Psychic son... is it possible?


New Member
Hi all, New user, first post. I hope this can be explained in a rational way but we recently had a really odd experience with our 4 year old.

One day me, my partner and our son were sitting in McDonalds and out of the blue he says "the girl in mummy's tummy should sit next to daddy" we weren't pregnant, we weren't trying to get pregnant and showed no signs of being so.

However, 4 weeks later we found out my partner was infact pregnant. Going by the timeline, the only chance we could have conceived would have been the night before our son told us about the girl in mummy's tummy. How did he know...?

If that's not weird enough, it gets weirder.

5 weeks later our son was talking about the "two boys and two girls" who could all play together. In context, I see this as;

Our son.
Our unborn child

Sons best friend
Sons best friends younger brother.

2 boys, 2 girls(although sex of the baby wouldn't be determined so early, so it's speculation)

However, after talking about the two boys and two girls playing, our son came out with "but the other girl went to heaven" looking at each other, knowing what this could mean, we ask him what he meant. He said "the little girl died because she fell In lava"

My partner, although we hadn't told anybody, was bleeding, and we were worried she was having a miscarriage. When we got to the hospital later that day, we were told she infact did have a miscarriage.

So not only did our son tell us about the pregnancy, he also told us about the miscarriage and death of the unborn child.

So, do I get my son tested for ESP? Can I test him myself? Or is this all some wildly unlikely, but not impossible, coincidence?


Hi all, New user, first post. I hope this can be explained in a rational way but we recently had a really odd experience with our 4 year old.

One day me, my partner and our son were sitting in McDonalds and out of the blue he says "the girl in mummy's tummy should sit next to daddy" we weren't pregnant, we weren't trying to get pregnant and showed no signs of being so.

However, 4 weeks later we found out my partner was infact pregnant. Going by the timeline, the only chance we could have conceived would have been the night before our son told us about the girl in mummy's tummy. How did he know...?

If that's not weird enough, it gets weirder.

5 weeks later our son was talking about the "two boys and two girls" who could all play together. In context, I see this as;

Our son.
Our unborn child

Sons best friend
Sons best friends younger brother.

2 boys, 2 girls(although sex of the baby wouldn't be determined so early, so it's speculation)

However, after talking about the two boys and two girls playing, our son came out with "but the other girl went to heaven" looking at each other, knowing what this could mean, we ask him what he meant. He said "the little girl died because she fell In lava"

My partner, although we hadn't told anybody, was bleeding, and we were worried she was having a miscarriage. When we got to the hospital later that day, we were told she infact did have a miscarriage.

So not only did our son tell us about the pregnancy, he also told us about the miscarriage and death of the unborn child.

So, do I get my son tested for ESP? Can I test him myself? Or is this all some wildly unlikely, but not impossible, coincidence?

You bet it's possible.

I have met many gifted people in my life but the one who stood out was Echoe Bodine.

Her students helped me out with a problem some years ago and I know they were legitimate.

Hope this helps. :)


Senior Member
Very cool and interesting experiences thank you for sharing!

I sadly do not have much input here except children tend to be far more susceptible to the paranormal at a young age, typically this goes away as the child gets older unless they focus on it.

But very interesting!


Senior Member
Welcome to the forum :)

Has there been anything else that has come up maybe at the time yas didnt think much of it before this ?


Active Member
Hi all, New user, first post. I hope this can be explained in a rational way but we recently had a really odd experience with our 4 year old.

One day me, my partner and our son were sitting in McDonalds and out of the blue he says "the girl in mummy's tummy should sit next to daddy" we weren't pregnant, we weren't trying to get pregnant and showed no signs of being so.

However, 4 weeks later we found out my partner was infact pregnant. Going by the timeline, the only chance we could have conceived would have been the night before our son told us about the girl in mummy's tummy. How did he know...?

If that's not weird enough, it gets weirder.

5 weeks later our son was talking about the "two boys and two girls" who could all play together. In context, I see this as;

Our son.
Our unborn child

Sons best friend
Sons best friends younger brother.

2 boys, 2 girls(although sex of the baby wouldn't be determined so early, so it's speculation)

However, after talking about the two boys and two girls playing, our son came out with "but the other girl went to heaven" looking at each other, knowing what this could mean, we ask him what he meant. He said "the little girl died because she fell In lava"

My partner, although we hadn't told anybody, was bleeding, and we were worried she was having a miscarriage. When we got to the hospital later that day, we were told she infact did have a miscarriage.

So not only did our son tell us about the pregnancy, he also told us about the miscarriage and death of the unborn child.

So, do I get my son tested for ESP? Can I test him myself? Or is this all some wildly unlikely, but not impossible, coincidence?
You don't need to test him, nor should you. You will have thousands of experiences that prove it before long. It's been a very normal thing for about 5 ish maybe 6 years now, they are all psychic.
Children that age are as the saying goes, closer to god. But, keep taking him to mcdonalds and you will kill that ability in him very quickly. They need clean organic food and proper water, NOT tap water, no "methods of opening the third eye" and avoid everything it tells you to drop.

You may want to ask him if she planned on staying and changed her mind because its far too dense, or if she was just tasting this time period for observational purposes.
