steven chiverton

Senior Member
may be worth trying but ive never ever come across any information of any electronics ever found on any alien crashed craft before so the schematic must be an earth drawn one to create the same energy but the integrated circuits ive yet to find out are they old obsolute parts not around anymore or just hard or expensive to get


Active Member
may be worth trying but ive never ever come across any information of any electronics ever found on any alien crashed craft before so the schematic must be an earth drawn one to create the same energy but the integrated circuits ive yet to find out are they old obsolute parts not around anymore or just hard or expensive to get
Well it's not really electronics. It just uses a very slight electronic charge from spare electros in the environment to charge the geometry of the crossing circuitry so as to more precisely align the electro and magnetic fields. Perhaps align isn't the best word, rejoin..
I've not seen a design quite like this in orgonite use, I use a different pattern but many use some variation of toroidal field with either single or dual direction windings.
As for the material choice, I suspect gold and silver are preferred but, copper has an atomic harmonic with the earths schuman resonance, so maybe copper and gold. So yeah, gold would in that case would be ridiculously expensive.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
silver and coper used in this they both have different thermal and electrical conductivities so this reminds my of the Mobius coil device anyhow its very interesting as for making the vogal crystal sing is a strange one maybe like the noise you get when you rub your wet finger around a crystal glass i dont know it singing applies to these Tibetan singing bowels

steven chiverton

Senior Member
heres a wealth of extra information about the amazing phryll


  • Developing the Bobbin - Phryll Research - Precision Vogel & Gem Cutting.pdf
    7.2 MB · Views: 3
  • Mark Comings the “Father of Modern Phryll Research” _ - Phryll Research - Precision Vogel & Ge...pdf
    7 MB · Views: 3
  • Our Mission _ - Phryll Research - Precision Vogel & Gem Cutting.pdf
    8 MB · Views: 2
  • Phryll – The Universal Life Force _ Galactic Anthropology.pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 2
  • Phryll Beginning Experiment - Phryll Research - Precision Vogel & Gem Cutting.pdf
    7.2 MB · Views: 3
  • Phryll Beginning Experiment - Phryll Research - Precision Vogel & Gem Cutting.pdf
    7.2 MB · Views: 2
  • Phryll Development for Humanity – Bench Set Up - Phryll Research - Precision Vogel & Gem Cutting.pdf
    7.2 MB · Views: 3
  • What is Phryll _ - Phryll Research - Precision Vogel & Gem Cutting.pdf
    7.1 MB · Views: 4


Active Member
Well that definitely opens things up beyond normal chi/, claims of antigravity potentials...I doubt very much it could lift a whole craft, but if theres any truth to the style of set up then I could see how rotating a bunch of these might lift a circular craft...doesn't compare to any of the military versions i'm aware off though. Except the perpendicular field arrangement.
