Regenerative Medicine.


Active Member
What is Regenerative Medicine?

Recently I met a scientist who created a company that specializes in 3D printing Cartilage.

At Wake Forest medical center, now Atrium, in North Carolina, the regenerative medicine research labs has become a hub for new medical startups.

An AI response:

Regenerative medicine is a multidisciplinary field of medicine that focuses on developing new approaches to repair, replace, or regenerate damaged or diseased cells, tissues, or organs within the human body. The goal is to restore normal function by stimulating the body's natural healing processes or by introducing biological substitutes.

Key components of regenerative medicine include:

1. **Stem Cells:**

- Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the unique ability to differentiate into various cell types. They play a central role in regenerative medicine, as they can be directed to become specific cell types needed for tissue repair.

2. **Tissue Engineering:**

- Tissue engineering involves creating artificial tissues or organs by combining cells with supportive materials and biochemical factors. These engineered tissues can be used to replace or repair damaged biological structures.

3. **Cell Therapy:**

- Cell therapy involves transplanting or injecting cells into a patient to restore or improve tissue function. This approach can use various cell types, including stem cells or cells that have been genetically modified for therapeutic purposes.

4. **Biomaterials and Scaffolds:**

- Biomaterials and scaffolds provide a supportive framework for cells to grow and organize into functional tissues. These materials can be engineered to mimic the natural environment of tissues and facilitate regeneration.

5. **Gene Therapy:**

- Gene therapy aims to treat or prevent diseases by introducing, removing, or modifying genetic material within a patient's cells. In the context of regenerative medicine, gene therapy can enhance the regenerative capacity of cells.

Applications of regenerative medicine include the treatment of conditions such as:

- **Orthopedic injuries:** Repair of damaged cartilage or bone.

- **Cardiovascular diseases:** Restoration of heart tissue.

- **Neurological disorders:** Repair of nerve tissue.

- **Organ transplantation:** Development of bioengineered organs.

While regenerative medicine holds great promise, it is an evolving field, and many approaches are still in the experimental or early clinical stages. Ongoing research and technological advancements continue to expand the possibilities and applications of regenerative medicine in addressing a wide range of medical challenges.


Temporal Engineer
I wouldn't believe a word of it. We live in a society run by liars.


Active Member
True. Some will exaggerate their research and promise development of new products and technology to obtain significant funding for their projects. That’s with almost any industry. It seems that when there is a true urgency for a solution honesty is found more often. But when the urgency is implied then the truth gets skewed. But even still honesty is not a main characteristic of business or politics it would seem.


Senior Member
Question can i step out of this body order a new one and get refitted ? I can see that coming with some with enough$$$


Active Member
Some aging process factors. From AI:
The aging process is complex and involves various factors, but some key players include senescent cells, mitochondrial dysfunction, and telomere shortening. Senescent cells, which stop dividing and may contribute to inflammation, are one focus of research into aging mechanisms. Mitochondria, responsible for energy production, can experience decline over time. Telomeres, protective caps on chromosomes, naturally shorten with cell division, potentially impacting cell function and lifespan.
