Remote Viewing Predictions for 2016, 2023, 2024, 2029, 2040 and 2100


I don't know who this question about astral travel is directed to. If you are referring to my comment about switching bodies with our counterparts in other realities, I believe it would be like astral travel in the sense that you wouldn't be in your physical body in this reality. However, it wouldn't be like astral travel at all if you were instantaneously drawn into a counterpart. Sometimes people inadvertently find themselves in another's body, even in a different time frame. I know of at least two examples of this inadvertent displacement. Robert Monroe who started the Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia, began having inadvertent astral traveling (OBEs) experiences in the 1950s. He wondered if he was mentally stable. Two of his friends, one a doctor, the other a psychologist reassured him that he was alright. At first it was just his astral body. Then he reached the point that after he left his physical body in his astral body, he went one step further and left behind his astral body, while in his mental body. At some point, as those experiences became more and more elaborate and he gained the ability to consciously astral travel, he inadvertently found himself in another man's body in the 1920s. This is in his books. I went to the Monroe Institute three times several years ago to participate in their activities. I mentioned that incident of Robert Monroe's to one of the facilitators there, who told me of a similar incident in her own life. She suddenly found herself in another woman's body and that lady's husband was looking at her as if something was wrong with her. I had some interesting experiences at the Monroe Institute.


Junior Member
you can't see everything in the future especially when your astrally travelling there. Common sense loses sense of reality and becomes your present. You don't your gone until you get sucked back into your body. I've done this atleast a handful of times. I can relate to this writing. But see, I'm not going to defend anyone so nothing would even occur. I can't even begin to tell you what I've seen. Of course there are the idiot's that think they know better. Because they were all main streamed. I was tutored by one of the greatest minds in the world. Atleast two or three of them. It's not about who's smarter though. It's about if we stick together. If you go in one direction then another event would happen. If more than one people or person's stay together and know the same thing then nothing will occur. Stop debunking. Let the people type away. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two. I've actually gone and had the priviledge to do OBE experiment's. Real Time. My friend's tutored me after I got my asscoiates which taught me nothing. These wizards taught me everything. Self Consciousness as well as Self Awareness. You learn those you can do anything you want.


Junior Member
Nothing between 2016-2023. Oh well.
Those seem to have came true i believe. The 2023, more slick and clean roads…that’s probably a given. 2024-2030…head visors in public I can see…there coming out next year or two with apples new and improved google glass wearables in public with built in internet and augmented reality overlays…of course there will be alot of competition in that area but I see that as something growing exponentially in the 2020s.


Those seem to have came true i believe. The 2023, more slick and clean roads…that’s probably a given. 2024-2030…head visors in public I can see…there coming out next year or two with apples new and improved google glass wearables in public with built in internet and augmented reality overlays…of course there will be alot of competition in that area but I see that as something growing exponentially in the 2020s.

But nothing in between.


Junior Member
Guess what, so far it’s right on track…apples new AR smart glasses coming out In 2023…along with a slew of others similiar already just a bit bulkier (hence covering the entire Vision..oculus quest etc) I’m betting my money on this RV session being pretty close to what’s going to happen.
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