader's neurological system, in order for the assisting suit to function, a reverse artificial intelligence back-flow occurred. Vader was able to talk to machines and had a way of communicating with them.

*I don't know if this was either fished by Project Rainbow Time Travel Project or occurred as writer's author's interest, but Lord Vader's electrical machine-like personality shows in composite in this movie scene.

Could you say Vader was almost like an organic robot?


Senior Member
There are only 6 "true" Star Wars movies. Change my mind. Disney ruined the entire franchise. "SoMeHoW, pAlPaTiNe ReTuRnEd".

There wasn't enough working on plot development and character development and
too much focus on just "having female characters for the SOLE SAKE of having them"
when it could have been done better. Most of my main characters are females but
it wasn't exactly intentional it just happened that way.
You have to learn how to use the Force you don't just automatically know it like Rey.
I basically agree with that argument. On the other hand I liked Rogue ONe a little bit.

But yeah most of the disney ones are absurd.
All of Star Wars is absurd, a family space drama, a soap opera about a dysfunctional family in space, pure nonsense, unless you have the right mindset and interpret it
from different "points of view" as Obi wan says.

BTW though, you should know that Palpatine returning was in a scrapped idea
from Lucas himself I think either that or the Timothy Zahn novels.
There's a radio play on youtube where Luke encounters Palpatine in a cave or some shit
