Questions for John Titor


Junior Member
Not only are these 3 still alive, but live as criminals; normal lives in society so to speak.
But under surveillance for there whole lives.
Criminals that get to do what they want because they're monitored and observed for the next 3.
But this 3, are us.

Normal kids (well not kids anymore, because in the 30's) with abnormal abilities who alter your everyday life.


Junior Member
Not only are these 3 still alive, but live as criminals; normal lives in society so to speak.
But under surveillance for there whole lives.
Criminals that get to do what they want because they're monitored and observed for the next 3.
But this 3, are us.

Normal kids (well not kids anymore, because in the 30's) with abnormal abilities who alter your everyday life.
Only criminals because it's in the nature of a high psi to objectively destroy what is created.

Imagine being alone in a world of chaos to only bend it to the way you see fit


Active Member
You traveled from 2036. I haven’t read your whole experience. When did time travel first become possible? Was your team the first group of travelers or has this been going on for a number of years prior to 2036? Did the technology begin with sending human travelers or were other items sent through time as a test? Is quantum tunneling a part of the science, tunneling through to your destination?


Senior Member
You traveled from 2036. I haven’t read your whole experience. When did time travel first become possible? Was your team the first group of travelers or has this been going on for a number of years prior to 2036? Did the technology begin with sending human travelers or were other items sent through time as a test? Is quantum tunneling a part of the science, tunneling through to your destination?
The GE 204 time displacement unit was built out of a surplus of information and the need to do so because the squandered resources. Unlike this worldline with the threat of covid mutating because of the nanotechnology splicing agent in it, because it's new, there was no such hindrance in our worldline.

The GE unit was made from physics theory meeting with engineers that could make it a practicality. This was a projection of two nonlocalities to interfere at estimated energy margins heat, to whether the action, but not the substance of a double Kerrs set of black holes would provide the domain of a special relativity that would house an object to be transported.

What the mission of the GE 204 was built around was obtaini9ng a computer that was capable of reinstalling computer code, in a worldline to where the caution was not taken ahead of time, to isolate that potential so that an exclusion to another timeline would not be necessary.

There were a number of problems with the initial development of the 204 in being able to start it, then receive the necessary engineering data once full-time displacement capability was reached. We finally used an onboard sensors data recorder to obtain this information without having to worry about the performance of the Kerr's margins cutting through the cable.

The margins were so strong, so powerful that they could cut through any substance. So what was of early concern was a good amount of data that would spearhead an information head early in the 204's development.

GE Genral Electric is known by other means to also exist in other world & timelines. It's just looked upon that these are differing d frequency brands, so there's no cast ownership on other versions of the same namesake band in another location.

GE also stands for in the engineering vernacular for "Good enough" and that precisely what the unit was. This venture had been a rush job. We were at need so really didn't care if the danger was too great for the chrono-naught to perform their duties in chrono-travel. We needed an old computer that probably nobody wanted, that's why the allowing of the project plus funding and resources was okayed.

The happening of an atomic war absolutely destroyed our society, we had little choice in the matter.

From our viewpoint, even though we're doing better now, we don't know, understand why Pa* helped him like she did? This was a much discussed and fussed, but little done about affair. Streamed info/////


Senior Member
You traveled from 2036. I haven’t read your whole experience. When did time travel first become possible? Was your team the first group of travelers or has this been going on for a number of years prior to 2036? Did the technology begin with sending human travelers or were other items sent through time as a test? Is quantum tunneling a part of the science, tunneling through to your destination?

You traveled from 2036. I haven’t read your whole experience. When did time travel first become possible? Was your team the first group of travelers or has this been going on for a number of years prior to 2036? Did the technology begin with sending human travelers or were other items sent through time as a test? Is quantum tunneling a part of the science, tunneling through to your destination?
How the engineering of the 204 came about was the concept of using mixed elements of metal house within a ceramic matrix similar to how brake pads are put together. This way we could refrigerate the unit dropping the temperature electro-magnetically increasing the strength of a projected magnetic field.

With research into how to extend the reach of gravity to a wanted localized area, we had developed the ability to extend this gravitational force, to a super gravity force, then cause a counter-current outlined that simulated a non-locality Kerrs black hole. It was the working dynamics of this double sphere that caused the special relativity location within the approximated double sphere's to be a stable environment.

The first attempt at placing the Tipler Tower to produce this manifold using stainless steel gladded cable didn't work. For a split second the intertwined spheres appeared, then in a fraction of a second the double spheres cut through. We had no way of controlling the even and the simulation of the double spheres would go cold.

There were problems as we used a truck battery to have that current amped up, converted to AC and then fed into the towers to make the Kerrs. We realized if we could craft a preset robotic control, that would range in pre-authorized functions, we then without the controls being cut, could control the pattern of the testing programs.

Superconductors in our worldline were known of and featured in a popular magazine. We figured out that we wouldn't need any sort of microwave heating, if we could find a way when the unit started, of remote syphoning off of the intense heat produced from the towers simulated black holes operation.

We set a special area intake of heat energy from the Kerrs only, that would feed back into the machine, converting the thermal gathered values to electric. This one factor is what would keep the 204 functioning and not depending upon battery power.

There's a sereis of eletronic boards hidden in this surplus miltiary utilty case. They're about 9 x 10 inches and there's four of them. Our agents found out when John came into your worldline, that he journeyed through a solar storm that blew out some on board function of these components. It was reported back this is why John asked for help on the Art Bell webpage.

The real John could ask the where to get these damaged boards fixed, without gaining suspicion. He chose to perform this task in part by a third party as her didn't have the technical know-how to perform the task. This is why he had trouble in returning back to his worldline.

There were three hidden agencies involved in the monitoring of the real Johnm Titor. Because of the sticky contamination theory, these agencies just wanted him to be able to move around and live, but not do the wrong thing.

He became romantically involved but these hidden governmental agencies thought that at least if he were with a woman, this would make him less likely to foul up their timeline.

The Chevrolet Corvette was chosen as the transport gondola, because it was light weight & the body being plastic gave some degree of nonconductive opacity to electrical phenomena. Streamed information////
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Active Member
(Thank you for the info. It may eventually be reposted to another area of the forum as it’s not questions. ) Where is the bulk of the Titor story you are pulling that from?
If you traveled thru a solar storm which damaged some of the equipment does that imply that the vehicle physically leaves the earths surface and travels thru interplanetary space for some duration to a specified location meeting up with the other worldline? The vehicle is not remaining stationary while in route to the other worldline?


Senior Member
(Thank you for the info. It may eventually be reposted to another area of the forum as it’s not questions. ) Where is the bulk of the Titor story you are pulling that from?
If you traveled thru a solar storm which damaged some of the equipment does that imply that the vehicle physically leaves the earths surface and travels thru interplanetary space for some duration to a specified location meeting up with the other worldline? The vehicle is not remaining stationary while in route to the other worldline?
It seemed to me that yes, you did ask a question as this is unknown information. So why, therefore are you posting this info? Looked as if to be a question to me.

1. As an amalgam of information as an answer to that bridged phenomena from the real origin of John Titor to this world. There was supposedly two versions of John Titor. One fictitious for political-entertainment govt purposes and a real version of John Titor as the story itself was from another worldline.

2.How Tior traveled from through a conduit from his worldline place calculated to take him here the same time the fictitious story was commencing. This way Titor could really get what he was after*This may have been an interagency allowance as the well being of Titor's world may have been in some way affecting this world.

This was a calculated raceway. Sometimes time machines leave the track of the Earth's path & if the operator's not careful the device may materialize in space.
EXAMPLE I got good at using an HDR but was way out of its intended use pattern because the one jump I took I re-metalized in space. By chance extraterrestrials were there to catch me and took me into their ship. They explained to me what I had done and advised on not doing this again. // From source The Time Travel Institute. Period of time @ TTI that the Gibbs HDR was being used out of its OEM advised specifications and being modified to work as a wholly capacitated time machine. By poster @ TTI initials cn


Active Member
I’m sorry. No,I was just stating that the forum administration had said that discussions would be moved to another part of the forum or deleted. I didn’t know how strict they were on keeping it in question format.
